Entries in Ultra Street Fighter IV (56)


HackerFight 5.0 featuring Street Fighter V, USFIV and Super Turbo at Facebook HQ

The Silicon Valley-exclusive fighting game tournament series returns with Street Fighter V added to the lineup.

HackerFight, in its fifth iteration, will be returning to Facebook's headquarters in Menlo Park, California, on March 11. Teams representing various companies including Twitch, Google, Capcom and more will be participating in Street Fighter V and Ultra Street Fighter IV team tournaments. Super Street Fighter II Turbo will also be at HackerFight 5.0 as well but as an invite-only exhibition.

Team Spooky will be streaming the event with help from the 10/0 production crew. You can find out more information about HackerFight 5.0 on the Facebook event page.


NorCal Regionals 2016 Announced, March 25-27 at Sacramento, CA

NorCal Regionals is heading back to the California capital of Sacramento for 2016.

This will be the third consecutive entry that NCR will be at the Holiday Inn Sacramento Capitol Plaza. From March 25-27, the Northern California major will host Street Fighter V, Ultra Street Fighter IV, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- and Mortal Kombat X. SFV is part of the Capcom Pro Tour as a Premier Event.

While the aforementioned games are part of the main list, players can also participate in the Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Dead or Alive 5 Last Round and Killer Instinct community tournaments.

Registration for NCR 2016 is live with different packages. If you are planning to register, there are multiple options with various benefits including the weekend-long After Hours Room. If you are looking to stay at the Holiday Inn, it's priced at $99 a night.

You can register now on the official NorCal Regionals website!


Update 1.03 of Ultra Street Fighter IV on PlayStation 4 Downloadable Now, Fixes More Prominent Issues

The next update to the PlayStation 4 port of Ultra Street Fighter IV is live.

Version 1.03 is available for download and it's one of the patches designed to stabilize the issues that plagued the stock release. One of the primary fixes in this update is the reduction of inherent input delay down to 89 milliseconds, or 5.3 frames, according to DisplayLag. It's a couple of milliseconds more than the Xbox 360 version at 85ms/5.1 frames.

Another major initiative with the update was fixing the audio end. A level's sound effects replacing character movement effects, balancing volume levels for multiple audio channels and other bugs have been resolved.

Other aspects of the patch include improved online performance and a graphics bug with Juri.

As for further updates, Capcom and Sony are still making sure this port is, as advertised, the definitive version of USFIV.


Patch for Ultra Street Fighter IV on PlayStation 4 to be Submitted for Certification, Release Date TBA

Following the recent negative reception towards the Ultra Street Fighter IV port on PlayStation 4, work is being done to supress the issues surrounding the version.

Sony Computer Entertainment America's director of third party production Gio Corsi announced that a patch will be submitted for certification on May 29. While the release of the patch is still to be determined, it will be tested to make sure it's ready for public availability. Update notes will also be revealed at a later date.

Other Ocean, the developer behind the port, issued a statement that they are working "with SCEA and Capcom to ensure all current issues are addressed as quickly as possible."

Released on May 26, Ultra Street Fighter IV on PlayStation 4 had players encountering various problems in the game such as the large input lag, menu slowdown, user interface issues, changes to character moves and graphical and audio bugs. Capcom announced that it would cancel use of the PS4 version in upcoming Capcom Pro Tour tournaments until further notice. CPT-sanctioned tournaments, such as the upcoming Community Effort Orlando, can use their preferred console version.


Ultra Street Fighter IV Released on PlayStation 4, Instructions to Use PlayStation 3 Arcade Sticks

The latest version of Street Fighter IV hits the latest Sony PlayStation console with a benefit.

Ultra Street Fighter IV is now available exclusively for the PlayStation 4. Different from both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions, the PS4 build features full 1080p visuals while still maintaining 60 frames per second. Exclusive to this version is the Lab Zero Games controller driver allowing arcade sticks that work on the PS3 to work on the newest console.

While it isn't plug and play, make sure to check the instructions here! EVO 2015 will use the PS4 version so get ready!

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Sony's Road to Greatness 2015 Tour to Feature Ultra Street Fighter IV Event, Winner Gets Trip to Watch Capcom Cup

Sony's special nationwide PlayStation event will be bringing the latest games as well as offering someone a trip to Capcom's yearly Street Fighter tournament.

The Road to Greatness 2015 Tour will be hosting an Ultra Street Fighter IV event where players have to earn the longest win streak from May up until November. Sony will give a player with the highest win streak from the whole tour a paid trip to the Capcom Cup finals.

At the moment there are seven confirmed locations, found below, where players can earn a high win streak but four more will be announced following a special contest. Players can submit why Sony should visit their hometown up until May 10. Stay tuned for those announcements.

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Final Showdown: Ultra Street Fighter IV on PlayStation 4 at EVO? What You Can Do!

The announcement of Ultra Street Fighter IV being on PlayStation 4 at this year's EVO was a disappointment for many players. The conversation in various outlets focused on peripheral access, something not all people have. Many were so accustomed to the Xbox 360 version featured in the past two EVO events that the change is alien to them.

In one exchange, a player did mention that he might not go to EVO anymore because of this change. The community shouldn't be apathetic like this. There are a couple of solutions that players can use to get themselves to Las Vegas for the biggest fighting game tournament in the world.

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NuckleDu Joins Team Curse

Professional gaming team Curse has announced its entry into the world of Street Fighter with the signing of Du "NuckleDu" Dang. NuckleDu has become a noted Guile player in the United States, and has recently added Decapre to his arsenal. According to Curse's website,

"NuckleDu has been on the rise, with his first big showing at NEC 13 and CEO Prologue earlier this year. He has also shown his prowess in Street Fighter x Tekken tournaments, with 4 major wins. In Ultra Street Fighter IV, NuckleDu has been rising up as one of the top 25 players in the world."

His first showing as part of Team Curse will be at Capcom Cup on Dec. 13 in San Francisco.


Combofiend Details New Ultra Street Fighter IV Patch

Capcom has revealed the details of its new patch to USFIV, numbered 1.04. On his Capcom blog, Combofiend writes that Edition Select will now be added to unranked online play, and that the omega versions of each character will be selectable in that mode. Omega characters will only be usable in Edition Select, as there is no omega mode in the game.

Combo adds that the trials for characters will be updated to reflect changes in Ultra, and that new trials for Yun, Yang, Oni, Evil Ryu, Hugo, Elena, Decapre, Poison and Rolento will be added to the game.

Patch 1.04 will also include new balance changes to make all characters viable—Combofiend singles out DeeJay especially—and fixes to the recently discovered Vega and Yun bugs.

Lastly, the download will contain the compatibility files for the new wild costumes, which will be available for purchase. Combofiend, however, did not give a date for the patch at this time, saying only that it would release "shortly after Capcom Cup."


Japan's Nishikin & His Blanka Featured in World Warriors of Capcom Cup

The dedicated Blanka player in Japan gets analyzed before his arrival at Capcom Cup.

Hiroshi Nishikido, also known by his name Nishikin, is the latest subject for World Warriors of Capcom Cup. Known in offline and online circles, Nishikin created bigger buzz after qualifying from the singles portion of Taito Arcade National tournament series. He was able to go through Japan's best including EVO 2014 second place finisher Bonchan in grand finals through winners bracket.

UltraChen TV took a look at the said gf set, featured after the jump, and analyzes Nishikin's tendencies and his tactics against Bonchan's Sagat.

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Xian Covered by UltraChen TV for World Warriors of Capcom Cup

Here is a retrospective and analysis of one of Singapore's best players who qualified for Capcom Cup, provided by UltraChen TV.

Ho Kun Xian was able to qualify through earning enough points, in which he is third place in the overall ranking board. The commentating duo talked about his past performances from both 2013 and 2014 as well as analyzing his match between Poongko in the Capcom Pro Tour Asia Korea qualifier.

Check out the video after the jump!

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UltraChen TV Talks About Bonchan in World Warriors of Capcom Cup

Bonchan has been having a great year and he will be playing in the upcoming Capcom Cup.

Masato "Bonchan" Takahashi is one of the four Japanese players who qualified for Capcom Cup 2014. Ultra David and JChensor, as part of the World Warriors of Capcom Cup series, talked about Bonchan's competitive history throughout 2014 including his second place finish at this year's Evolution tournament.

Much like how they analyzed Infiltration's tournament set against Evil Geniuses' Momochi, UltraChen looked at Bonchan's top eight EVO match against Razer's Fuudo.

You can find the full half-hour long video after the jump!

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Infiltration Analyzed by UltraChen TV as Part of World Warriors of Capcom Cup Series

With Capcom Cup coming very soon, the UltraChen duo will be taking a look at all the qualifying players for Capcom Cup. Here is the inagural entry!

Seonwoo "Infiltration" Lee from South Korea is the first player covered by Ultra David and JChensor. They talk about his past experiences in fighting games, his strategies and past matches during this year's Capcom Pro Tour.

You can take a look at the video after the jump! Capcom Cup will take place in San Francisco on Dec. 13!

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Capcom Cup 2014 Finals Coming To San Francisco's The Warfield Theatre

This year's Capcom Cup finals will be at the heart of the Bay Area on Dec. 13!

Moving from its original location in Burlingame, Calif., the 2014 edition of Capcom Cup will be held in San Francisco's The Warfield. Known for featuring various artists and bands including Slayer, Grateful Dead and more, The Warfield will host the top Ultra Street Fighter IV players to see who can be the champion.

In addition to the main tournament, there will be other content available at Capcom Cup finals including an announcement from Capcom's Yoshinori Ono, a performance from Los Angeles-based rock band The Megas and more.

While The Warfield can host up to 2,300 people, those who want to get the best viewing experience can register for VIP passes. Not only you get a premium seat, you will also get a special bag of goodies and access to the Capcom Cup afterparty at The Folsom Street Foundry.

Check out Haunts' full post here for more information.


Archive of USFIV Global Challenge: Korea by World e-Sports Championship Games

All of the videos from the special Korean Ultra Street Fighter IV tournament by World e-Sports Championship Games are now available for viewing!

WECG conducted the top eight finals of their Global Challenge: Korea tournament. This tournament brought many players from Korea to compete in the preliminaries for a shot at the finals held at Nexon Arena. This recorded event spanned three days in a double elimination bracket featuring Korea's best including Infiltration and iim83man. Other players including Xiaohai from China, Humanbomb from Hong Kong and NorCal's own Hoodaman of Pandora House also qualified.

Results from the Global Challenge can be viewed here. All three days of the tournament, with English commentary by Laugh, are found below. You can also check out individual videos, with commentary featuring Nin, on their YouTube channel.

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Footage from Capcom Pro Tour's Ranking Tournament At EGX London

Take a look at what was in store during one of the latest Capcom Pro Tour tournaments in Europe.

This ranking tournament took place at EGX London, formerly known as Eurogamer Expo. From Sept. 25-28, players from all around England competed for ranking points in the Capcom Pro Tour in hopes of getting to the Capcom Cup finals later this year. English fighting game channel Unequalled Media was there to cover the tournament.

UM already uploaded both top threes, which you can find after the jump, as well as the earlier phases on their YouTube channel.

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Jayce the Ace vs. Pepeday in Online Ultra Street Fighter IV First to 10 Set

One of the United States' best Viper players challenged the Tokyo Game Show 2014 Ultra Street Fighter IV champion in a first to 10.

Fukuoka Gamers Club's Pepeday, who dominated the TGS tournament with El Fuerte, was issued a FT10 set by Jayce the Ace, representing Yubiken. Streamed on YBK's Twitch channel, both players competed online to see who was the better player. Prior to the fight, a hype video was featured where both Pepeday and Jayce shared their thoughts towards each other and their characters.

Both the FT10 challenge and the hype video can be viewed after the jump!

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New Episode of Hold Back to Block's Climbing the Ladder Season 2

Esteban of Hold Back to Block returns to record some of his Street Fighter IV online matches in Climbing the Ladder.

With Ryu, Esteban plays both a Ryu and a Juri player. The most notable match is against one who plays Hugo. This segment best exemplifies his retrospective analysis of his matches as he talks about matchup knowledge, mistakes from himself and his opponent and more. The video can be viewed below the jump.

You can subscribe to Hold Back to Block on YouTube for more Climbing the Ladder videos as well as interviews from various fighting game events. Esteban is currently working on the crowdfunded documentary FGC: Rise of the Fighting Game Community.

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HackerFight 1.3 On Sept. 12 At Facebook HQ, Stream By IPLAYWINNER

HackerFight returns for its third iteration!

HackerFight is a tournament series featuring players working in various top tech and startup companies located within the Silicon Valley. This third team tournament series will feature both Ultra Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter II Turbo at Facebook's headquarters in Menlo Park, California.

Companies including Capcom, Facebook, Netflix, Cisco, Apple and Twitch are confirmed to attend HackerFight 1.3 on Sept. 12. For those wanting to watch, it will be streamed on the IPLAYWINNER Twitch channel at 7:00 p.m. PST.

For more information, check out the news release below the jump.

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Ultra Street Fighter IV Arcade FightStick Tournament Edition 2 Models From Mad Catz Coming October

Mad Catz will finally release their Ultra Street Fighter IV arcade sticks outside Japan!

The Ultra Street Fighter IV-branded Arcade FightStick Tournament Edition 2s will finally arrive in North American territories in October 2014. Introduced during the console release of USFIV in Japan, the TE2 sticks will be available in both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3/PlayStation 4 models. These sticks will also carry most of the characteristics from both the non-branded and Killer Instinct versions including a new body design, easy internal access, dedicated tool and more.

For more information including pictures of the stick, check out the page made for the Japanese release here!

Stay tuned for more information including preorder options whenever available on Mad Catz's site.