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« New Screenshots for PSP Version of Blazblue: Continuum Shift 2  »

A new batch of screenshots has been released (via AndriaSang) for the upcoming PSP version of BlazBlue: Continuum Shift 2.  The game will feature all the modes that you would expect in a fighting game plus the Legion Mode from previous handheld versions as well as a new Abyss Mode, where you make your way down various levels of Kagutsuchi, defeating foes and powering up your character along the way.






Images from Japanese version. For about 10 more screenshots hit the AndriaSang link above.

What do you think? Will you buy?

Reader Comments (2)

I play these games on my PSP when I'm waiting at an appointment. For me, this is a must have!

I know one thing. Aksys could have just dumped the console version modes onto the handheld versions and nobody would hit them for it, but they keep adding these neat little modes. Great work, Aksys!

February 1, 2011 | Registered CommenterFuriousRGD

After playing the first one on the psp i'm not interested in it. The D-pad on the psp i seperated alittle to far for me to move properly and my anolog is messed up and would randomly cause me to jump, duck, move forward or backward during a match. This last problem also causes me to die alot while playing prinny 2.

February 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commenternobody
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