« Evil Ryu Character Summary from SSF4: AE Dev Blog »
USD over at NeoGAF translated the latest SSF4: AE dev blog post that goes into a pretty good amount of detail on the latest addition to Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition, Evil Ryu. Those with Evil Ryu already unlocked in your area will probably be familiar with most of this info already, but for those who aren't, this is a pretty good primer for what you can expect out of the character.
Big shout outs to USD from NeoGAF for the translation!
-Evil Ryu is a character with a strong close- and mid-range offense, but weak defense. He can take out opponents, or be taken out in one stroke
-Same health and stun as Akuma (850 health/850 stun)
-His jump is the same as Ryu's, but his movement and dash are different
-His composition of normals consists of a Ryu base, with some of Akuma's as well as some all-new normals.
-He has Akuma's j.HK, st.HP, cr.HP, cr.HK
-New normals: cl.HP, st.MK, cr.MK
-The frame data on the moves are adjusted, so though they have similar motions, they might have different frames
-Same cancels/Super cancels as Ryu
-cr.MK is based on 3rd Strike Ryu's
-7F start-up, so it doesn't link with any of his normals, but since it has better reach than Ryu's, it works well as a low poke
cr.MK's hitbox
-His unique attacks are Zugai Hasatsu (Akuma's overhead), Senbukyaku, and Tenmakujinkyaku (Akuma's dive kick)
-Senbukyaku is the same move from the Alpha series
-It allows Evil Ryu to attack while avoiding low kicks, but can be blocked low and puts him at a frame disadvantage
-Without hitting your opponent, it's effective at moving Evil Ryu into throw range
-Target combo is cl.MP → cl.HP
-Its damage isn't particularly high, so you might not find many places to use it, but since it's a simple motion and you can delay the attack, it's difficult to punish
Senbukyaku's hitbox
-His specials are Hadoken, Shakunetsu Hadoken, Shoryuken, Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, Mid-air Tatsu, Ashura Senku (Teleport), and Ryusokyaku (Dragon Claw Kick)
-Of those, Ryusokyaku is a completely new attack
-In the early creation stage, some were of the opinion of giving Evil Ryu the Jodan Sokuto Geri (aka the Mule Kick from 3rd Strike), but it was decided to give him a new move more befitting of his image
-Used alone, the attack is slow to come out, but you can can cancel into from L, M, and H attacks, it's a strong but flashy move.
-If you have bar, you can perform top-class hard-hitting combos with the move
-His Super Combo is Shun Goku Satsu (aka Raging Demon)
-Since you will use Evil Ryu's EX moves often, you might not use his Super much, but when paired together with the Senbukyaku, it's an incredibly powerful technique
-Ultra Combo I is Metsu Hadoken, Ultra Combo II is Messatsu Goshoryu
-UC1 is fundamentally the same as Ryu's, but doesn't do much damage
-However, you can hold the buttons and charge the attack. Fully charged, it does more damage
-Fully charged and at close range, it does even more damage
-It might be difficult to create a situation where you can land it, but try it out
-UC2 is a horizontal Shoryuken, so it might be a bit difficult to use as an anti-air, but you can combo the move from FADCs
-It does high damage, and by itself, with the full cinematic, it does the same damage as Ryu's Metsu Shoryuken (500 damage)
-The boss version is very different from the playable version
-High difficulty, and can unleash some incredible attacks that will make you doubt your eyes
-If you ever have the chance to fight him, you have the developer's blessing
[Source: SSF4: AE Dev Blog]