« UPDATE: Mortal Kombat DLC Characters »
Yesterday I posted the news (via GamePro, CVG) that the first round of DLC for Mortal Kombat would include Kintaro, Lady in Red and Kenshi. The "Lady in Red" and Kenshi have since been confirmed by NetherRealm, but it appears that the info from GamePro regarding Kintaro was wrong.
When I posted the article yesterday, I had apparently mistaken what producer Hans Lo said at the end of CVG's interview -- before it was removed -- as confirmation that Kintaro was in the works as DLC. As TRMK points out, CVG stated that Kintaro was planned, but didn't go into any detail beyond that. At any rate, that info is incorrect.
I'd like to personally apologize to anyone who was misled by the original post. We'll do our best to make sure this sort of thing doesn't happen again.