« GYT Launches new sister site - FightingGameStats.com »

Click for the original article.Glenn over at Get Your Tournament has announced the launching of a new site as a part of his network.
GYT has covered many of the major matches for 2010 and taken detailed analysis, to the point of breaking down even the most minute of stats. If you've never been to the site before, now is a great time to check it out. Although currently the amount of data listed is limited, I am very excited to see the site grow into a great database for things like player versus player records, combo success rates, and even the more obscure stats that while seemingly useless at first glance, could prove to be very important (See: Don't save your EX for a rainy day!)
So what do you guys think about statistical analysis of fighting games? Useless mumbo jumbo or important characterizations of your favorite players? Comment and let us know!