« BBCS2: Bugs and Glitches Video »
This refers to the console release, not necessarily the arcade edition. Thanks to Jourdal for providing me this video.
Upon first examination, some of these glitches could be critical in tournament or online play. For instance, Bang not wallbouncing after double palm thrust near the corner cuts off his damage options. In fact, most of the issues seems to be revolving around wallbounces for corner damage, a now staple change to BBCS2's gameplay and momentum.
On the other hand, glitches like Tsubaki and Litchi orb spamming (near the end) seem fairly harmless, although if you make your Xbox 360 crash, don't blame me. So based on what you're seeing here, what are your opinions thus far? Glitches that need to be patched ASAP or forgiveable mistakes?
A list of the translated glitches discovered by Hima can be found here. Thank you to rtl42 for the translation.
Reader Comments (25)
These bugs affect only top-tier tourney characters, so i'm not really bothered by them *goes back to playing Tager*
1st Prize announced for next BBCS2 Major. Paper Burger King crown covered in 10 year old animu gurl uguu~ stickers, and the title of "KING ASPIE 2011"
Terrible game designed for terrible people.
Why not just go see a therapist and get diagnosed/treated? You can't possibly enjoy just being able to hold a conversation with other mouth-breathing, aspie spewing, repulsive weeaboo life-rejects can you?
Fucking Disgusting.
^ the hate is strong on this one
To that anon poster:
I don't entirely understand why you're angry about BlazBlue, but I'm certainly impressed by the amount of hate you have for it.
this game.........its not even considered a major game.ugghhgghghhgghghg
ummm this game is at evo, so i'm going to call it a major game
You may/may not want to watch this video regarding 1.03 Tager http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc-0mFGq5gc
it was realy? won't be this year this game sucks donky dick and there is no one outside of japan that plas it.it takes !0 friggin minutes to find a rank match
If you look at the registration page for EVO 2011, you will notice that, while it is dead last in the list (not surprising, considering what happened last year), BlazBlue will be one of the games at this year's EVO.
And, unless I missed news about it or it just wasn't announced, EVO is switching to Continuum Shift 2.
http://evo2k.com/?page_id=850 <here's the registration page, in case you need proof.
@ i hate anime
How can you hate anime? everyone likes at-east one series
I check back in to see if any weebs' have seen the light, only to find out see the aspie runs deeper then I thought here.
1 kid using his incredible detective work to say that I "hate"
1 Aspie weeaboo using his not-so-incredible detective work to draw the conclusion I just hate blazblu, and not the player base (Mc-fucking kill yourself you retarded retard).
A couple of aspies who can't form a correct sentence structure to save their lives.
The rest of the basement dwellers are left to argue about if Blazblue is a "major" game, followed with having to prove it's at Evo (O.
Conclude that with a full-blown autistic kid in complete disbelief that someone could possibly not enjoy even 1 anime.
Oh iPLAYWINNER's weeaboo articles. You never fail to deliver the assburgers and entertainment. Not even once.
Just because a game has anime art, it does not purport the idea that this is "terrible game designed for terrible people". Go cry back to your SF where there are no anime art or those ninjas or those cutesy school girls, or hell, even those girls with skimpy outfits, (with a DLC catgirl outfit). Oh, wait.
Also, if you hate "iPlaywinner's weeaboo articles" so much, just hang out at Eventhubs and spread more hate over there. Iplaywinner is special b/c it covers less popular fighters like BB, GG, and KoF. (I check both sites daily, mind you)
With your blind hatred, might you be suffering from a case of hypocritical bigotry?
no, he's just a douche. if yo udon't like something, you shouldn't go around lambasting the people that do. or he's a troll :/
Obvious troll is obvious...
Blazblue is necessary @ EVO like the 7th inning stretch is important in baseball. Gives people a chance to go get some food/beer and get ready for SSF4 Finals. Btw anon, your post made my dick hard.
I see that the trolls from other sites are starting to migrate here, i also see you dont know the meaning of weeaboo do you, also dont complain about BB having anime art when its obvious as hell that most other fighters like SF and tekken are full of anime designs and tropes
dont be Haters
On the glitches issue, those need to be patched ASAP
I see 4channer found iplaywinner.
Okay first off the only reason blaz isn't popular in America or guilty gear for that matter is because western gamers are fucking terrible at fighters with complex systems so seriously stop bitching because all you want to do is spam shoryukens in street fighter
and to the moron bitching about finding matches that's what the patch was for you twat
i havent been on BB yet but when i download the patch today, hopefully the ps3 version doesn't have this problem.
to all the blazblue nut huggers go to dustloop.and for the record ive actually watched a couple animes,played blazblue on more then 30 occasions(even practiced iron tager for months) oh and "pasty white" for the record i play guy in ssf4 so i hate dps as well.and EVO needs blazblue? there was a bigger draw to tvc last year then at any local blazweeaboo toruney.and wesley snipes u are a god among men 2nd anon dude you tel me a site that approves of any anime style game(other then gg and melty blood,i actually enjoy em both).
Haters gonna hate
You see theres nothing wrong with Blaz sf Mk mvc cvs or kof but you stupid fucking fan boys like to dick ride capcom like no other the other games that show up at evo aren't as popular because they dont have many recognizable pros like sf does people who are good at sf get more publicity which is why the game and its players are popular just cause a game isnt getting its recognition doesnt make it bad just less popular ohh and "I Hate Anime" guys not impressive try carl, gen, or lei wuluong, and tager just a circle grab spam
Quit feeding the troll guys. Maybe he'll go back under the bridge.