« SSF4: AE Ver. 2012 Changes: The Twins's Comeuppance Edition (Plus Evil Ryu, Oni, and More) »
In the latest dev blog, the twins get theirs, Cody gets godlike, Hakan starts rounds oily, and Evil Ryu and Oni get some buffs. Thanks to USD from NeoGAF, MarlinPie on LiveOratory, SRK's Arc-rail and Abelity
- Target Combo 2 120 damage
- Target Combo 3 120 damage
- Target Combo 4 130 damage, -6 on block for second hit
- Target Combo 5 70 damage
- cr.LK has an upward extended hurtbox
- cr.MP damage from 60 to 50
- Higher height restriction for Raigekishu (dive kick), for LK, MK, and HK (all versions)
- +2 extra frames of hit, block stun on Raigekishu
- Senpukyaku (i'm assuming overhead) from 85 damage to 80 during Gen'ei Jin
- LK, MK, HK Zenpou Tenshin slowed to 11F, EX to 8F
- No throw invincibility on EX Zenpou
- EX Zesshou (lunge) hit distribution changed from 7/2 to 6/3, -1 on block
- MP, HP Kobokushi (palm) meter gain to +20
- LP Koboku is 25 frames total, MP, HP 45 frames total
- MP, HP Koboku damage from 160 to 140, stun from 250 to 200; chip damage for MP, HP to 30
- Active frames for MP, HP Koboku to 10
- Nishoukyaku (up kicks): LK only has invincibility up to (and including) the first active frame
- More landing recovery on all versions (including EX)
- MK Nishou from 130 damage to 110
- Tetsuzanko (shoulder): HP damage from 140 to 100, EX from 80+70 to 90+40 (130 total); during the projectile invincible parts of the move, Yun's hurtbox against physical strikes is expanded
- Gen'ei Jin is a second shorter, does less damage
- Target Combo 2 130 damage, -7 on second attack
- st.LK start-up to 5F, but has the original start up during Sei'ei Enbu
- cr.LK from 30 damage to 20, upward extended hurtbox
- cr.MP from 80 to 70 damage, 60 during Sei'ei Enbu
- (Far) st.MP hitbox pushed backwards, thus has shorter range
- diagonal j.MK hitbox changed, landing cross-ups is not as easier as before
- Raigekishu (dive kick): all versions have an addition hurtbox rectangle when activated, 2F extra landing recovery; stun from 100 to 50
- Senkyutai (roll kick): up until 5F, HK no longer has projectile-invincibility, MK has no projectile-invincibility at all
- All versions of Senkyutai (including EX) have about half size horizontal hitbox, all are 4F worse on guard
- EX Zenpou Tenshin has less reach, loses throw invincibility from the 8F onward
- Tourou Zan (mantis slashes): final hit of LP, MP, HP damage to 60; EX version now a true blockstring for all hits
- Byakko Soshoda (palm): MP, HP meter gain on whiff from 20 to 10, two extra frames to LP, MP, HP
- HP damage from 150 to 140, chip to 30, stun from 250 to 200; MP, HP have 4 less active frames
- Sei'ei Enbu is a second shorter, does less damage from chip
- Raishin Mahaken (UC1) from 480 to 450 at full UC meter
- Tenshin Senkyutai (UC2) is 3F slower, from 440 to 410 at full UC meter; the last hit of the non-cinematic version does 90 damage
- From 1000 to 950 health (back to Super value)
- Fukiage damage for LP, MP, HP from 100 to 90, EX from 140 to 120
- EX Karakusa has less ranage
- st.HK has a lower extended hitbox
- Target Combo 1's st.MK can be cancelled, like the normal version
- Tanden Renki (Super Combo) is 3 seconds londer
- neutral j.MP has a forward extended hitbox, hurtbox
- Hayate have improved properties on charge
- LP Lv3, Lv4 and MP Lv4 have further forward movement, all Lv4 strengths are -2 on guard
- All Lv5 strengths are armor break, further forward movement, from 170 to 190 damage
- Can tell when you reach Lv5 charge timing by Makoto's voice
- Closer to Akuma.
- Health 900, stun 900
- Far st. Hk, bigger hitbox
- Cr HK, 6f startup
- far st. HP, on CH, will blow oppponent away, damage buffed
- CH St. Hp fadc into combo
- Hop kick into aerial tatsu possible, also works with ex version.
- mp dragon punch + 1f invicible
- Axe kick hk 26f startup, damage and stun is down. 150 130, combo able like mk.
- Axe kick aerial hit cause untechable knockdown.
- SGS damage up +20
- Metsu Hadouken charge time decreased. Able to do full metsu after lvl 2 crumble so ex hadouken > lvl2 fadc crumple > fully-charged metsu hadouken works.
- From 950 to 1000 health
- EX Goshoryu is untechable knockdown if the first hit connects
- EX Tatsumaki is more likely to give you the full hits (though it sounds like you still might get some hit whiffs)
- LK Rakan Dantojin (rush slash) has lower extended hitbox, easier to hit low stance or crouching characters
- Shun Goku Satsu (SC) from 350 to 370 damage, for ground and air versions
- UC1's Messatsu Gotenha (vertical shot version) is now 9F start-up, from 0F to the second active frame (inclusive), is completely invincible (so from 0F to 10F, if I'm reading it right)
- Faster forward, backward walk speed
- Hammer Hook (overhead) advantage revised; +3 on hit on standing, -1 on hit on crouching, -4 on guard for both; can be used when holding the knife
- If you hit a standing opponent, cr.LK → MK Ruffian Kick combos
- Bad Spray is now two hits, Super-cancellable; with an FADC thrown in, Bad Spray FADC Final Destruction (UC1) will connect
- MK Ruffian Kick has forwarded extended hitbox
- EX Zonk Knuckle: first hit does further horizontal knockback; EX Zonk FADC UC1 is now easier to connect
- Can now guard during Knife pick up
- Knife st.LP +6 on hit
- Knife st.MP is now 2 hits
- Knife st.HP is +3 on hit
- Knife cr.MP now has 4 active frames, smaller arm hurtbox, making it harder to stuff
- Knife cr.HP is now 7F start-up, easier to use as anti-air
- faster dash during Feng Shui Engine (UC1), further reach
- cl.MK 2nd hit has a larger hitbox, less likely to whiff when the 1st hits
- Focus attack hitbox revised, will hit smaller characters (when crouching, etc.)
- Fuhajin (fireball) kick attack damage to 50
- Senpusha (pinwheel): LK is has 5F extra advantage on first hit; MK, HK have 5F extra advantage on 1st, 2nd hit; EX has 5F extra advantage on 2nd hit.
- Senpusha → FADC → Kaisen Dankairaku (UC2) now possible
- EX Senpusha has an extra frame of invincibility during Feng Shui Engine for the first hit
- EX Shikusen (dive kick) trajectory can be changed by the kick buttons used during Feng Shui
- LK+MK: same trajectory as before; MK+HK: same as normal MK version, LK+HK: same as normal HK version; LK+MK+HK has the same trajectory as before
- Juri now gains 1/3 meter during Feng Shui Engine, improved from no meter gain
- Bonshougeri (F+HK) has different movement trajectory, will hit crouching opponents more easily; +1 on hit, +5 on counterhit, -3 on block
- Koube Kudaki (F+MK), including TC version, from 26F to 25F start-up
- Tsuijigoe (command jump) is throw-invincible until Ibuki is airborne, from activation until 12F has a smaller hurtbox, making low attacks are easier to dodge; can Super-cancel from an earlier timing than before
- At point-blank, can use the move to dodge a throw and hit the opponent with Kasumi Suzaku (Super Combo)
- The projectile portion of Yoroitoshi (UC1) will now give you full hit animation against airborne opponents
- Based on the opponent and spacing, you can catch a backdash with UC1 and get the full animation, even if the throw portion (which comes first) whiffs
- Hashinsho (UC2) will now hit up until the lock animation against mid-air opponents
- For example, if you hit a mid-air opponent with Focus Attack Lv2, you will now land all of the pre-cinematic hits (but not the full ultra, I'm assuming).
- Is oiled at the start of every round
- nj.LK has adjust hitbox position and size
- nj.LP is now 8 active frames
- nj.MP is now 4 active frames
- dj.LP is now 8 active frames
- cr.HP is now two hits
- Hakan Tackle has a smaller hurtbox, making it harder to hit Hakan out of the move
- Hakan now slides when you do Guard Position (command crouch) from a dash; applies to both forward and back dashes
- Oil Slide does more stun; if you input Oil Shower follow-up, the slide does 100 stun. If you do the Body Press follow-up, 150 stun total during the press. This means you won't miss your combo chances if you stun an opponent with the slide.
- Oil Dive's trajectory, reach revised, buffing HK, EX
- MK, HK Dive will fly over crouching opponents
- LK Dive has a faster start-up, MK has the old LK start-up, HK has the old MK start-up
- Dive won't whiff against shorter characters if they're standing
- Flying Oil Spin (SC) has improved grab hitbox; MK and HK will fly over crouching opponents
- LK and MK Oil Spin have faster start-up.
- Far st.MP hitbox increased in front of him, so you can use it for cancels like Ryu does. The damage is 90, so it also does pretty well in a trade (could use tl check on last part, moving quickly)
- Reverted Air Slasher getting counterhit during recovery
- Sobat damage +10 on LK/MK/HK (now 90/110/130)
- Super can be canceled into U1 by inputting the command up to the second-to-last hit, between them it adds up to 570 damage
- Close St. MP is now -4 on block
- Close St. MK is +2 on hit, +3 on block
- Focus attack hitbox is tweaked to be able to hit crouching opponents too.
- Rising Jaguar (LK, MK, HK) - at the start, horizontal hitbox is increased a little, so that after a Rising Jaguar FADC, its harder to accidentally crossover the opponent. Also, one extra frame is given to FADC a HK Rising Jaguar (easier to fadc), thus making it easier to connect an Avalanche Jaguar.
- As for U1, even if you activated it at close range, it wont go over a standing opponent (will go over if crouching).
- Neutral Jump HP hitbox increased
- Jump MP and Jump HK hitbox AND hurtbox increased
- Hitbox tweaks are mainly to make it easier to hit downwards
- Normal throw range increased (similar to Ryu)
- Elbow can be performed not just by holding down, but df or db too.
- Command Jump/Izuna drop (all versions) - no recovery on landing if no buttons are pressed, so you can get in and aim for throws etc.
- EX senpukyaku is fixed so that itll hit easier (where it might whiff before), easier to use against opponent jumping in, easier to not whiff against small framed opponents.
- The run overhead kick (kubigari) - tweaked so that it wont go over crouching opponents if performed at close range/point blank.
- Finally walkback speed is increased.
- St.HK is now +7 on CH, making CH st.HK into light ducking, dudley will be at +4.
- Neutral Jump LP - increased active frames and hitbox.
- Neutral Jump HP - Startup 6F, increased active frames and hitbox.
- Jump LP and Jump MP - increased active frames.
- Focus Attack Level 1 - added 1F hit/block stun, on block if cancelled into forward dash, dudley will be at -3F.
- MK and HK Short Swing Blow - reduced the hurtbox of half lower body, easier for opponent low attacks whiff against it.
- Thunderbolt - all versions, does untechable knockdown even if hit airborne opponent (so dudley wont be at a disadvantage if it hit airborne). For the EX version, the yellow flash/special effects are delayed.
- Rose Taunt can be super cancelled, fadcable.
- U1 will lock even if hit airborne opponent.
- Same as Ibuki, if the opponent is in airborne state after getting hit by FA level 2, U1 will lock and get full hit.