Entries in Dead or Alive (139)


Nyotengu, Phase 4 join Dead or Alive 6 as DLC characters

Two more returning characters have been announced as part of the DOA6 cast, one as a preorder bonus and the other as part of a special deluxe edition of the game.

The tengu princess Nyotengu will be available to all players who preorder the game, while only those who purchase the digital deluxe will receive Phase 4. The digital special edition will also come with a "deluxe" costume set, an additional outfit for Kasumi and a special set of in-game music.

According to the Team Ninja website, all bonus items will be on sale individually after the game is released.

Readers can check out the trailer for both characters after the jump.

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Dead or Alive 6 release pushed back two weeks to March 1, 2019

The next entry in the Dead or Alive franchise has had it upcoming launch temporarily delayed.

In a Twitter post from the game's official account, DOA6 director and producer Yohei Shimbori says that his team would "like to take more time to further polish its balance, gameplay and expressivity" and thus the game will debut two weeks later than its original Feb. 15, 2019, date, now coming home on March 1, 2019.

Shimbori also apologized for the delay, promising players "the best Dead or Alive gaming experience."

Dead or Alive 6 will be available on PlayStation 4, Steam and Xbox One.


Brad Wong, Eliot confirmed for Dead or Alive 6

Two more returning characters are joining the DOA6 cast.

According to Ryokutya (via Gematsu), the new issue of Famitsu confirms that Eliot and Brad Wong will be returning in the new title. Brad Wong first debuted in Dead or Alive 3, while Eliot showed up in DOA4.

No other information is available at this time, but it seems likely that Famitsu will have images of the characters in action.

Dead or Alive 6 comes home to PlayStation 4, Steam and Xbox One on February 15, 2019.


Kokoro, La Mariposa return in DOA 6, joined by newcomer Nico

A new trailer from Koei Tecmo has revealed three more characters coming to Dead or Alive 6.

Ba Ji Quan master Kokoro and luchadora La Mariposa rejoin the cast, both having made their debuts in DOA4. The third character, however, is new addition to Dead or Alive Nico.

Nico makes her series debut as a young scientist working for the game's main antagonist, Donovan, and practioner of Indonesian martial art Pencak Silat. Her fighting style is accentuated by devices that provide electrical charge to her attacks.

Readers can check out the trailer after the jump. Dead or Alive 6 comes home to PlayStation 4, Steam and Xbox One on February 15, 2019.

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View to a kill: Christie joins Dead or Alive 6, trailer released

Dead or Alive's assassin antagonist is coming to DOA6 and a short trailer has been released showing her in action.

Christie was first revealed during Paris Games Week, and appears along with a new stage that shows off a destroyed bridge complete with exploding cars. For her part, Christie looks to return to DOA with her signature fighting style and many of her old moves.

Readers can watch Christie's trailer below. Dead or Alive 6 launches for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam on Feb. 15, 2019.

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Get on the mat: Bass, Tina and Mila join Dead or Alive 6

Three more returning fighters have been revealed as part of the cast of DOA6.

The pro wrestling father-daughter duo Bass and Tina Armstrong once again join the ranks of Dead or Alive, each bringing their unique wrestling styles to the character roster. They are joined by fellow combat sport participant Mila, who made her first appearance in DOA5 and uses mixed martial arts-inspired strikes and grappling.

Readers can check out the reveal trailer for all three characters after the jump. Dead or Alive 6 launches for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam on Feb. 15, 2019.

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Dead or Alive 6 coming to Japanese arcades

The newest iteration of Koei Tecmo's fighting game franchise will be coming to arcades, the company announced.

Dead or Alive 6 will be coming to arcades in Japan using the latest version of SEGA's ALL.Net system, but no details about a release date were revealed at this time.

Dead or Alive 6 is scheduled for release on PlayStation 4, Steam and Xbox One on February 15, 2019.


New Dead or Alive 6 trailer reveals Feb. 15, 2019 release, free to play version announced, various editions and pre-order rewards offered

The new iteration of Team Ninja's staple fighting game series has a release date.

Dead or Alive 6 now has a worldwide release date of Feb. 15, 2019, for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC through Steam. A trailer, found after the jump, has been made as part of the release date announcement to show off various gameplay and story beats.

DOA6 was revealed back in early June 2018 in preparation for E3 2018. This release date trailer was made prior to its coming showing at this year's Tokyo Game Show.

According to 4Gamer,there are plans to release DOA6 as a free-to-play variant, similar to Dead or Alive 5 Core Fighters, in the future.

In North America, there are multiple preorder rewards. Players can get Nyotengu for those who preorder on either PS4 or XB1. Steam users who get DOA6 before the March 14, 2019, deadline can also get Nyotengu. A digital deluxe edition will provide 25 extra outfits for the cast of characters, extra music tracks and access to character Phase 4.

For Japanese users, they get a physical collectors edition which features the soundtrack and booklet. There is also the "Strongest Package" which features contents from the Collectors Edition plus some very suggestive pillow sheets of Kasume and Ayane and mouse pads of Marie Rose, Honoka and a new unannounced character.

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Leifang and Hitomi announced for Dead or Alive 6

The "T'ai Chi Ch'uan Prodigy" and "Fist of Innocence" will make their returns in DOA6 as the two were officially announced by Koei Tecmo on Aug. 20.

Hitomi returns for her fourth game, joining the cast in Dead or Alive 3, while Leifang has featured in every game in the DOA series. Both will be featured along with a new stage at Gamescom in Germany on Aug. 21- 25, 2018.

Readers can check out the trailer for both characters below. Their additions bring the total number of characters revealed for DOA6 to 10 at this time.

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New Dead or Alive 6 trailer introduces Diego, returning Rig

A new brawling character has been added to the cast of Dead or Alive 6.

Diego is a street fighter from New York who focuses on less flashy attacks such as tackles and headbutts to wear his opponents down. He is joined in the video by Rig, who returns from his debut in DOA5. 

With these two characters, the current roster of DOA6 sits at eight as they join Kasumi, Ryu Hayabusa, Helena Douglas, Hayate, Zack and Jann Lee.

Readers can check out the reveal trailer, courtesy of IGN, after the jump. Dead or Alive 6 will release for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC sometime in 2019 and will be first be playable by the public at Evolution 2018 on Aug. 3-4 at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.

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Dead or Alive 6 first playable at Evo 2018

Players will get the first chance to check out the new Dead or Alive game at one of the biggest fighting game events of the year.

Dead or Alive Evo Showdown 2018 will be a fan event taking place during Evo 2018 on Aug. 3-4. The festivities will include both a playable version of the upcoming title as well as a a DOA5 Last Round tournament taking place on Aug. 4.

No other details are available at this time but Team Ninja says to "stay tuned" in the coming weeks for more information. Evolution 2018 takes place at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, on Aug. 3-5, 2018. Players can head to the event's official website for more information.


Dead or Alive 6 announced, changes coming to series

A new version of Koei Tecmo's ninja-based fighting game Dead or Alive is coming, and it is bringing a few alterations to the series.

According to IGN, the biggest gameplay changes are the new Special button and the addition of a super meter. Hitting the Special button now activates an auto-combo called Fatal Rush when a player's meter is not full, but can grant either a Break Blow or Break Hold once the meter is full. The Break Blow is a powerful attack, while the Break Hold is a strong counter.

The game is also going through visual changes, as the focus of this installment has been to change perceptions of the game. "We wanted to make a more cool and mature Dead or Alive this time, and to that end we made a conscious decision to make the characters less sexualized," DOA6's producer and director Yohei Shimbori said. This realism is extending to the overall art direction of the game, but DOA will still retain the series' "sci-fi fantasy atmosphere."

For now only six fighters have been confirmed for DOA6, including mainstays Ryu Hayabusa, Kasumi, Hayate, Helena, Jann Lee and Zack.

Readers can check out the game's trailer after the jump. Dead or Alive 6 is coming to PlayStation 4, PC and Xbox One sometime in 2019.

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DOA5 Core Fighters celebrates download mark with new costume

Dead or Alive 5: Last Round's free-to-play Core Fighters edition has been dowloaded more than 10 million times, and to celebrate Koei Tecmo will be releasing a free new outfit.

Marie Rose will receive an Opoona costume based on the main character of the Wii game of the same name. This costume will be available on Oct. 18, 2017.

As DOA5 will be ending DLC support in 2017, this may be one of the last offerings for the game. Dead or Alive 5: Last Round Core Fighters originally launched on Sept. 5, 2013.


Arc System Works Mashup costumes now available for DOA5LR

Outfits that dress Dead or Alive 5 Last Round characters like fighters from BlazBlue and Guilty Gear are now available across several platforms.

The 16 outfits—eight from GG, eight from BB—lead to some interesting pairings, including Tina as Bullet, Ayane as I-No, Nyotengu as Dizzy and Momiji as Baiken.

The whole set can be purchased on Steam, PlayStation 4 or Xbox One for $31.99, with PS4 and XB1 offering individual costumes for $2.99 each.


First images released of Arc System Works crossover costumes coming to Dead or Alive 5 Last Round

An upcoming collaboration between developers will put costumes from Guilty Gear and BlazBlue into Dead or Alive, and now the first images from that partnership have been unveiled.

The 16 different outfits—featuring Nyotengu as Dizzy, Kasumi as Noel Vermilion, Hitomi as Tsubaki Yayoi and Honoka as Elphelt Valentine among others—will be coming to Dead or Alive 5 Last Round in Japan on March 14. Prices for the costumes will vary depending on platform, with individual items costing either roughly $2.50 or $2.70 (286 yen on PS4, 300 on Xbox One) on consoles while the whole set will run $28, or $29 on PC (3,175 yen on PS4, 3,200 on Xbox One and 3,334 on PC).

News of the deal between Koei Tecmo and Arc System Works was made public in early February 2017. There is no word as to whether these costumes will officially be released to U.S. players.


Dead or Alive 5 Last Round: Core Fighters reaches download milestone

The free-to-play version of Koei Tecmo's newest entry in the Dead or Alive franchise has been downloaded by players eight million times, and the company has released a short video to celebrate.

Core Fighters offers four characters that are always available to play—Hayate, Ayane, Kasumi and Ryu Hayabusa—while the other characters rotate in and out of free selection. The other characters and DLC can all be purchased separately or the game can be upgraded to the full version of DOA5LR.

As a part of Koei Tecmo's celebration of eight million downloads, the company will be offering Mila to players for free until Feb. 7, 2017.

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Mai Shiranui coming to Dead or Alive 5 Last Round

A new trailer from Team Ninja has revealed that one of SNK's flagship characters will be making an appearance in Dead or Alive.

Mai Shiranui, a character famous for both the Fatal Fury and King of Fighters games, will be coming to Dead or Alive 5 Last Round in September 2016. 

No other information is available at this time. Check out the teaser for Mai after the jump.

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NorCal Regionals 2016 Announced, March 25-27 at Sacramento, CA

NorCal Regionals is heading back to the California capital of Sacramento for 2016.

This will be the third consecutive entry that NCR will be at the Holiday Inn Sacramento Capitol Plaza. From March 25-27, the Northern California major will host Street Fighter V, Ultra Street Fighter IV, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- and Mortal Kombat X. SFV is part of the Capcom Pro Tour as a Premier Event.

While the aforementioned games are part of the main list, players can also participate in the Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Dead or Alive 5 Last Round and Killer Instinct community tournaments.

Registration for NCR 2016 is live with different packages. If you are planning to register, there are multiple options with various benefits including the weekend-long After Hours Room. If you are looking to stay at the Holiday Inn, it's priced at $99 a night.

You can register now on the official NorCal Regionals website!


Dead or Alive 5: Last Round PC Online Patch Delayed Following Issues in Beta Test

Intending to help improve netplay in Dead or Alive 5: Last Round on PC by the end of June, Team Ninja and Koei Tecmo released a statement that they are unable to follow through to their goal.

The developer of the final version of Dead or Alive 5 announced that a public update to fix the online code has been delayed to an undetermined date. This reason was "due to major issues found during the [Steam] beta test."

With the patch still in the works, Team Ninja will still provide the beta.

"We will continue to offer the beta version. However, for users who have experienced issues which made the beta version unplayable, we ask that you revert back to the offline version to continue playing the game."

The full statement can be found here.


DOA 5: Last Round for PC Shipping without Online, Other Features

While it's good to see console fighting games spread to PC, Siliconera is reporting that Dead or Alive 5: Last Round is losing some features during the transition.

According to specifications posted by Team Ninja, DOA5LR will release at the end of March without online play and some of the graphical features present in Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of the game. It will also not include the two new stages added to those versions.

While Team Ninja does plan to add online "within three months of launch," it's disappointing to see PC users not being given the full game experience. There is also no word as to whether the developers plan to try and add the next-gen stages to the PC version in the future.

For Siliconera's full list of PC "quirks," hit the jump.

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