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« SFXT: Ver. 2013's Last Set Of Tekken Character Changes, Info On Current Patch »

All right, here is the conclusion of the character changes for Street Fighter X Tekken! The rest of the Tekken characters' changes can be found after the jump!

For those who updated the game are now on version 1.07 to allow cross-platform play with the PlayStation Vita version. There was also some character changes. Lei's orchid palm has decreased its hit usage, Blanka's electric thunder when hitting behind has adjusted push back, Christie's jump has been modified to be similar to the rest of the cast, and a combo limit on Bryan's fisherman's slam.

Lars Alexandersson

Close LK - Startup 5F->4F
Close HP - Startup 10F->5F
Close HK - Push back on block when used in boost combo reduced
Far LP - Startup 6F->5F
Far MP - Area around arm is invincible against air attacks
Far MK - Changed entire motion slightly
- Added 5F to boost combos (On hit -3F/On block -7F)
Far HP - Startup 13F->11F
- Removed 5F from boost combos (On hit +2F/On block -4F)
- Hit box enlarged
cr. LP - Hit stun 8F->7F
- Startup 5F->4F
cr. MP - Push back on block when used in boost combo reduced
- Added +5F (On hit -4F/On block 8F)
cr. MK - Push back on block when used in boost combo reduced
- Added 4F to boost combos (On hit -5F/On block -9F)
cr. HP - Damage 50+50(100)->70+20(90)
- Push back on block when used in boost combo reduced
- Added 6F to boost combos (On hit -6F/On block -12F)
- After 2nd hit can transition to launch attack, cross rush
Storm Axle - Damage 70->90
L. Lightning Screw - Damage 40+50(90)->70+60(130)
M. Lightning Screw - Damage 50+50(100)->80+60(140)
H. Lightning Screw - Damage 60+50(110)->90+60(150)
Lightning Screw - Reduced float when 1st hit connects midair
Lightning Thrust - Damage 100->120
- Projectile invincible until hit box disappears
Rising Storm - Damage 70->90
Avalanche Spike - Damage 100->130
- Move attack property changed from high to mid
L. Dynamic Entry - Attack Startup 21F->20F
H. Dynamic Entry - Can be canceled into L, M, H, EX Silent Entry from 8F before move recovers
EX Dynamic Entry - Reduced advantage on hit by 10F
- Damage 60->100
EX Lock & Load - Midair combo counter usage changed to 1
- Damage 30->50
EX Double Barrel - Midair combo counter usage changed to 0
- Hit stun reduced by 15F
SHB - Damage 120->130
Raging Thunder - Damage 150->130
Special move meter gain:
Lightning Thrust: Whiff 15/On block 20/On hit 40
Rising Storm: Whiff 5->15
Avalanche Stomp: Whiff 5->10
Avalanche Spike: Whiff 5->15
Lightning Screw: On hit 40+40(80)->30+20(50)
Dynamic Entry: Whiff 10->0/On hit 40->50
Lock & Load: Whiff 5->10/On hit 40->20
Double Barrel: Whiff 5->10/On hit 40->30
Mjolnir: Whiff 5->15

Alisa Bosconovitch

Life - 1000->950
Close/Far LP - Startup 5F->4F
Close MP - Startup 7F->5F
- Reduced frames by 2 (On hit +7)
Close MP - Added 5F to boost combo (On hit -3F/On block -9F)
Close HP - Startup 11F->8F
- Reduced recovery by 3F
- Area from chest and up is invincible against air attacks
Close HK - Added 8F to boost combo (On hit -9F/On block -14F)
Far HP - Area from chest and up is invincible against air attacks
- Midair hit causes knockdown
cr. MP - Startup 8F->5F
cr. MK - Push back on block when used in boost combo reduced
Destructive Form LP - Hurt box enlarged
- Damage 6x5(30)->8x5(40)
Destructive Form cr. LP - Damage 6x5(30)->8x5(40)
Destructive Form cr. MP - Startup 7F->6F
Clock Setting - Hit causes vertical float
- Damage 30+15x4+50(140)->40+10x4+40(120)
Rocket Punch - After shooting, no longer moves backwards
EX Hard Reset - Block stun on last hit reduced by 14F (On block -7F)
L. Happy Propeller - Block stun of first hit reduced by 10F
- 2nd hit will not hit crouching opponents
EX Eject Slider - Removed armor properties before recovery ends
Trigger Shuffle - Full invincibility from startup until first frame
Spam Bomb - Damage 120->130
Double Bull Shoot - Damage 120->130
Special move meter gain:
Double Rocket Punch: Whiff 15->5/On hit 40->20
Cradle Star: Whiff 10->15/Cradle Star (deviation): Whiff 5->10/On hit 40->30
Happy Propeller: On hit 20x4(80)->15x4(60)
Hard Reset: Whiff 5->15/On hit 40+40+30(110)->15x3(45)
Eject Slider: Whiff 5->15/On hit 20->50
Thruster Right: Whiff 5->15/On hit 10x6(60)->8x6(48)
Thruster Left: Whiff 5->15/On hit 10x3(30)->20x3(60)
Double Cut: Whiff 15->0/On hit 5+5(10)->30x2(60)


Health - 1150->1100
LP - Hit box enlarged
LK - Startup 6F->5F
- Removed 3F on hit (On hit +1)
- Can be canceled
- Hit box reduced
- Hurt box reduced
Close HP - Damage 120->100
- Startup 9F->7F
Far MP - Push back on block when used in boost combo reduced
- Added 3F to boost combos (On hit -6F/On block -10F)
cr. LP - Damage 50->40
- Startup 7F->6F
- Removed 2F on hit (On hit +4)
- Hit box reduced
- Hurt box reduced
cr. LK - Startup 9F->7F
cr. MP - Damage 100->85
- Startup 13F->9F
- Added 3F to boost combos (On hit -6F/On block -10F)
- Push back on block when used in boost combo reduced
cr. MK - Startup 10F->8F
- Hurt box enlarged
cr. HP - Remove 6F (On block -7F)
- Damage 120->100
j. MP - Can crossup
Cossack Kicks - Damage 50+20x4(130)->50x5(250)
Mad Dozer - Reduced move distance from 2nd to 3rd hit
- Armor properties activate during frames 25~40
- Full charge causes wall bounce on hit
- Removed 15F from full charge attack (On block -10)
Piston Gun - Reduced push back on block
- Removed 18F from normal version block stun (On block -4)
- Removed 15F from normal version (On block -7)
L. Rocket Uppercut - Throw invincible
M. Rocket Uppercut - Reduced knockback distance on midair hit
- Reduced push back on block
- Reduced block stun by 10F
H. Rocket Uppercut - Damage 100+40(140)
- Reduced block stun by 10F
- Reduced push back on block
- Increased midair combo count
- 2nd hit midair combo counter usage changed to 4
EX Rocket Uppercut - 2 hit move
- Float amount on hit is same as H. Rocket Uppercut
- Reduced push back on block
M. Atomic Shoulder Tackle - Startup 21F->19F
- Reduced block stun by 2F (On block -8)
Atomic Shoulder Tackle - Damage 140->120
EX Atomic Shoulder Tackle - Damage 120->110
Megaton Earthquake - Damage 70x2(140)->50x2(100)
- Reduced block stun of 2nd hit by 4F (On block -9F)
Megaton Drop - Damage 130->150
Iron Gunman - Damage 130->150
Special move meter gain:
Piston Gun: On hit 30+30+40(100)->15x3(45)
Piston Gun (deviation): On hit 30+30(60)->15x2(30)
Rocket Uppercut (H): On hit 20+20(40)->25x2(50)
Megaton Earthquake: Whiff 15->10/On hit 20x2(40)->15x2(30)
Gigaton Punch: Whiff 15->0/On hit 40->55

Bryan Fury

Far HK - Startup 17F->14F
- Considered midair from 9th frame and on
cr. LK - Startup 5F->4F
cr. MP - Startup 11F->7F
- Reduced hit stun by 4F (On hit +7)
cr. MK - Startup 11F->9F
- Hurt box reduced
cr. HP - Active hit frames increased by 2 (active for 5 frames)
- Hit opponents behind as well
- Startup 10F->7F
cr. HK - Reduced frames by 6 (On block -9F)
Mach Breaker - Startup 13F->8F
- Reduced push back on block
- Hit box reduced
- Reduced active hit frames by 2F (active for 3 frames)
EX Mach Breaker - Startup 17F->11F
- Reduced block stun by 12F (On block -15)
- Reduced push back on block
Chopping Elbow - Reduced block stun by 7F (On block -5)
M/H Fisherman's Slam - Will not hit midair opponents
Fisherman's Slam - Active hit frames increased by 2 (active for 6 frames)
Special move meter gain:
Mach Breaker: On hit 40->45
Snake Pit: On hit 40x2(80)->25x2(50)
Atomic Throw: Whiff 5->10/On hit 20->30
Right Left to Spin Kick 1st hit: On hit 40->25
Right Left to Spin Kick 2nd hit: On hit 40->20
Right Left to Spin Kick 3rd hit: Whiff 5->10/On hit 40->35
Flying Knee: Whiff 15->0/On hit 30+30(60)->30+40(70)

Christie Monteiro

Life - 900->950
Close/Far LP - Startup 4F->3F
Close MK - Hit stun reduced by 6F (On hit +2)
Close/Far HP - Hit stun reduced by 7F (On hit +4)
Close HK - Hit box enlarged
- Hit stun reduced by 8F (On hit +2)
Far HK - "From 4th frame, head is projectile invincible.
From 9th frame, upper body is projectile invincible."
cr. HP - Parts of arm and head are invincible against air attacks
cr. HK - Increased midair combo count
- Damage 90->80
Negativa to Armada Combo - Hit stun reduced by 9F (On hit ±0)
Gancho Chibata - Block stun reduced by 2F (On block -3)
- Reduced push back on block and hit
Double Arm Stinger - Midair combo counter usage changed to 2
Perch Flop Kick - Startup 14F->10F
- Invincible against air attacks until right after startup
- Damage 80->90
Helicopter - Damage 20x4(80)->25x4(100)
- 4th hit on midair hit causes high vertical float
- 2nd and 3rd hit will connect against crouching opponents
Front Stinger - Increased midair combo count
- Damage 80->100
Wheel Kicks - Hit box enlarged
L. Wheel Kicks - Damage 50+50(100)->60+20(80)
- Invincible against air attacks
M/H Wheel Kicks - 2nd hit causes knockdown
- Reduced frames by 2 (On block -3)
M. Wheel Kicks - Damage 50+50(100)->60+30(90)
H. Wheel Kicks - Damage 50+50(100)->60+40(100)
- Projectile invincible
Batucada - Only last hit causes push back on hit
Special move meter gain:
Twister Sweep: On hit 20x# of times->10x# of times
Helicopter: Whiff 5->15
Batucada: Whiff 5->15/On hit 5x7(35)->5x6+15(45)
Perch Flop Kick: Whiff 5->15
Front Stinger: Whiff 0->15
Wheel Kicks: Whiff 15->0/On hit 40+40(80)->30x2(60)

Lei Wulong

LK - Can be canceled by Snake only
MK - Can be canceled by Drunken Master Walk only
HP - Added 6F to boost combo (On hit -7F/On block -12F)
cr. MP - Added 6F to boost combo (On hit -5F/On block -9F)
- Damage 60->50
cr. MK - Added 6F to boost combo (On hit -5F/On block -9F)
cr. HP - Damage 90->75
j. LP - Hurt box reduced
- Hit box enlarged
Vertical j. MP - Hurt box reduced
Vertical j. HK - Hit box enlarged
(Drunken Master Walk) LP - Reduced hit stun by 15 (On hit +5)
(Drunken Master Walk) LK - Reduced hit stun by 10 (On hit ±0)
(Drunken Master Walk) MP - Reduced hit stun by 25 (On hit +2)
- Reduced push back on block on hit
(Drunken Master Walk) MK - Startup 10F->7F
- Reduced hit stun by 15 (On hit -1)
- Upper body is invincible against air attacks
- Midair hit causes knockdown
(Drunken Master Walk) HK - Hit causes vertical float knockdown
- Reduced by 8F (On block -14)
- Move back distance is same as back turn kick of Drunken Fox Combination
Drunken Rapid Fists - Added forward movement
Drunken Fox Combination - Reduced 2nd hit by 37F (On hit ±0)
Staggering Slide - Reduced by 27F (On block -15)
- Attack properties changed from high to low
Tiger Sip Blow - Reduced by 14F (On block -10)
- Reduced push back on block and hit
(Back Turn) LP - Hit stun reduced by 3F (On hit +8)
(Back Turn) LK - Hit box reduced
(Back Turn) MP - Hit stun reduced by 5F (On hit +6)
(Back Turn) HP - Reduced push back on block and hit
(Back Turn) HK - Invincible against air attacks
- Reduced by 5F (On block -5)
- When 3rd and 4th hit frames connect with midair opponent, causes similar float to Reverse Double Kick on hit
Sailboat Stretch - Damage 120->130
Closing Fan - Damage 120->130
Panther - Hurt box reduced
- Walk speed changed to be same as Ryu forward walk
Panther's Scratch - Can be canceled
(Snake) LP - Startup 5F->3F
(Snake) LK - Reduced by 3F (On hit +3F/On block -1F)
(Snake) MP - Startup 8F->6F
- Block stun increased by 2F (On block +2F)
(Snake) MK - Increased active hit frames (5F)
(Snake) HP - Counter hit causes crumple
(Dragon) LP - Can be canceled by Dragon's Spite
(Dragon) LK - Reduced by 3F (On hit +3F/On block -1F)
(Dragon) HP - When it connects it causes same float effect as last hit of Snake Bite Combo
Tiger - P attack, hit stun of K attack, block stun, push back on block, all changed to be same as current H. version
(Tiger) P - Active armor frames lengthened (10F)
- Counter hit causes wall bounce
- Damage 70->100
Double Tiger Palm - Hit box enlarged
- Startup 14F->10F
- Block stun increased by 3F (On block +2F)
(Tiger) K - Can be canceled by Double Tiger Palm only
(Dragon) HP - Combo count usage changed to 2
Comet Kick - Block stun reduced by 3F (On block -6F)
Guard Cancel - Startup 9F->6F
- Landing recovery reduced by 7F
- Hit box enlarged
Special move meter gain:
Reverse Lotus: Whiff 10->15
Floating Lotus : On hit 40->15
Comet Kick: Whiff 10->15
Comet Strike: Whiff 5->10/On hit 40->30
Tornado Kick: On hit 20->30
Tornado Kick (deviation): Whiff 5->15/On hit 20->15
Spinning Headbutt: On hit 40->50
Drunken Fall: On hit 40->50
Tiger Sip: Whiff 5->10
Tiger Sip Blow: Whiff 5->15/On hit 30->40
Double Tiger Palm: Whiff 15->20/On hit 40->60
Leaping Crane: On hit 15+15(30)->30x2(60)
Orchid Palm: Whiff 15->0/On hit 40->60


No changes


MP - Damage 60->50
- Added 5F to boost combos (On hit -3F/On block -7F)
cr. MP - Damage 60->50
- Hit stun reduced by 6F (On hit +3)
cr. HP - Hits only midair opponents on 8th frame
- Hit stun reduced by 5F (On hit ±0)
- Reduced push back on block and hit
L. Flip Kick - Reduced by 30F (On block -15)
- Damage 120->70
M. Flip Kick - Reduced by 30F (On block -15)
- Damage 120->70
H. Flip Kick - Completely invincible from startup until 8th frame
- Cannot tech recover
- Damage 120->130
EX Flip Kick - Completely invincible from startup until 10th frame
- Cannot tech recover
- Damage 120->140
EX Pac-Dot Attack - Hit stun reduced by 9F (On hit +6)
- Damage 60+60(120)->40x2(80)
Hip Attack - Damage 80->120
EX Hip Attack - Hit causes floor bound
Special move meter gain:
Pac Stop: Whiff 0->10
Pac-Dot Attack: Whiff 15->0

System Changes

Gem activation effects - Glowing effects toned down
"FIGHT" timing at the beginning of the round - Disappears before characters are able to move
Recoverable health color - Changed from dull white to orange color to increase visibility
Camera work - Camera no longer changes during the launch attack portion of a cross rush
Normal throws - Startup changed from 7F->5F
Guard cancels - Can no longer follow up with additional hits after connecting with a guard cancel move
Recoverable health speed - Speed of life recovery reduced to 1/3
BP table contents - BP table modified
Fortitude gem effects - Small:100 Mid:130->Small:80 Mid:110
Life Force gem effects - Small:80 Mid:100->Small:60 Mid:80
Harmonize gem effects - Small:60 Mid:80 Large:100->Small:40 Mid:60 Large:80
[ID:23] Immense Power Lv.3 - Attack 30%UP->Attack 10%UP Effect Time 10 secs->20 secs *Along with changes, name changed to Immense Power Lv.1
[ID:182] Harmonize Lv.3 - Life recovery 80->Life recovery 60 *Along with changes, name changed to Harmonize Lv.2
[ID:189] Harmonize Lv.3 - Life recovery 80->Life recovery 60 *Along with changes, name changed to Harmonize Lv.2
Forward recovery roll - After a forward roll, hurt box appears 7F before any additional actions are possible (still throw invincible)
Cross Arts - Initial move damage changed from 100->150
Pandora - Timer increased from 7 secs->10 secs

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