« Super Street Fighter 4 Rings In the Return of EGM »
EGM and Street Fighter have had a great relationship over the years, until it all ended with the magazine's cancellation. In fact, the very last issue of EGM, which never reached newsstands, had Street Fighter 4 on its cover.
As you probably know, EGM is returning to mailboxes and newsstands very soon in a monthly magazine form and online in a weekly interactive publication dubbed EGM[i].
Today, they unveiled the two collectible Ken and Ryu print covers for the comeback issue. It features a Street Fighter franchise retrospective with comments from influential people throughout the industry, as well as a look at Super Street Fighter IV.
Also, if you want to check out the "lost" issue of EGM featuring Street Fighter IV, head over to this link and subscribe.
Source: Capcom Unity