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Entries in blazblue: cs (85)


BB: Summit of Blazblue Series Concludes With GODSGARDEN 7 And Shinjuku Sports Land Team Tournament

Before the upcoming release of the upcoming Blazblue: Chrono Phantasma, Japan's tournament series Summit of Blazblue done qualfiers for spots in two major events for the current version of the game Continuum Shift Extend (latest arcade version of Continuum Shift II).

The first event, GODSGARDEN 7, is a bit different from that of previous iterations where the participatng players had to qualify. GODSGARDEN 7 will broadcast on October 27 and can be seen on Twitch TV. The Shinjuku Sports Land 3v3 Team Tournament will be a much more traditional style than GODSGARDEN including being on arcade setups and team-based character locks and no duplications. The event will happen after GODSGARDEN 7 on October 28.

You can find the full player list after the jump!

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BlazBlue Revolution Finals On March 24, Streamed By Nico Nico Douga

The upcoming finals tournament for BlazBlue Revolution will be occurring next Saturday in Japan along with a stream provided by Nico Nico Douga.

All the qualifiers including the U.S. team featuring Dacidbro will converge in Differ Ariake in Tokyo, Japan for the finals. The venue has been known for holding a majority of the Tougeki ~Super Battle Opera~ tournaments from 2004 up until 2009. The top four teams will be able to score some prize money on behalf of Arc System Works as well as a "special title."

Thanks to Beast Note, BlazBlue Revolution finals has the highest paying prize pot of any Japanese tournament to date. The third place team will get 100,000 yen (~$1,200), second place team gets 300,000 yen (~$3,600), and the top team will get a total of a whopping 1,000,000 yen (~$10,000) and the title of "Blue Revo Ruler."

Unfortunately, the Nico Nico live stream requries a fee to watch. If you are interested in watching, follow Fubarduck's article on how to pay through Nico Nico Douga and go to this link to help get started. Make sure to wake up a bit early on Saturday before NorCal Regionals 10 since the event might be occurring in the night if you live in North America.


BlazBlue Continuum Shift:EX Relius Clover Tutorial By Jourdal Parts 1 and 2

Jourdal has put together another excellent BlazBlue CS:EX tutorial, this time for Relius Clover. This one is broken down into two parts.  Part 1 of the tutorial gives you a look at Relius' normal and special moves.  Part 2 is where it really gets interesting, giving you tricks and tactics for the character including unblockable setups and mixups.  Check out Jourdal's youtube channel for more tutorial videos for other characters.  Thanks to EventHubs for the tip. 

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BBCSEX: Dustloop Helping GODSGARDEN 5 In Restream

For those who are going to watch the GODSGARDEN 5 BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend tournament, Dustloop got the greenlight by the GODSGARDEN crew to restream the tournament for English-speaking viewers.

Conducted by Continuum Shift II EVO 2nd place paticipant Lord Knight and fellow St1ckBuG, they will be providing English commentary in GODSGARDEN's 2nd stream channel on Ustream. St1ckBuG will also be a doing a special prestream before the main event.

Make sure to tune in on Jan. 28 by 2 AM PST when the tournament restream starts. If you want to check the Japanese commentary, check here when it starts.

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BlazBlue: European Limited Edition Of Extend To Feature Exclusive Art Bonus

The European division of Arc System Works will soon be releasing the latest version of BlazBlue Continuum Shift. Along with the new balance updates and new character Relius Clover, there is also the limited edition coming out to both North America and European nations with the latter getting something especially different.

While both regions will recieve the soundtrack CD with new songs by Daisuke Ishiwatari, the European limited edition of Contuum Shift Extend will have an exclusive extra. Provided to European owners is special concept art prints for the BlazBlue games made with Hahnemuhle Torchon paper. The North American version will have a special art book as their bonus.

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BlazBlue Revolution US Qualifiers Now Dated With Venue

For those who have been practicing their BlazBlue skills and prepping their passports, the upcoming qualifiers for BlazBlue Revolution is now set for Feb. 25 at the popular Super Arcade in Walnut, CA.

James Xie of Aksys Games posted on Dustloop regarding information behind the event. Players attending are lucky as it's free to compete. Setups will be on the PlayStation 3 version with the EVO monitor (ASUS VH236H) being used. For the winner of the team tournament, they will go to Japan with all accomodations paid including flight and hotel. The stream will be handled by Level|Up on Twitch.tv and there will be plans to have a restream officially available on Japanese streaming site Nico Nico Douga.

For more specific information behind the event, check it after the jump!

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A New Character Joins the Roster for the Playstation Vita Version of BlazBlue: Continuum Shift 2 Plus: Relius Clover

BlazBlue Continuum Shift 2 Plus, being developed for the Playstation Vita portable, will have a new character joining the roster!  The character's name is Relius Clover, and he is the father of Carl Clover.  Like his son, Relius will use dolls as well.  It is unknown how the gameplay styles of the two characters will diverge, but they will.  There is also no word on whether this character will be added to the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 versions of the game.  We will keep you posted.

The scan comes from Famitsu via Dustloop.  For a bit more info, visit Dustloop. Full image inside.

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E3: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II Coming to PlayStation Vita

It looks like PlayStation Vita will be good to all of us fighting game fans. Yesterday we had the reveal of Street Fighter X Tekken on Sony's new handheld, and today we have confirmation from Aksys that BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II is inbound as well.

The title is currently being called BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II Plus, but that's all subject to change because the title is still in early development. In fact, it's so early in development that we don't know much about the game, other than it's coming out.

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BBCS: Platinum Combos!

People have been waiting for new character action, and if you want a crisp look at how the latest character works in the new Blazblue Continuum Shift update, check it out! If you are thinking of maining or subbing Platinum, make sure you know where to go for the best info! Dustloop Forums always is on top of things when it comes to all things Guilty Gear, and Blazblue, so swing by their forums for all of your new BBCS2 needs! 

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5/13 IPW BBCS2 Tourney: Hype Dog Approves

Here at Iplaywinner, we're kicking things off with a surprise. The first Blazblue CS2 tourney--streamed! Several Norcal names will be in attendance, such as Mystic D, Spirit Juice, Dacidbro, and Coopa. We will be starting at 4pm PST and playing non-stop 'til the late morning, so drop on by to get a first impression of the patched game.

If you are within the area, please refer to the thread on Dustloop if you wish to attend.

Do not actually bring dogs into the venue. Thank you.



BBCS2: Bugs and Glitches Video

This refers to the console release, not necessarily the arcade edition. Thanks to Jourdal for providing me this video.

Upon first examination, some of these glitches could be critical in tournament or online play. For instance, Bang not wallbouncing after double palm thrust near the corner cuts off his damage options. In fact, most of the issues seems to be revolving around wallbounces for corner damage, a now staple change to BBCS2's gameplay and momentum.

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Blazblue Continuum Shift: Platinum Console Trailer!

Update: To clarify, the American release for BBCS2 (and Platinum) is today on Xbox 360. No official word just yet on when it's due out for PS3. -Kumo

As the Blazblue Continuum Shift 2 date lurks closer and closer, Arc System Works continues to tease us with Platinum gameplay! Date release is vague for America, as the dates in the trailer may be for Japanese consoles only. On top of that, with the PSN network being down, the release date is now even more hazy. With the announcement that the PSN network will be in semi-running condition (Online gaming will be revived, but the store down), people are forseeing that the BBCS2 update will be successful, but access to Platinum the Trinity will not be. What do you guys think?

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BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II Japanese Console Release Date Revealed & More

Have you been wondering when you'd finally get the chance to play Platinum the Trinity in BB:CS? Well, you're probably not alone considering news on the character has been pretty slim --  until now, that is! Kurushii sent over a tip just now about the upcoming console release date for BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II.  The two major additions for this patch are the inclusion of Platinum and bringing the balance of the console version up to date with the arcade version. They are also apparently fixing a few bugs and updating the netcode as well. You can read about all the changes by clicking here.

Keep in mind this is the Japanese release date for the patch, though hopefully the release date for North America won't be that far off. If the price for the update is kept the same for each region, it looks like it will cost roughly 10 dollars to acquire the patch. 

JP 360 Release date for Platinum DLC + v1.03: 5/10 (560points)
JP PS3 Release date for Platinum DLC + v1.03: 5/12 (800yen)


Super Street Fighter IV: AE, BlazBlue: CS II Mooks by Arcadia Magazine Now Available

If you can read Japanese and play either Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition or BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II, you might be interested to know that the 'mooks' for both titles are now available for purchase over on Ebten. If you're interested in the SSFIV: AE mook, you can hit up this link, and if you're interested in the BB: CS II one, you can head here.

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BBCS: Valkenhayn Combos!

Ever picked up the wolf before? Check out these sick combos by OrionXElite after the jump and see if Valkenhayn R. Hellsing is your style! Valkenhayn is a character who switches between wolf and human transformations mid-combo, and demolishes their HP. To learn more about the beast, check out the Valkenhayn forums on dustloop!

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New Screenshots for PSP Version of Blazblue: Continuum Shift 2 

A new batch of screenshots has been released (via AndriaSang) for the upcoming PSP version of BlazBlue: Continuum Shift 2.  The game will feature all the modes that you would expect in a fighting game plus the Legion Mode from previous handheld versions as well as a new Abyss Mode, where you make your way down various levels of Kagutsuchi, defeating foes and powering up your character along the way.

Check out the screenshots after the jump!

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BlazBlue: Continuum Shift 2 Opening Movie

The opening movie for BlazBlue: Continuum Shift 2 has made its way online courtesy of jourdal.  For those who don't know, CS2 is the name given to the latest update of the arcade version which features balance changes as well as the characters which are being made available via downloadable content on the home version.

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Blazblue: Continuum Shift: European Release Date Confirmation and Fan Edition Update

The European release date for BlazBlue: Continuum Shift has been set for December 3rd.  The news came today in the form of an announcement on the official BlazBlue Facebook page.  It also stated that those who have pre-ordered the Fans Edition will receive an exclusive limited edition Taokaka mouse mat as a thank you for continued support and patience. There are still a very few copies of the Fan Edition available due to some cancellations, so if you'd like to pick that up visit the Zen United Store.

Read on for the full announcement, a larger picture of the Fans Edition's contents and a rundown of what it includes.

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Socal Regionals: The Hype is Only Starting!

Socal Regionals may be over, but the hype continues!!! TheBBVlog brings you back on consistent pool play uploads with golden commentary to get you rollin on the bracket matches!

We also have exclusive content of more iPlayWinner BlazBlue character combos, iPlayWinner interviews, and MikeZ special setups! With players like Dacidbro, CopperDabbit, Zong_One, Render, MikeZ, Tubazo, and even the japanese Akuma player Tokido, you can't miss out on the action about to ensue!

Blazblue action after the jump!

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New BlazBlue: CS Tier List from DustLoop.com

Click for Full Size ImageIMNEXTONLINE pointed out that a new tier list for BlazBlue: Continuum Shift was posted on DustLoop.com by worldjem7. This one adds Makoto into the mix and there is a bit of movement in the rankings with the characters who were included in the original tier list -- you'll see Hazama made a bit of a jump. 

What do you guys think? Does this tier list look mostly correct or do you feel a few of the characters should be higher or lower? Sound off in the comments and let us know!