« Blazblue: Continuum Shift: European Release Date Confirmation and Fan Edition Update »
The European release date for BlazBlue: Continuum Shift has been set for December 3rd. The news came today in the form of an announcement on the official BlazBlue Facebook page. It also stated that those who have pre-ordered the Fans Edition will receive an exclusive limited edition Taokaka mouse mat as a thank you for continued support and patience. There are still a very few copies of the Fan Edition available due to some cancellations, so if you'd like to pick that up visit the Zen United Store.
As many of you are aware BlazBlue: Continuum Shift has been pushed back to the 3rd of December. In keeping with our promise, we’re updating you guys on the events surrounding this delay.
As we reported last week, we finally resolved the issue that was delaying the game and BlazBlue: Continuum Shift finally went into production. Unfortunately, once this process of (manufacture, shipping etc) of the game has begun, we are unable to control exactly when the game is actually released into stores – as much as we’d like to.
We do completely understand your annoyance with the delay. So to say thanks for your continued support and patience surrounding the release, we’ve decided to reward those who have been awaiting their Fans Edition with a bonus gift – an exclusive, Limited Edition Taokaka mouse mat.
Created specifically for BlazBlue’s most supportive fans, this bonus gift will be shipped out along with the Fans Edition when the game is released.
For those who missed out on the Fans Edition first time around, due to some cancellations, there will be a VERY limited number of Fans Edition available to buy from the Zen Store (http://store.blazbluegame.com/) for £54.99
The Fans Edition Contains;
• The limited Edition version of BlazBlue Continuum Shift
• Noel Vermillion Nendoroid Figurine from Japan
• Limited Edition Alvin Lee Art Print
• Makoto Nanaya DLC
• Exclusive Limited Edition Taokaka mouse matt
Please note that the 360 Fans Edition is Sold Out. Fans Edition is ONLY AVAILABLE ON PS3.
Reader Comments (8)
Still can't believe they approved that awful art on the right.
Also, I hear you can get makoto for free if you preorder in france or something.
First October, then "mid November" and now this. Not impressed.
I cancelled my 360 fan edition a few weeks go. I was able to reserve a copy of the limited edition for about £18, so stayed with that.
Ill believe it when I see it...
Does anyone know what the Makoto Nanaya DLC is?
duckmouth: You'd have to buy her as a dlc otherwise.
Thanks Hope. I have the Limited Edition ordered from Zavvi for £17.99. Hope it's good!
blazbluue 3 here comes a new characters reginald danny francis monogram linda lawrence vivian and emily kinney