« 5/13 IPW BBCS2 Tourney: Hype Dog Approves »
Here at Iplaywinner, we're kicking things off with a surprise. The first Blazblue CS2 tourney--streamed! Several Norcal names will be in attendance, such as Mystic D, Spirit Juice, Dacidbro, and Coopa. We will be starting at 4pm PST and playing non-stop 'til the late morning, so drop on by to get a first impression of the patched game.
If you are within the area, please refer to the thread on Dustloop if you wish to attend.
Do not actually bring dogs into the venue. Thank you.
Reader Comments (4)
That's awesome.
Wondering how you guys feel about the patch and how well you've adapted to the changes.
Sweet. Good to see some coverage for this game. I've missed it with all the MVC3 and MK streams everywhere.
great. I'll be sure to watch the stream.
Looking forward to see this.