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Entries in Marvel vs Capcom 3 (511)


Dates, game list for KSB 2017 announced

The time, place and lineup of games that will be played at KVO x TSB 2017 have been announced.

Pokkén Tournament, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, BlazBlue Central Fiction, Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator-, The King of Fighters XIV, Fate/unlimited Codes, Koihime Enbu, Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U round out the list of titles that will be played during the event held from May 4-6, 2017.

KSB 2017 will again be held at Misono Universe in Osaka, Japan. St1ckbug plans to update his website with more information for English-speaking players looking to attend the event, but in the meantime interested parties can ask him or Brett questions on Twitter.


Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 now available for PS4

After disappearing from online distribution three years ago, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is back for download.

First released in 2011, UMvC3 was an updated version of Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds that made teams like MorriDoom and Zero May Cry into familiar names among competitive players.

UMvC3 returns with all downloadable content, including Shuma-Gorath and Jill Valentine, for the price of $24.99. The title is currently available for PlayStation 4 and will be coming to Xbox One and PC sometime in March 2017. Check out the trailer after the jump.

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Ultimate Marvel 3 Switch Glitch Helps Prevent "Happy Birthdays"

The ability to switch the order of one's team in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 before the match started by holding assist buttons was seemingly just a throwback to the days of Marvel 2, but players have discovered it can be more beneficial than first thought.

Fubarduck, translating for Cross, said the switch glitch can actually be used to protect characters during instances where more than one member of a team is caught on screen and comboed. The glitch will cause the assist to get hit first by certain moves, allowing the point character to escape the combo.

"You'll trigger a state in which your assist takes damage before your main if they get hit simultaneously. This is especially noticeable when eating throws and 'lock on' moves. For throws, the assist will eat the throw state, so Zero won't get thrown. During lock-on moves, the assist will take the damage rather than Zero."

The glitch has seemingly only been found on Xbox 360, and "Slot 1 can be protected by Slot 2, Slot 2 can't be protected by either, and 3 can be protected by both 1&2." It's unclear at this point exactly which moves are affected by the glitch, but players are beginning to experiment with it and hopefully a more full explanation will be uncovered soon.


Curleh Mustache NorCal, July 5, 2014

Today, TeamSpooky revealed the next edition of the Curleh Mustache series of tournaments. Curleh Mustache NorCal is coming live from San Francisco on July 5, 2014, at Venue 550.

The invite list for the event is still pending but given the date of the tournament, Curleh will be the last chance for West Coast players to seriously practice before Evolution 2014. Curleh Mustache NorCal will be brought to viewers by IPLAYWINNER, TeamSpooky, Brokentier and ten/o LLC with streaming live on Twitch.tv/teamsp00ky.

More information on the event will be made available in the coming days and weeks.


Capcom Berserker Slashing Marvel vs Capcom DLC Prices on PSN

Capcom announced today that they will be running a huge sale for all Marvel vs Capcom digital content on PSN through January 10th, offering major discounts on MVC2 and MVC3 DLC characters and costumes. Keep in mind the MVC3 DLC characters and costumes transfer over to Ultimate MVC3 as well so if you still haven't picked up Jill or Shuma, now is your chance.

Hit the jump to see the discounts!

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Official Evo Moment #51, Clutch!

A brand new EVO Moment is now live on the EVO2K Vids channel featuring the amazing comeback by PR Rog's Tron versus Viscant's Phoenix and Haggar in MVC3! This was one of the most clutch moments of the tournament as the title suggests as it reset the entire bracket for Grand Finals. 

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MVC3: Zero Damage Video by Combonauts Doesn't Miss a Beat

While we've seen some amazing combo videos and CG trailers sending off MVC3 and ushering in Ultimate, I have to say this Zero Damage video by Combonauts is probably the best way to say farewell to Vanilla. This video starts off crazy enough as it is but the ending will blow your mind, featuring glitches that would probably even make Desk envious. 

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MVC3: The LAST Last Hurrah by Caj814

The third and final part of Caj814's MVC3 combo video series, The Last Hurrah, was released just before its ultimate replacement arrives. Among its many highlights are an absolutely brutal Dormammu combo and the Mayor of Earth putting She-Hulk into a seemingly endless spin cycle.

Even if Ultimate is a worthy successor, videos like this make me miss MVC3 already. Check it out after the break!

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MVC3: Skrull Stars in Desk's Final Penultimate Marvel Combo

Desk has this to say about his final MVC3 combo video:

2x Sent assist, 4x Inferno, 10x awesome

Is there any better way for MVC3 to go down in flames? I also can't help but notice that the video is tagged "RIP." Is Desk trying to tell us something from beyond the grave?

Check it out after the break and bid adieu to Desk MVC3 combos!

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MVC3: Chris Redfield Fills Iron Man Full of Lead in Standout Combo

Murphagator released a new Chris combo video in which a hefty amount of lead gets ingested by Iron Man in a single combo.

With six in the clip and one in the hole, Chris is about to make some bodies turn cold... after the break!

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MVC3: Desk Falls in Love with Super Skrull

Call it Night of the Living Desk. The most godlike cadaver in fighting games continues to deliver, releasing a post-mortem combo video for Super Skrull and vowing to play him more in UMVC3. He manually executes several reps of the extremely difficult air tenderizer loop, but deems it too tough to rely on in a match.

Check out the video after the break and let us know if you are looking forward to seeing more Skrull in Ultimate!

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Now You Know: UNvC2 Champion Hi Im Nastyy Has the Super-est Skrull

Hi Im Nastyy, the champion of last night's second Ultimate Norcal Vs. Capcom tournament may have been an unknown to some. An active member on Capcom-Unity, Nastyy has been perfecting Skrull technology since MVC3's launch. Not only that, but he's been generously sharing his findings on YouTube. Subscribe to his channel and follow him on Twitter for the latest Kl'rt breakthroughs, since he's only gotten better in Ultimate.

Check after the break for a sampling of his work, including a comprehensive guide to Skrull (for MVC3, though most or all of it applies in UMVC3) and combo videos!

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MVC3: "Why We Hate You" Takes the Red Pill

FingerCramp and Jago are back with another episode of Why We Hate You. The show begins with an interview with the fictional Keth Sillian of Clapcom giving jaded, jive-talk responses to Andre's questions about MVC3 design decisions. Jago then welcomes Chris "Matrix" to the show for a first-to-10 set, followed by the usual strategy discussion and psychotherapy session.

Check it out after the break!

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MVC3: Spencer Snapback Combos from Desk

Desk just released a quick vanilla MVC3 video before Ultimate drops featuring a few combos full of snapbacks with Spencer. Of course, what's a Spencer combo video with a bunch of Bionic Arm's but what's up with that Japanese voice over? Doesn't really bring the hype like the English VA! Check out the full video after the break!

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MVC3: Desk Combines Three Glitches in One Combo, Triple-Breaks the Game

Desk posted a new combo that was cut from an upcoming MVC3 "lifetime" combo video. The notorious game-breaker combines the Trish Peekaboo glitch, the Trish/Shuma assist glitch, and a combo counter glitch all in a single combo.

Look at the results after the break!

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This is the Best Marvel vs Capcom 3 Team Tournament You'll Ever See

Top 8 EVO placers. Instant Replay. Player highlight reels. Bracket resets. Magneto's Pimp Hand of Justice. The Marvel vs Capcom 3 Team tournament Top 4 at Dromstruction literally has everything you would want in a MVC3 tournament. I know, I am a little biased but at the same time I sit on my ass and watch endless matches week by week and these were seriously some of the best I've seen in a while.

You can find more Dromstruction replays on our YouTube Channel with Top 8 for both SSF4: AE and MVC3 coming very soon! In the mean time, check out the MVC3 teams finals below!

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Why We Hate You: Even Little Kids Know That Jago's a Fraud

In FingerCramp's latest episode of Why We Hate You, Andre welcomes the 12-year-old LB Winrich and exceptional '09er RayRay to the fray. With Andre hurling insults at them from the peanut gallery, the two guests face off in a first-to-ten. Then, the players analyze their respective teams. Learn how RayRay makes you feel pinned down anywhere on screen and how Winrich tries to overwhelm the opponent outright.

Check out the video after the break!

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MVC3: Rogueyoshi's Quicksilver Glitch Stops Time, Gets Banned on the Spot

At Saturday's inaugural Curleh Mustache series, there were murmurs of a secret glitch, called Quicksilver, that Rogueyoshi had up his sleeve. He was able to pull it off mid-match against Chris G, and Chris G played the match out. Yipes, however, banned the glitch for all subsequent matches. So what is the Quicksilver glitch? The short explanation is that Dante can move infinitely during the THC startup freeze, so long as he never returns to a neutral state. He can do so by constantly bold-canceling moves into one another. All the while, the opponent cannot move and will either be stuck getting hit or taking block damage.

For a detailed explanation, check out Roguyoshi's post at SRK. For video of the glitch check after the break for tournament footage and another example by 10stars.

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MVC3: "Tartarus" Combo Video Pairs Darkstalkers with a Persona Theme

HsienJo777 posted an epic, 13-minute combo video featuring Morrigan, Felicia, and Hsien-Ko. The strange Persona theme running throughout the video actually works quite well and sets it apart from your run-of-the-mill combo video. The combos themselves are also really nice: there's some sweet mid-combo tagging, a ton of lengthy TAC juggles, and a 209-hit coup de grace.

Check out the entire video after the break!

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MvC2 Vet Crizzle Lights it Up With C. Viper In SSF4: AE at Starbase Arcade Ranking Battles 1.2 - Results & Replays

While MvC3 is usually the game that brings all the hype at Starbase on Wednesdays, last night SSF4: AE was the game that got people out of their seats! With Harrison's Cody running through the brackets taking out coL. CC. F. Champs Dhalsim, it came down to the wire in one hell of a set versus Crizzle's C. Viper.


While coL. CC. F. Champ had to settle for third in SSF4: AE, he was back in form when it came to MVC3, taking the entire tournament! Check out the full results, current standings and replays after the break!

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