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Entries in SFxTK (350)


SFXT: Capcom Presents Training Room Series, Introduces Basic And Advance Game Mechanics

Just weeks after Street Fighter X Tekken Ver. 2013, the folks over at Capcom initiated a video series dedicated to helping new players interested in playing seriously.

The first episode is dedicated to explaining the SFXT's basic systems including throwing, cross rushes, and link combos. The second episode is dedicated to more of the game's more complex mechanics.

You can check out both videos after the jump!

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Street Fighter X Tekken Ver. 2013 Patch Launch Trailer

If you were at home watching on the Capcom Fighters Twitch channel or at the Street Fighter 25th Anniversary World Finals in person, you might have seen the upcoming trailer to the major Street Fighter X Tekken update.

This launch trailer shows off some of the major gameplay changes including speeding up the boost combo sequences and slower damage recovery. The trailer also featured the buffs done to some of the characters.

The patch will be available on January 29, 2013 for free. You can check out the trailer after the jump!

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SFXT: Ver. 2013's Last Set Of Tekken Character Changes, Info On Current Patch

All right, here is the conclusion of the character changes for Street Fighter X Tekken! The rest of the Tekken characters' changes can be found after the jump!

For those who updated the game are now on version 1.07 to allow cross-platform play with the PlayStation Vita version. There was also some character changes. Lei's orchid palm has decreased its hit usage, Blanka's electric thunder when hitting behind has adjusted push back, Christie's jump has been modified to be similar to the rest of the cast, and a combo limit on Bryan's fisherman's slam.

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SF25th: Los Angeles And Japan Qualifier Results

The weekend concluded two qualifiers as part of the Street Fighter 25th Anniversary tournament series with only two more left until they all converge in the San Francisco finals!

You can check out both results as well as top 8 placements after the jump!

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Ne-Yo: "Huge" Street Fighter x Tekken Fan, Claims to be Undefeated

Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada tweeted earlier today about a Hollywood Reporter interview with R&B singer Shaffer Chimere Smith, known more commonly as Ne-Yo. Apparently Ne-yo is an avid fan of Namco and Capcom and would like to write a song for one of their franchises.

THR: Would you like your music to be in any of the Street Fighter or Tekken games?

Ne-Yo: Come on, man, I’ll write a song specifically for it.  Let me know. Just make me a character in the game; the strongest character. Make me one of the bosses in the game, and I’ll write a song for the series. I’ll do it.

He goes on to talk about his experience in the NBC EA Sports Madden Pigskin Pro Am and his favorite games and characters.

How would the Street Fighter x Tekken scene be today if Ne-Yo were a boss in the game?

Let us know and check out the interview here!


SF x TK: SF 25th Anniversary Tournament Series Asia Qualifier Top 4 Replays

While I know many of you are not fans of this game, I have to say Street Fighter x Tekken has gotten more and more interesting as time goes on. Players are not only figuring out new techniques, but also exploring the new DLC characters which can make for some very exciting matches. The SF 25th NYC qualifier was a good example of this and the latest from the Asia qualifier were great as well with GamerBee showing off some new Jack-X technology.

While there are still some timeouts here and there, if you missed these matches live be sure to check them out as its a great display of high level SF x TK. Check out all the new replays from Taipei after the jump!

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SF x TK: DLC Character Alternate Costume Screenshots

Capcom uploaded a handful of screenshots showcasing the alternate costumes for all of the DLC characters found in Street Fighter x Tekken. If you have a PS3 or Vita these costumes can be yours for free if you pre-order the Vita version from Amazon, BestBuy, GameStop or the Capcom Store.  Once they are on your Vita you can easily transfer them to your PS3 as well. Check out all the images in the gallery below.



SF x TK: Lars Combo Guide by Desk

For those of you who downloaded the new characters for Street Fighter x Tekken and want to get a jump start on using Lars, check out this new combo video from Desk! It features many practical combos along with various descriptions for each one. 

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Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Global Tournament Series - Taiwan Qualifier - This Weekend!

Hey guys! Just a quick reminder that the Street Fighter 25th Global Tournament Series continues this week with a qualifier in Taiwan! We'll be flying out tomorrow to get things set up and as always you can catch the stream on Capcom Unity come Sunday. I'll post a full schedule as soon as possible.

We'll have more details on this event over the course of the next few days but in the meantime hit the jump for a full player list!

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SF x TK: Team Tekken Combo Video Featuring Christie, Lei, Bryan, Jack, Lars & Alisa

While Desk typically always has something interesting to show off in his combo videos, I found his latest to be especially entertaining. This Street Fighter x Tekken video features many characters from the Tekken side and showcases various extended combos and will make you second guess how much you know about the gameplay system itself. Check it out after the jump and keep an eye out for the Team Street Fighter video as well!

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SF 25th Anniversary Tournament Austin TX Qualifier Replays Now Live on YouTube

For those of you who missed the Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Austin TX Qualifying Tournament this past weekend, I just uploaded the top 8 finals for all the games on YouTube! I even added in a bonus which is the Top 16 for Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike. A ton of amazing matches went down in the top 16 for 3s and it would be a shame to see it go to waste so enjoy!

While day one was admittedly a little slow, day two was host to some of the most hype SSF4 matches I've seen in a while. The entire top 8 bracket was filled with killers, all hungry to land that qualifying spot for a chance to take it all in San Francisco, CA later this year at the finals. 

Hit the jump for all the games!

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SFxTK: Desk Explores Combo Possibilities for New DLC Characters in Latest Video

Desk just released a combo video for Street Fighter x Tekken that features all of the newly released DLC characters. This video is not only entertaining but will give those of you who have just picked up the characters a good idea as to where to start when trying to dish out damage with the likes of Lars, Jack-X, Sakura and all the others.

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SF x TK: Ken Music Video by Desk Features Kooky Combos and Wild Glitches

Desk released yet another Street Fighter x Tekken video though this one is more than just a few slick combos as it features his own remixed music and some great editing. It primarily focuses on Ken and some of his more ridiculous combos, not to mention a few glitches that will leave you scratching your head wondering how he pulled it off. Check it out after the jump!

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Did You Enter Street Fighter x Tekken at EVO2012? Check Your Email for DLC Codes for the 12 New Characters

If you entered Street Fighter x Tekken at Evolution 2012 you might want to pull up your inbox if you haven't already. Capcom is providing players who registered for Street Fighter x Tekken two DLC codes for the 12 new characters that are set to release on the 31st and have sent out emails over the past 24 hours notifying those who are eligible. 

Keep in mind that you must fill out the redemption form before July 29th to receive the codes so don't wait too long!

Which characters do you plan on trying out first? I am looking forward to Lars and Cody! 

Thanks to @dammit_rab for the tip!



SF x TK: Desk Opens Up More Combo Possibilities with EX Dash Canceling

Desk is still hard at work breaking open the gameplay mechanics of Street Fighter x Tekken. His latest discovery comes  from EX dash canceling and released a small combo video featuring Cammy to give you a better idea as to how it works. He mentions that most of you know you can use dash cancel specials in air combos to extend them but they are typically useless in ground combos. However, some EX dash canceled specials such as Cammy's Cannon Drill actually allow her to extend her ground combos. Check it out after the jump.

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SF x TK: DLC Character Breakdown for Dudley, Lars, Alisa & Elena

Capcom-Unity posted up a translation of the latest official Street Fighter x Tekken blog entry where the game's Director, Okada, talks about some of the upcoming DLC characters. This is worth checking out as it details many of the characters moves and their various properties and gives those of you looking forward to the characters a sneak peek of sorts at their unique playstyles.

Check out a small excerpt for Lars after the break and read the entire entry here

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Capcom Wants to Fix the Time Over Problem in Street FIghter x Tekken, Here's How

Eventhubs recently transcribed a lengthy interview with Capcom's Tomoaki Ayano that took place at San Diego Comic-Con. On stream he discussed many of the changes players can expect in the upcoming July 31st patch. He mentioned there are changes and tweaks to every character in the game and many adjustments to the auto-block and auto-tech gems to make them much more fair. You will be able to read about all the character changes in the coming weeks via Capcom Unity. 

Another interesting note is that they are aware of the Time Over problem found in the game and are currently looking at a few whats to fix this issue. While nothing is set in stone, this is what they have in mind:

  • Reduce the rate in which grey life recovers.
  • Increase overall damage.
  • Slow down the in-game timer.

Personally, I hope they increase the overall damage in the game. I feel this would be the best way to fix the Time Over issue and would add more intensity to the fights as well.

What do you think? Are these valid ways to fix this problem or do you have other ideas on how to resolve the issue? Hit the comments with your thoughts!


SFxTK: New Screenshots Featuring Console DLC Characters & Upcoming DLC Costumes

Capcom released a batch of new screenshots over the weekend that feature the DLC characters that will be available later this month, not to mention a peek at the upcoming set of outfits. These feature Guy, Cody, Sakura, Christie and many others. Check out everything at the link below.



SFxTK: New Cinematic Episode Trailer Reveals Eddy Gordo's Fate, New Screenshots for PSVita Version

A new batch of Street Fighter x Tekken media for PS Vita has hit the web today, including a few new trailers and screenshots. The latest cinematic trailer follows a portion of the cast as they search for Pandora's Box and reveals Eddy Gordo's fate.


Another gameplay trailer is also available that details many of the features found in the PS Vita version of the game. You can exchange replays with players when playing Adhoc mode, take pictures with your favorite character in various settings using the Augmented Reality mode and much more.

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Street Fighter X Tekken: Release of 12 DLC Characters Moved Up to July 31st Along with Balance Patch. Details.

Capcom has announced that the 12 new DLC characters for Street Fighter X Tekken which were originally planned to be released later this year (around the time of the Vita version hitting shelves) will be released for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 versions on July 31st.  The date was moved forward so that the release would coincide with a balance patch that will also arrive on that day.  

In case you forgot, the characters are Blanka, Cody, Dudley, Elena, Guy and Sakura from Capcom and Bryan Fury, Jack, Alisa, Lars, Lei and Christie from Tekken.  The price is still the previously announced 1600MSP/$20.00.  If you planned on buying the game on both PS3 and PS Vita you can get a really good deal.  If you buy the PS Vita version on October 2nd (which includes all DLC characters) you can also download them for free for the PS3 version.

Here are a few of the changes you can expect on the balance patch.  These were revealed at a panel during EVO 2012:

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