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Entries in SSF4: AE VER. 2012 (167)


Street Fighter IV AE 2012 "Experiments in the Lab 7" by Luparez

In the wake of a new installment in the Street Fighter IV series comes another great video from Luparez. "Experiments in the Lab" is an ongoing series of Luparez's findings in training mode, leading to the discovery of some interesting and unique combos, mixups and resets for a handful of the cast. Although not everything in the video is suitable for competitive play, the video contains some jaw-dropping moments and useful ideas alike, so players can watch the video to be entertained and intrigued.

Luparez's channel also holds all his previous entries in the "Experiements in the Lab" series, which still contain great ideas that can be carried over to Ultra Street Fighter IV.

Hit the jump for the video.

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Goodbye To Super Street Fighter IV: AE2012 Tournament At Capitol Fight District Tomorrow

My area's local tournament series is saying farewell to Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Ver. 2012!

Sacramento's Capitol Fight District will be holding one more tournament for AE2012 before the impending release of Ultra Street Fighter IV! It's located at coffee house Son of a Bean, across from the county's independent newspaper Sacramento News & Review. The tournament will have sign ups at 12pm with matches starting at 1pm so if you are planning to go, please be there before it begins!

More information behind the event can be found on Facebook! CFD will also have their first USFIV tournament at Slice of Broadway on June 14!


New Info On Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Migrating From Games For Windows Live To Steamworks

With the Games For Windows Live service ending and plans to transition to Steamworks, Capcom provided details for owners of Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition on PC.

People who bough AE on either Games For Windows Live/Retail or Steam will be transferring from GFWL built in the game to Steamworks. This change will alllow players to continue playing online as well as upgrade to Ultra Street Fighter IV on Aug. 9, 2014.

Steam owners will see the game automatically update with allowing them to transfer their save data to the new version. GFWl users will be able to migrate after inputting their registration code to Steam. For downloadable content, Steam users will be able to keep their content while GFWL players wont be able to continue using the content after the migration.

You can read the full breakdown on Capcom!


Ryan Hart Interview With Justin Wong At Stunfest 10

Two strong fighting game players from Europe and North America talked to each other at Stunfest 10 about various competitive topics.

At the big French tournament, Ryan Hart interviewed Evil Geniuses' Justin Wong about his experiences there. Topics Wong mentioned included the grand finals match against Luffy in Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Ver. 2012 and placing high after playing Breakers Revenge for the first time.

Wong also listed are the current best players in the United States and Europe and which are worthy to fight in a USA vs. Europe team battle.

You can read the full interview on on Ryan Hart's blog!


Archive Of ArcadeStream's First Friday Night Weekly Tournament, Featuring Infiltration, Saulabis & BigDanmul

The new South Korean fighting game center ArcadeStream, also known as DartStream, finished their first weekly tournament series and you can find archived matches after the jump!

ArcadeStream held their first Friday night tournament series for Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Ver. 2012 that featured players from the nation including Infiltration and BigDanmul. This weekly is structured in a single elimination 2vs2 team format.

Match results from the first tournament can be found here. You can follow ArcadeStream on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Twitch!

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Why Me Dojo? 11, Petaluma, Calif. Tournament, Announced For April, 14

Why Me Dojo? is hosting it's 11th tournament on April 14, 2014.

Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition 2012, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, and Super Smash Bros. Melee will be hosted, with other games added with interest.

For more information on registration fees and tournament rules, check out the event's Facebook page. Why Me Dojo? is located at 133 Copeland St., Petaluma, Calif. 94952.

For those who cannot make it to WMD?, IPLAYWINNER will be streaming the tournament live Twitch.tv after Super Desperation Radio. Follow IPW on Twitter and Facebook to get updates on matches and the tournament.


Notifuro Announces Support for The King of New York

With Team PIE's The King of New York starting on April 26, 2014, clothing brand Notifuro has announced its support of the league. The imprint, which works with Joe "LI Joe" Ciaramelli and BossLogic, will be donating "exclusive, custom made and unique items" to both the winner of the league and viewers at home.

In addition, Notifuro will be helping out the winner of TKONY financially: 

"As an added bonus, we teamed up with Team PIE President Andy "Citiofbrass" Dumornay, to up the ante. That's right, a portion of all purchases made for TKONY2014 goes directly the A League Grand Finals Champion. This is to help them on their honorable journey to Evolution 2014 this year in Las Vegas in July."

For more information about Notifuro, check out its website, and for more information about The King of New York head to Facebook.


Macro Micro Gaming's Alpha Clash XI Coming On April 12, 2014

Macro Micro Gaming and IPLAYWINNER are combining to host the 11th Alpha Clash event this Saturday night.

Games to be played at AC11 include Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Ver. 2012, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Super Smash Bros. Melee, SkullGirls, and Killer Instinct.

For full event and MMG Player information head over to Macro Micro Gaming's website or Facebook event page. Alpha Clash is held at The Hacker Dojo, which is located at 599 Fairchild Dr., Mountain View, Calif.

For players unable to attend the event, IPLAYWINNER will be streaming it live starting at 8 p.m. PST on Twitch.tv. Follow IPW on Twitter and Facebook to get updates on when the stream goes live and to see stream and event updates.


Tournament Results From Fight For Might At 20Mission

Here are the results from the past tournament streamed by IPLAYWINNER.


Fight For Might: SSFIVAE2012, UMVC3, Super Smash Bros. Melee (Singles, Doubles)

Fight For Might was at 20Mission Coworking space in San Francisco, CA organized by Bay Area Fight Night on Apr. 5, 2014.

You can find the bracket links above and watch the matches on YouTube!


Capcom & Virgin Gaming Announcing Street Fighter Online Series, Chances To Attend Capcom Cup 2014

The Capcom Cup expands to allow online players to get in on the action and attend the finals event later this year.

Competitive gaming service Virgin Gaming, with help from Capcom, will be providing players an opportunity to play Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Ver. 2012, and later Ultra Street Fighter IV, online for a chance to qualify for Capcom Cup.

Players from North America, South America and Europe can qualify for online tournaments where they can obtain Capcom Pro Tour points needed to compete in the finals later this year. More information about the points from online tournaments will be announced as soon as possible.

You can find more information about Capcom Cup here as well as you can register now at Virgin Gaming for the SF Online Series!


Kuroda Vs. MOV In Long Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Ver. 2012 Ryu Mirror Set At Tokyo Sou

Two of Japan's best Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike players take on a long session of Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Ver. 2012!

Kuroda and MOV were at Tokyo Sou, a fighting game-central housing space in Tokyo, Japan, and played Ryu vs. Ryu matches with four out of seven round sets. Both players also go into training mode to test out what Ryu can do in particular matchups.

You can watch the lengthy multi-part video series after the jump!

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Tournament Results From Button Smashing Night, Alpha Clash 9 & Why Me Dojo? 10

Here are the results from the past three tournaments streamed by IPLAYWINNER.


Button Smashing Night: SSFIVAE2012, UMVC3 Alpha Clash IX: SSFIVAE2012, UMVC3 Why Me Dojo? X: SSBM, SSFIVAE2012

Button Smashing Night was at 20Mission Coworking space in San Francisco, CA organized by Bay Area Fight Night on Feb. 22, 2014. Macro Micro Gaming continued Alpha Clash with their ninth entry at Mountain View, CA's Hacker Dojo on Feb. 23, 2014. The tenth iteration of Why Me Dojo featured the usual Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Ver. 2012 and Super Smash Bros. Melee at Petaluma, CA on Feb. 24, 2014.

You can find the bracket links above and watch the matches on YouTube!


The Daily Blow Up! Round Up: Week Of Feb. 16 - 22, 2014

Here are the past episodes of The Daily Blow Up! from the past week!

Harrison did two editions for Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Ver. 2012 which features first to five session with a player not having the best connection. You can find Harrison stream The Daily Blow Up! throughout the work week. LordWalkman will return on Saturdays for Skullgirls play. Arcade Shock's Giby & Hellpockets took a break on Sunday but stay tuned for their return!

You can find the videos after the jump and find past episodes on our YouTube playlist!

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Button Smashing Night At 20Mission Coworking On February 22, Stream By IPLAYWINNER

IPLAYWINNER will be in San Francisco streaming Button Smashing Night this weekend!

Bay Area Fight Night is organizing an Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Ver. 2012 tournament at 20Mission Coworking Space in San Francisco. Button Smashing Night will be open at 6:00 p.m. PST for casuals but the tournament will begin at 8:00 p.m. PST!

The event will be running on Xbox 360 so bring your 360 or multi-console sticks! We will be streaming the event on our Twitch channel!

You can find the full event information on Facebook!


Trailer For ESGN TV's Fight Night Season Two & Three - Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Ver. 2012, Premiering Feb. 24

ESGN TV revealed the trailer for the next two seasons of the upcoming Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Ver. 2012 edition of Fight Night!

The trailer features the returning set of players from season one, Infiltration, Xian and Alioune, as well as the new competitors, Laugh, Chi-Rithy, K-Brad and Sanford Kelly! This was another chance for the players to stay safe and settle with small prize money or can go for the $25,000 grand prize!

You can find the trailer after the jump! Season two will premiere on Feb. 24, 2013 on ESGN TV's Twitch channel!

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Capcom & Virgin Gaming Introduces Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Ver. 2012 Online Money Matching

Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Ver. 2012 is the latest game in a list where you can win money when playing online.

Virgin Gaming, with help from Capcom, introduces SSFIVAE2012 to their list, featuring games such as NBA 2K14 and Madden NFL 25, where players can compete against others online for cash. Supported in North America, Europe, South America and Australia, players can register for head to head battles as well as tournament leagues on either Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3.

In addition to challenges, players can track wins and losses as well as reputation among players.

You can find the full details on how to register now and what to do when reporting your matches here!


Gamerbee's YouTube Livestream Sessions

Hot off his qualification for Capcom Cup Asia and his 2nd at Shadowloo Showdown 2013, Bruce "Gamerbee" Hsiang has a new streaming schedule over on Avermedia's Youtube channel. The archives can be found on the youtube page and here is the schedule.

It is rare to have a character specialist of Gamerbees caliber to have a scheduled stream, so be sure to tune in, learn, and be entertained. Hit the jump to see an archive of one his streams.  

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Hour One Of Razer's Latif Versus Japanese Oni Player Wao In Long Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Ver. 2012 Set

Latif was in Japan and did a long set with Japan's best Oni player Wao in Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Ver. 2012 and was entirely recorded.

The whole session, dubbed as "Unleash The Oni", in a Japanese arcade lasted over three hours long featuring the powerful Saudi/American C. Viper player against the top ranked arcade Oni player (also #3 in overall leaderboards). Make sure to follow Latif on Twitter and subcribe to his YouTube channel for updates on the session.

For now, you can find the first hour of matches after the jump!

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Homecoming: CoL Filipino Champ Defends the Throne Event By XSplit & Cross Counter

Filipino Champ will be at the Philippines to "Defend the Throne."

XSplit and Cross Counter are hosting an event Oct. 20 in Manila, Philippines that will pit Complexity's Filipino Champ fighting against the best Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Ver. 2012 players in the nation.

The event will be streamed live on FGTV Live's Twitch channel and starts on Oct. 19 at 9 pm PST for US west coast viewers, Oct. 20 at 12 am EST for the east coast. You can check out the trailer after the jump!

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Capcom Cup European Qualifier Top Three Archive By Armshouse & Capcom Fighters

The European side of the Capcom Cup qualifiers concluded and here is the footage of the three top players from the tournament.

Streamed by Worstgiefever at Armshouse, this qualifier at Manchester, England's Play Expo 2013 had a top three featuring Alioune, Problem X and Wester Wolves' Ryan Hart.

Winners finals, losers finals and grand finals footage are found after the jump! You can check out more Capcom Cup qualifier footage on Capcom Fighters' YouTube channel! You can find Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 footage from Play Expo 2013 on the Armshouse YouTube channel!

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