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Entries in Street Fighter X Tekken (46)


Winter Steam Sale brings discounts to many fighters

The annual Winter Steam Sale has arrived, bringing big discounts to many fighting games offered through the platform.

Arc System Works has cut prices on many titles including Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!!, Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code, Battle Fantasia and older versions of the Under Night, Guilty Gear and BlazBlue series.

SNK is once again offering low prices for King of Fighters XIII, 2002 Unlimited Match and '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition, as well as The Last Blade 2.

Lastly, there are also sizable discounts for Street Fighter V, Mortal Kombat XL, Skullgirls, Blade Arcus, Koihime Enbu and many other titles. Sadly, it seems recently released titles such as Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- and Garou: Mark of the Wolves are not included in this year's sale. For a list containing most of the titles, head over to Steam.


3rd Strike Online Edition, Darkstalkers Resurrection & Super Turbo HD Remix Discounted On Xbox Live Marketplace

If you haven't bought any of Capcom's updated 2D fighters on Xbox 360's digital store, here is a chance to get them and save some money!

Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition, Darkstalkers Resurrection and Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix are three of the many Capcom games discounted at the Xbox Live Marketplace for the week.

Other fighting game-related content including Super Puzzle Fighter Turbo II HD Remix and the additional characters pack for Street Fighter X Tekken are also discounted.

Don't wait as the sale will end on Aug. 12! You can check out the full breakdown of the games mentioned, as well as other Capcom games, on Major Nelson's blog.


Capcom Cup: Street Fighter X Tekken Tournament Fully Archived By Capcom Fighters

For those who missed Street Fighter X Tekken at Capcom Cup can now watch all of the matches in full!

This tournament brought four SFXT tournament players with four others who qualified from the online tournament. Players including Infiltration, Justin Wong, Sethlolol and Tampa Bison fight it out to see who is best!

You can find the full playlist for SFXT, as well as Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Ver. 2012, after the jump! Capcom Fighters can be found on YouTube!

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Capcom Cup: Street Fighter X Tekken Tournament First Round Fights Revealed

With Capcom Cup coming soon, here is some info on the upcoming tournaments starting with Street Fighter X Tekken.

Combofiend at Capcom announced the first round matches in SFXT. These matches were organized with a tournament veterans going against players from the online qualifiers. Infiltration will go against TheZombieDriver, Alex Valle against Tampa Bison, NuckleDu versus Sethlolol and Justin Wong fighting Ramos.

The tournament for SFXT will be running under a double-elimination bracket with two out of three matches required to win games. You can find more info here! Capcom Cup is on Dec. 14, 2013 at Burlingame, CA!


Capcom Cup Finals Schedule Announced, Release Timeframe Of Ultra Street Fighter IV On Consoles & PC

Capcom Cup will be concluding with the finals and will be one of the major location test spots for Ultra Street Fighter IV, now with release info.

At Burlingame, CA's Hyatt SFO hotel on Dec. 15, Capcom Cup will be bringing players from all around the world to compete in Street Fighter X Tekken, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Ver. 2012! Also featured include announcements and special exhibitions for Marvel and Ultra. Capcom Cup also house one of the many international Ultra Street Fighter IV location tests. You can find the detailed day schedule here!

Ultra also received some release dates for both console and PC editions. Before EVO 2014, Ultra will be available in June for $14.99 in both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360's as a Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Ver. 2012 upgrade. Digital and retail builds of the full console version will be available in Aug. for $39.99. A PC upgrade version and a full release will also be available in Aug. for $14.99 and $29.99 respectively.


EVO 2013: Cross Counter Presents AE2012 & SFXT Sessions At Kelvin Jeon's Hotel Room

Kelvin at Cross Counter was at EVO and recorded some sessions from his hotel room with various strong players in Street Fighter X Tekken and Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Ver. 2012.

For SFIV, Poongko went up against Japanese Vega player BrokkenG in a first to three bout. In SFXT, Kelvin himself went up against the very technical player from the East Coast Ryan Hunter in a first to five set. Also in SFXT features NorCal player Bad Intent playing with Sethlolol in a first to five set as well.

You can the videos after the jump and more related on Cross Counter's YouTube!

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SFXT: Kelvin Jeon & Cross Counter Present "Pick A Team, Any Team!" Video Series

For those wanting to learn Street Fighter X Tekken Ver. 2013, Cross Counter has a new video series showing what can two characters do by themselves and together.

This latest edition is based on both Kuma and Yoshimitsu. Kelvin Jeon explains aspects of what can be done with both characters utilized and their indivdual powers and setups they can do if ever teamed up with a different character.

You can check out the video after the jump!

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SFXT: Cross Counter Presents NCR11 Match Analysis With Kelvin Jeon

NorCal's well-known Street Fighter X Tekken Kazuya player Kelvin Jeon, also known as "Mak Daddy," took a look at one of his major matches from NorCal Regionals 11.

This inaugural match analysis brought to you by Cross Counter has Jeon talking about his match against Evil Geniuses' Ricky Ortiz in the top 16 bracket of SFXT. He talks about various portions featured in the match including his use of electric wind god fists and Ortiz's pressure strategy.

You can check out the video after the jump!

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SFXT: Ver. 2013 Patch Out On April 22 For PC Users

While the console users recieved Street Fighter X Tekken Ver. 2013 a while back already, PC users will not wait any longer!

For Steam and non-Steam owners of Street Fighter X Tekken, the 1.08 patch will bring the game up to date with all of the Ver. 2013 changes to every character in the game!

Full patch notes for every character can be found here!


SFXT: Capcom Training Room On Gems And Gem Sets

The third edition of the Capcom Training Room video series is now available and further explains information on Street Fighter X Tekken Ver. 2013's gems.

While this is focused on particular gem sets, the video goes into detail on what each of the individual gems provide and what players would use it for.

You can check it out after the jump!

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SFXT: Xbox Live Online Ranked Matches With Haunts And Combofiend

The fighting game folks over at Capcom US HQ spent a bit of time in their workday to record some online play of Street Fighter X Tekken Ver. 2013!

This inaugural episode of "Challenge Capcom," Haunts and Combofiend fight against the players in online ranked matches similar to that of Cross Counter's Excellent Adventures series. Not only gameplay, you can hear the humorous reactions of Haunts and Combofiend too!

Check it out after the jump! If you want to play against these guys whenever they stream, make sure to check out Capcom-Unity for updates!

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SFXT: Online Rewind Episode One By Dawgtanian

Dawgtanian over at Capcom Europe captured some matches from Street Fighter X Tekken Ver. 2013's online mode as part of a new series on CapcomFighters.

This series called the "Online Rewind," it shows off matches that wants to show off aspects such as matchup situations, player tendencies, and team synergy and how it affects the overall matches shown. Among the three featured, England's Holinydo is featured and is known in the nation for his high damaging Alisa X Cammy team.

You can check out the full video after the jump!

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SFXT: Video On Understanding Link-Cancelling

Street Fighter X Tekken player Zukuu uploaded a video detailing an interesting cancelling ability.

Referred to as link-cancelling, it refers to where a move with a specified frame advantage can be cancelled to another move that has a slightly higher startup.

It's best to see it in action with the video after the jump!

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SF: BAIT X Street Fighter First To Five Showcase Video Matches

Last weekend, Capcom and various players from SoCal attended the BAIT X Street Fighter event at the BAIT store.

Haunts streamed and recorded various matches including special first to five matches against some top players such as Level|Up's Alex Valle and IGN Pro League's Mike Ross. Both Street Fighter X Tekken Ver. 2013 and Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Ver. 2012 have been featured.

You can check out the matches here and make sure to visit Capcom Fighters and the Street Fighter YouTube channels for more videos!


SFXT: Combo Video Stylishly Comparing SSFIVAE2012 And SFXT Combo Systems By Desk

Ever since the release of Street Fighter X Tekken Ver. 2013, Desk has been uploading a multitude of combo videos dedicated to the game including this special hybrid.

It shows off various characters from the Street Fighter side on their powerful combos from Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Ver. 2012 and seamlessly transition to SFXT and vice versa. Not only being stylish to watch, the video compares on how each games' combo system works.

You can check out the video after the jump and you can also check out more SFXT videos from Desk on his YouTube!

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SFXT PC Update And CVS2 PS2 Port A Couple Of Months Off

Christian Svensson apologizes for the huge delay that PC Street Fighter X Tekken players. Details about the pricing point and release should be out by the end of the week. He says there should be some good news to share by then.

On other news, Svensson also commented on the likely release of Capcom vs. SNK 2 in the west. It has cleared some channels in emulation testing and should be out in a few months. Mind you that this is the emulated PlayStation 2 version for the PlayStation 3. It is not likely that the release will get any netplay, although one can hope.

You can check out their video archive for the entire interview after the jump.

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SFXT: Ver. 2013 Out, Various Downloadable Packs On Sale

Street Fighter X Tekken Ver. 2013 is now available to play on both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3! In part with the release, additional downloadable content on both the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Marketplace are currently discounted.

You can expect price drops on various downloadable packs such the Swap Costume Complete Pack and even the Additional Character Pack. If you want to try out the extra characters, you can pay them at a slightly lowered price!

All of the discounted and other related content can be found after the jump!

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SFXT: Seventh And Eight Video Batches Of Ver. 2013's Character Balance Changes

Street Fighter X Tekken Ver. 2013 is coming out tomorrow and here are a couple of more characters modified for the upcoming update.

From Friday featured Guy, Hwoarang, Lili, Jin Kazama, Juri, and Marshall Law. Today has Nina Williams, Rolento, Chun-Li, and Poison! You can expect narration from Combofiend as well as Dawgtanian from Capcom in England! All can be viewed in the compiled playlist after the jump!

There are a couple of more videos left but if you want to check out the changes, go check the full list here or even update your existing copy of Street Fighter X Tekken tomorrow (or now on PlayStation 3)!

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SFXT: Sixth Video Batch Of Ver. 2013's Character Balance Changes

Street Fighter X Tekken Ver. 2013 is coming next Tuesday and Capcom is nearing the last videos of characters modified for the new version.

This latest batch posted yesterday covers Heihachi Mishima, Bryan Fury, and Christie Montiero for the Tekken side while for Street Fighter, it's all about Dudley, Sakura, and M. Bison.

You can find the playlist featuring the new and previous videos after the jump!

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SFXT: Fifth Video Batch Of Ver. 2013's Character Balance Changes

After a huge weekend at SoCal Regionals, Combofiend returns to Capcom USA headquarters and posted new videos to some of the significant changes done to characters on Street Fighter X Tekken Ver. 2013.

Covered in this video roundup were Alisa, Bob, Asuka, Elena, and Balrog. Like every other video, these spotlights cover specific yet very significant moves from every character. For a full list on every characters' changes, please read here.

Otherwise, check out the videos after the jump!

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