« Ask Capcom: Blind Select Ultras in Super Street Fighter 4 »
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I was wondering Seth how the blind select ultras will work. I'm a little bit skeptical of it, because I don't think it's necessarry. The purpose of these new ultras are for players to adapt to a play style of their liking, making them blind sort of disputes that. Will that apply to player matches as well? I think that only the character select should be blind and you get to select your ultra after you see what character your opponent picked.
Seth Killian's Reply:
I hear where you're coming from, but blind-select means just that--you choose your stuff and go into the match blind. No forewarning about who you're up against, or what Ultra they're using.
If blind-select is not your cup of tea, try player matches, or head to the "Endless Battle" mode with some friends (aka "lobbies").