« World Game Cup, Cannes February 2012 »
The largest Fighting Game event is almost upon us. This February in Cannes, France, we will see the most devastating line-up of both games and top players fighting for the gold such as Dieminion (US), Fuudo (JP), MCZ.TTC|Tokido (JP), MCZ.TOPANGA|Mago (JP), eLivepro|Kindevu (JP), eLivepro|RF (JP), eLivepro|MOV (JP), eLivepro|Alioune (FR).
Set in the heart of the Festival International des Jeux (Festival of Games), in the prestigious Palais des Festivals de Cannes, a world-renown, exceptional place, the World Game Cup is an arena where the best fighters from every continent will fight to the finish during three fun-filled days.
The Official Games of the 2012 Edition:
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition v.2012 (Solo & 3vs3)
Soulcalibur V (Solo & 3vs3)
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (Solo & 3vs3)
The King Of Fighters XIII (Solo & 2vs2)
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition (Solo & 2vs2)
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (Solo)
The King Of Fighters 2002 UM (3vs3)
Mortal Kombat (Solo) The Internet denizens choice
Special Events :
Play the fighting games of tomorrow before your friends!
Witness exhibitions & enter tournaments of:
Street Fighter X Tekken
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
>>> Tournaments winners will be awarded part of the prize-pool, including gifts (arcade sticks , games, headsets...) and/or cash-prizes. One may only register on the official website. Entry spots are subject to availability
The World Team Cup 2012:
More than a huge tournament venue open to everybody, the World Game Cup also is an incredible place where one can witness an unforgettable show: the world's first national team based fighting game competition!
World Team Cup of Super Street Fighter IV AE
World Team Cup of Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
World Team Exhibition of Soulcalibur V
>>> Note: competition reserved to national teams. The selectors' & team members' lists will be available on the official website.
New in the 2012 Edition:
Watch the exhibitions where the best players of Street Fighter X Tekken, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 will show their skill and don't miss the exceptional show on Super Street Fighter IV AE V.2012 where the Dream WORLD Team will face the Dream EUROPEAN Team in a 12 on 12 slugfest!!!
>>> A perfect stream:
Two permanent stream channels, with dual commentary in English & French on the main stream.
The complete schedule & commentators' list are available on the official website.
World Game Cup 2012 V.I.P.'s :
The V.I.P.'s (Very Important Players) will join in droves for the 2012 edition of the World Game Cup. They're among the best players in the world on their respective games.
Here is a list that will be completed on the official website with each new VIP entrant:
Fuudo (JP)
MCZ.TTC|Tokido (JP)
eLivepro|Kindevu (JP)
eLivepro|RF (JP)
eLivepro|MOV (JP)
eLivepro|Alioune (FR)
And more...
Info, registration, schedule, rules & regulations:
Please remember that registration is only available Online and that you must do so before February the 8th2012.
Thje official website is available in both English & French.
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