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« Stream Monsters' Ball: Canada Cup is This Weekend! Schedule, International Team List, and Streaming Options »

If you can't pull yourself away from your monitor this weekend, blame Canada! This year's Canada Cup, organized by Lap Chi Duong and Canada Cup Gaming, is looking to be a real barn burner.

While you can catch all the action streamed for free by VesperArcade, Twitch.tv is offering an optional premium stream in HD resolution for an $8.95 fee. More information can be found here*.

Check after the break for a full stream schedule (subject to change) and information on the SSF4:AE International 5-on-5 teams!

CLICK HERE FOR EVENT STREAM (twitch.tv/canadacup)                                  

Times are listed in Calgary local time (followed by Pacific and Eastern). Daylight savings time ends at 2:00am Sunday morning. Don't forget to set your clocks back an hour!


10:00am (9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT)
Side tournaments begin (HDR, BB, MK9, T6, 3SO)

12:00pm (11:00pm PDT, 2:00pm EDT)
MVC3 tournament begins (4 Pools)

3:00pm (2:00pm PDT, 5:00pm EDT)
First wave of SSF4 pools begins

5:00pm (4:00pm PDT, 7:00pm EDT)
Second wave of SSF4 pools begins

7:00pm (6:00pm PDT, 9:00pm EDT)
Third wave of SSF4 pools begins

9:00pm (8:00pm PDT, 11:00pm EDT)
Fourth wave of SSF4 pools begins

10:00pm (9:00pm PDT, 12:00am EDT)
International 5 on 5 Part 1

1:00am (12:00am PDT, 2:00am EST)
Doors close


10:00am (9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST)
Final 4 for each side tournament begins on Main Stage (T6, 3SO)
(Time permitting. Some games may have to be run off-stream.)

12:00pm (11:00am PST, 2:00pm EST)
Top 16 for MVC3

2:00pm (1:00pm PST, 4:00pm EST)
Top 32 for SSF4

6:00pm (5:00pm PST, 8:00pm EST)
International 5-on-5 finale

8:00pm (7:00pm PST, 10:00pm EST)
Awards ceremony begins, event ends and doors close afterward

SSF4:AE International 5-on-5 Rules

  • 5-on-5 double-elimination
  • Winner stays
  • Character lock in effect throughout
  • No duplicate characters allowed per region
  • Teammates must all hail from the same region (born or reside in that region)
  • Prize distribution: 70/20/10

International Teams

Characters in bold have been confirmed locked-in.

Team USA - 2nd Place (eliminated by Team Japan 2, sent to losers by Team Japan 2)

  • Justin Wong: Rufus, no introduction necessary
  • Wolfkrone: Consistently one of the best C.Vipers in the world, online warrior from Detroit
  • Mike Ross: Honda player, subject of Focus documentary
  • Filipino Champ: Dedicated Dhalsim player, not to be underestimated
  • Floe: Yang/Sagat player, has incredible fighting game fundamentals

Team Europe 1 (eliminated by Team Japan 1, sent to losers by Team Canada)

  • Ryan "Prodigal Son" Hart: (UK) Yun, holds multiple fighting game Guinness World Records
  • Evans: (France) Fei Long, one of the top 2 Fei in Europe, played Fei before it was cool
  • Louffy: (France) Rose master, recent EGL4 champion
  • Cuongster: (France) Top European E.Honda
  • Skatan: (Sweden) Sakura player

Team Europe 2 (eliminated by Team Korea, sent to losers by Team Japan 2)

  • FWord: (UK) Ibuki
  • JiJi: (UK) Sagat, up-and-comer, won a Breakout Player award in Europe
  • Boris "The Emperor": (Sweden) El Fuerte, likes to frustrate opponents, Tekken 6 player
  • Andreas: (UK) Top European Rufus
  • Problem X: (UK) Seth, 3rd place at recent EGL4

Team Japan 1 - 3rd Place (eliminated by Team USA, sent to losers by Team Japan 2)

  • Tokido "Murderface": Akuma vortex master, loves "cheap" characters
  • Mago: Fei Long player, solid all around
  • Bonchan: Sagat player, met Daigo at a mahjong parlor and became his pupil
  • Shungoku Neurosis: Dangerous Bison (Dictator) player
  • Momochi: Cody/Yun player, a powerhouse in games for years

Team Japan 2 - 1st Place (no losses) 

  • Kindevu: Viper/Rufus/Cammy/Juri player, the "Golden Fatty," a bit of a joker
  • RF: Super-solid Sagat since Vanilla SF4
  • D44 Bas: Akuma, Best Bipson of all time (in CVS2)
  • MOV: Ken, known for 3S
  • Kazunoko: #1 Yun in Japan

Team Singapore (eliminated by Team Europe 1, sent to losers by Team USA)

  • Leslie: Sagat player, purportedly one of the best in the world
  • Xian: "Sickest Gen on the planet"
  • Real Deal: Ryu player
  • Zhi: Zangief player, Host of CrossCounter Asia, speaks 400 languages fluently
  • HZY: Viper player with a wild, random style

Team Korea (eliminated by Team Canada, sent to losers by Team Japan 1)

  • Laugh: Solid Ryu player
  • Infiltration: Akuma, mixup-heavy, has secret Gouken tech, 3rd place at EVO2K10
  • Zzangmoo: Korea's best Zangief player by a wide margin, top Virtua Fighter player
  • Naraks: Viper with a unique style
  • Whitedoong2: Don't underestimate him just because he plays Dudley

Team Canada (eliminated by Team Japan 1, sent to losers by Team USA)

  • Air: Ryu player, lived/played in Japan
  • Chi-Rithy: Strong Yang player from Montreal
  • Jozhear: Vega (Claw) player from Calgary
  • Snafoo: Dhalsim player from Montreal
  • Riceata: Blanka player

Calling all stream monsters! If we've got something wrong, or if you know something about an international player that we don't, let us know in the comments!

*In the interest of full disclosure: Jared Rea works for both iPLAYWINNER and Twitch.tv, but he was not involved in the writing of this post. And heck, I don't even like the guy! Skullgirls rules! See?

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