

Some new info on Marvel vs Capcom 3 hit the web recently, with producer Ryota Niitsuma commenting on a handful of different aspects of the game. One of the more prominent issues across the board is including fan favorite characters, but also having to run everything by Marvel to get the go ahead to put them in the game. Keep in mind at this point, the final character roster is locked down so writing a 3 page essay on why your favorite character should be in the game will have little affect on the final product. That said, he doesn't rule out the possibility of these characters showing up via DLC

Also, this is a question from the VideoGamer.com interview that I find particularly interesting considering it's something I wonder about myself:

Q: One last question then: do you think that the fighting genre is reaching a point of saturation - there are a lot of games out there now - or do you think the genre will keep going from strength to strength?

RN: Obviously we don't want to saturate the market, but then you don't want leave too much time between titles as people might start forgetting about it. We want to find a balance of releasing something now and then just to keep everything going, and we do think it's going to keep going from strength to strength.

Lastly, this is a question from the Spong interview, and maybe it's just me, but the Capcom PR response is hilarious -- check it out:

SPOnG: Do you think Daigo will come along and master Marvel vs Capcom 3 as he has with various Street Fighter titles?

Ryota Niitsuma: Well, Daigo's quite good at Street Fighter, but when it comes to the 'Versus' franchise there tends to be better people in the States. So perhaps he would have a hard time fighting off those people (laughs).

Capcom PR's Fighting Game Expert: Daigo has excellent Yomi skills, so his speciality is to read the opponent. It is generally accepted that there are people who have better technical skills than he does. His match-reading ability is so powerful that it overcomes all opponents.

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