« Mortal Kombat Combo Video Roundup - 4-26-11 »
It's time once again for another Mortal Kombat combo video roundup! Since the last update a whole bunch of new combos have been popping up on YouTube featuring characters such as Cyrax, Ermac, Jade, Kitana, Nightwolf and Quan Chi.
Have a video that you think should be featured in the next combo video roundup? Let us know at tips@iplaywinner.com
Cyrax combos from TONYTTT
Ermac combos from ibanedfrmrs2
Jade combos from ZeroKyori
Kitana combos from Lomyn
Nightwolf combos by unoeye
Quan Chi
Quan Chi combos by ibanedfrmrs2
[via Neo Empire, Shoryuken]