« Midwest Championships 2010 Recap by Otaku USA Magazine Website »

Photo courtesy of Otaku USA MagazineThe official website of Otaku USA Magazine has put up a very nice article expressing their experience at the recently concluded Midwest Championship. It's rare that we see articles like this which recap our community's major events and give detailed impressions, so be sure to check it out.
Here's an excerpt:
The Midwest Championship could best be described as the gateway to the summer tournament season, a road that ends at Evolution—the Super Bowl/Wrestlemania/Daytona 500 for fighting game enthusiasts worldwide. Having been held years prior at the Nickel City arcade in Chicago, IL, this year's MWC was held in Northbrook, IL at the Crown Plaza Hotel. It was thought to be larger than the previous venue, but this preconception was shattered almost instantly thanks to the 350 people that appeared to play. The space was initially planned for 200-250 attendees so staff had their hands full trying to keep up with match reports and maneuvering through the crowd. Adding to the chaos, there were problems with Tonamento, the online bracketing system that notifies players via cell phone of their matches starting. Certain wireless networks were unable to receive signals inside the building, rendering it useless unless you had a working smart phone to see the brackets. This also meant that you couldn't really leave the ballroom for extended periods of time lest you risk missing your match. This all made the atmosphere hectic, slightly claustrophobic, yet fun.
Hit the source link below for more.