« BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II Japanese Console Release Date Revealed & More »
Have you been wondering when you'd finally get the chance to play Platinum the Trinity in BB:CS? Well, you're probably not alone considering news on the character has been pretty slim -- until now, that is! Kurushii sent over a tip just now about the upcoming console release date for BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II. The two major additions for this patch are the inclusion of Platinum and bringing the balance of the console version up to date with the arcade version. They are also apparently fixing a few bugs and updating the netcode as well. You can read about all the changes by clicking here.
Keep in mind this is the Japanese release date for the patch, though hopefully the release date for North America won't be that far off. If the price for the update is kept the same for each region, it looks like it will cost roughly 10 dollars to acquire the patch.
JP 360 Release date for Platinum DLC + v1.03: 5/10 (560points)
JP PS3 Release date for Platinum DLC + v1.03: 5/12 (800yen)
Reader Comments (32)
Finally! :)
Well im good i was pretty disappointed with blazblue as a whole and continuum shift was probably the last in the entry for me. On top of that way over priced DLC characters didnt help either especially when games like SSFIV added a lot more characters.
I loved the guilty gear games but im disappointed with blazblue. Besides ive never ran into a single character online as much as ive run into ragna. I want a new guilty gear and id rather have a accent core with online play then another updated version of blazblue.
I actually stopped playing CS1 because of how different Hazama is in CS2. Can't wait to get my animu fightans back on.
Finally. I been waithing for this patch or at least the news. Still love the game and i'll definately be getting this dlc day 1.
The second best part about this dlc is that they are improving the netcode.
Fuck yeah!
>implying each added ssf4 character took as much effort to make when they were simply created based on their previous incarnations
>implying each ssf4 character has as much depth/difference. Yo, I heard call of duty has more guns than SSF4 has characters. More content, right?
>implying it is hard to get 7+ hours of mastery out of a bb character or that a fighting game character is worth less than a fast food meal
Stay free. I'll stay hype.
Yes! The day for trolling with lolis comes close!
Anyone know what they mean by Valkenhyn gets additional experience in the 360 version? Was there something missing with him during the 360 launch?
There was an issue with Valkenhynes achievements. It just means that this is fixed.
And gets additional achievements to make up for it. Forgot to include this part.
Good stuff, although I was hoping makoto, vak and plat would get story mode stuff.
OMG! Finally! But I'm gonna wait. TAKE YOUR TIME Arc System Works! Kudasai.Take your time getting the netcode in place and etc. I can't wait to play as her though.
I'm guessing the U.S wont get this until June, July, or August and God I hope I'm wrong. I'm so excited.
Kind of sad Abyss mode and all the other extras from the handheld versions aren't included in the patch. They're pretty fun for singleplayer content, even the newer legion mode.
Its so epicly hilarious that as much as I love all fighting games including the news , when MORTAL KOMBAT started to dominate the charts... now ALL OF SUDDEN we are getting all of this DLC from Arc System Works, Capcom, and i'm just excited and laughing. Mortal kombat is dominating! Thats epic!!!
^Not really. The CS2 patch always had a Spring 2011 release date. The timing of this news might be a bit close to MK's release, but I doubt ASW pays any attention to MK. AE was announced this week because Capcom has their annual Captivate event at this time of the year, so it's purely coincidence.
Wait what? MK is dominating? Is this guy serious? Its getting some hype but its gonna need to prove itself first before it dominates anything. I'm excited for MK and was excited for MvC3, but currently Blazblue and SSF4 is still the best fighters IMO so i'm alittle more excited for AE and CS2.
@FERSH Implying that the cast of blazblue werent based off of previous incarnations from guilty gear. Your comparsion to COD is stupid I mean how do you compare a shooter to a fighting game in terms of gameplay?
People have there own opinions maybe you shouldnt take them so personal i hate to see how upset you get when somehting actually worth getting mad at happens. There were lots of blazblue fans that felt the DLC characters were over priced.
Stay over hyped i wont.
They were based off of GG but they are still unique to deny them that is just plain stupid, where as Yun Yang and the new characters in SSF4 aside from Juri and Hakan they were just their Alpha/turbo/III selves boosted up to SF4 game engine. Personally I love both games and btw has anyone seen the DLC price for MvC3 5 dollars really?!?! For one character? Come on. Not even the 4 characters in AE are priced that high.
All in all I am hyped for this cause I have been wanting BBCS2 for awhile now. Gotta get back into it
Word. I have no clue what homeboy was talking about..lol COD SSF4???
I was hyped for CS2...last year. If ver. 1.03 (i.e. a balance update) of the game isn't available separately from the Platinum DLC for free then it is going to take something truly spectacular for me to ever support ASW in the future. (over)Paying for new content is fine. Paying for a balance update to existing content is bullshit.
i guess your not gonna get the SSF4 AE update then are you because your definately not getting the AE ballance without buying it? Oh wait they have a SSF4 AE disc release so its ok because its a brand new game right?
Me personally if ASW announced a disc release i will get the disc release instead of getting the update patch even though i already bought makoto and valk.
Unreleased fighting games don't dominate shit. Think first. Talk on the 'nets later.
Also, the last character I'd ever want to play as in a fighting game is a retarded troll with a heart shaped wand. WTF? That's supposed to be the CSII update's selling point. FML.
So is the DLC going to include all the DLC characters or just this loli?
I doubt this patch will do much to get people playing BB again, what with MvC3 dominating the scene, and SSF4 AE DLC just months away.
BB is just a poor mans fighting game no matter how you look at it.
Weeaboos gonna' boo.
Aspie harder kids.
This patch will get me playing BB against just as much as AE will get me playing SSF4 again. I basically stopped playing both of those games when the arcade versions came out.
No. It'll have the same effect as AE will on SSF4, just to a lesser extent as, yes, it's a less popular series overall, obviously, it's up against fucking Street Fighter!
MvC3 isn't exactly DOMINATING the scene anymore either, especially since AE DLC was confirmed. People are slowly starting to realize it's a pretty sub-par game overall and heading back to BB/SF.
I know I for one will still be taking SF more seriously, but I'll definitely be putting some time into BB again when this drops. I've almost completely dropped MvC3 at this point.
Ark freaking said Spring, March 21 hits and no damn word until now. I really like the fact this gets released 11 days prior to summer.
http://blog.us.playstation.com/2011/04/15/blazblue-continuum-shift-patch-for-ps3-and-blazblue-continuum-shift-ii-on-psp-this-may/ <- According to the PS Blog, Aksys Games is bringing over that patch next month to the PS3 (and I'm guessing the 360 also), and the balance patch will be free.
BlazBlue is back with a vengeance apparently, as Aksys revealed they'll be releasing CSII portable here on 5/31
Most of the fanbase and tourney players don't care about the portable version. Portable versions is not gonna revive the scene.
shit game for shit people