New York's own Dieminion recently put up his thoughts regarding his trip to Japan and Super Battle Opera 2012 on the official Brokentier website. Earlier this year, he qualified to represent the American team with EG PR Balrog and Razer Latif.
Dieminion is frank about his experience in the tournament and mentions some of the problems that the competitors ran into this year. But the most interesting topics he discusses are the differences between the American and Japanese fighting game scenes and how it effects the decision making in play.
When you compare our scenes, Japan being the arcade casual scene and America being the console competitive scene, you can see differences in our styles of gameplay and why we play the way we do. Japan's arcade scene doesn't allow for long term thinking and figuring things out because you have to play with everything on the line. You're spending money to play and if you lose, that's it, similar to the past arcade culture of America. The only difference now is that they have learned the game to the point where only winning counts now. They have to put everything on the line and play with their HEART and less with their brain. A lot less thinking is involved in Japanese play it seems, it's mostly bold moves one after the other which makes it look as if they are just going in or playing random. Maybe they feel like they have to play with no regrets. Constant courageous play make for a higher chance of 'miracles' to happen in matches, which is what we see often when we watch Japanese matches.
It's always interesting to get a player's insight on strategy, especially from someone who can adapt and overcome adversity such as Dieminion. You can check out the rest of the article here on Brokentier's official website.