« KOFXIII: Introducing Mr. Karate, Gameplay & Tutorial Videos from SNK-Playmore »
SNK-Playmore uploaded another batch of videos for the King of Fighters XIII all which are focused on upcoming DLC character, Mr. Karate. The first video is what appears to be a rundown of his moveset and/or a mini-tutorial going over various applications for his normal and special attacks, not to mention a few cross-up setups. Oh yeah, how about that meter burning Shen Woo combo?
Next is about ten minutes worth of one versus one gameplay with Mr. Karate fighting it out versus a number of other characters. Check out everything after the jump and we'll be sure to post any more translations or info as it becomes available.
UPDATE: Added a combo video and a translation from Sonic Tempest for Mr. Karate that was just released as well.
Translation by SonicTempest via Orochinagi
- Mr Karate can cancel any of his standing normals (except stand D) into a super jump.
- stand D has less lag than Takuma's and can be linked into a stand C or even a Ryuuko Ranbu.
- He has a new command move (Shougeki Sandanzuki, I think? Probably f+A) that does three punches, and there's no knockback on the first or second hits so it's easier to connect combos from further away than if you used f+B.
- He can do a short dash after C Ko'ouken. It juggles the opponent so you can use the dash to follow up with additional attacks.
- EX Ko'ouken causes guard crush. Can super cancel it too! Startup is slow though, so can be avoided by watching for the EX flash and rolling or jumping.
- EX Shourankyaku moves quickly and appears right in front of the opponent.
- Both normal and EX Zanretsuken juggle the opponent so you can follow up afterwards. Lots of hits, though, so look out for the scaling. EX version is not anywhere juggle unlike Takuma's.
- Hien Shippuu Kyaku will combo from standing attacks if you make use of jump cancels.
- His new move Hakyokujin is a counter that moves him next to the opponent after activating. EX version does an attack after the dash which appears to crumple the opponent. EX version does a hard knockdown ground pound upon countering projectiles.
- Kyokugen Kohou is invincible until the hitbox appears so it's good for anti-air and interrupting attack strings.
- EX Ryuuko Ranbu has fast startup and is invincible until the hitbox appears on the screen.
- Kishin Sanga Geki is an invincible dashing punch attack. You can combo it after an anti-air dp+A since it juggles.
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