Entries in Darkstalkers (32)


Lineup announced for AnimEvo 2017

Daryl "DJCream" Bunao joined Super Desperation Radio to announce the games that will be part of AnimEvo at Evolution 2017 on July 14-16, 2017. 

The list contains 11 games at this point, but can be expanded if players step up to run other games. The AnimEvo games are: Guilty Gear XX Accent Core +R, Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax Ignition, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late, Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code, Gundam Extreme Vs Full Boost, Vampire Savior, Nitroplus Blasterz, Chaos Code: New Sign of Catastrophe, Aquapazza, Puyo Puyo Tetris and Arcana Heart 3: Love Max!!!!!

Players with questions about the AnimEvo lineup can contact the tournament series or DJCream on Twitter.


Footage from Darkstalkers Duo Festival at A-Cho

On Feb. 21, 2015, Kyoto's neo amusement space a-cho held a World Cup-style team tournament for Vampire Savior. The tournament first separated 43 two-player teams into groups, where they would play a round-robin event. The top two teams from each group then moved on to a single-elimination, 16-team bracket.

The event featured many of the game's top Japanese players, and every character from the game is represented. The tournament's videos are split into a single video for each group, with a final video dedicated to top 16 matches. Viewers can find them on the tournament's dedicated YouTube channel and those wondering more about the event—who speak Japanese—can check out the its blog.


New Classic Fighting Game Match Videos from Psychochronic

Need a fix of vanilla Tekken 6, Vampire Savior or X-Men vs. Street Fighter? Check out some of the videos after the jump.

Uploaded by old school fighting game community player Psychochronic, the new set contains classic competitive videos from both North America and Japan. Some have only been available on video sites like Niconico while others haven't been on the Internet for a while. There is also footage of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Street Fighter Alpha 3 and more on his YouTube channel.

Go watch them now below!

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3rd Strike Online Edition, Darkstalkers Resurrection & Super Turbo HD Remix Discounted On Xbox Live Marketplace

If you haven't bought any of Capcom's updated 2D fighters on Xbox 360's digital store, here is a chance to get them and save some money!

Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition, Darkstalkers Resurrection and Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix are three of the many Capcom games discounted at the Xbox Live Marketplace for the week.

Other fighting game-related content including Super Puzzle Fighter Turbo II HD Remix and the additional characters pack for Street Fighter X Tekken are also discounted.

Don't wait as the sale will end on Aug. 12! You can check out the full breakdown of the games mentioned, as well as other Capcom games, on Major Nelson's blog.


The New Challenger: Fighting Game Development With Iron Galaxy Studios' Dave Lang

Dave Lang. Source: Windows Phone Central

Japanese developer and publisher Capcom commissioned projects to be developed outside their main production studios. Chicago-based group Iron Galaxy Studios became part of the plan and would later serve something more: they were going to work on Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition.

"Street Fighter is actually a Capcom U.S. owned franchise I believe, so when they decided to do that game the U.S. team got to pick who would be working on it," said Iron Galaxy CEO Dave Lang. "[Iron Galaxy] had a great relationship with Capcom, and they were confident our technical proficiency would be most valuable on that project."

This effort by Lang and Iron Galaxy would establish their ground as one of the prominent developers within the worldwide fighting game industry and community.

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Darkstalkers: North American Tournament Event "Death & Rebirth" Dated This June

Cincinnati, Ohio will be ground zero for North America's significant Darkstalkers tournament this June.

Darkstalkers: Death and Rebirth is a weekend long event dedicated to the series. Saturday will feature special tournaments including a single match and elimination tournament and an Super Street Fighter II Turbo ST Games qualifier. Sunday is all about the double elimination tournaments for Night Warriors and Darkstalkers 3! There are also some exhibitions and side game tournaments as well!

Death and Rebirth will be happening on June 15 and 16 at Arcade Legacy! You can check out registration information, prizes, and rules here! You can also check the trailer after the jump!

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Darkstalkers: Capcom's Online Rewind Episode Six By Dawgtanian

Capcom Europe's Dawgtanian uploaded a new episode of the Online Rewind, a video series dedicated to showcasing some of the many great matches found in online play.

This special episode focuses on Darkstalkers Resurrection and specifically online games from Japan. One of the three matches features one of Darkstalkers 3's best active players Sakamoto. Like past Online Rewinds, these matches provide a direct and indirect insight on matchup situations.

You can check out the latest episode after the jump!

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Darkstalkers: Trailer Of Resurrection's First Title Update

The first major update for Darkstalkers Resurrection is now available on PlayStation 3 (soon on Xbox 360) and here is a trailer featuring one of the more significant additions to the downloadable collection.

Commonly found on more of Capcom's retail fighters, the title update will feature a fight request option for those who want to practice in either arcade mode or training mode while waiting instead of manually searching for an opponent.

You can check out the update trailer after the jump and you can find the full patch notes here!

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Here Is The Xbox 360 Darkstalkers Resurrection Facebook Winner, PlayStation 3 Entries Extended To Next Week

We already have our confirmed winner for the first part of the Darkstalkers Resurrection contest but due to a minor setback, we will be exapanding entries for the second part!

Thank you very much to Zack Kiss for his amazing submission for Super Desperation Radio! He won the Xbox 360 code for the game. You can find it on the left! Due to the aforementioned setback on The Show That Sucks, drawing entries for the PlayStation 3 version will be expanded until the next episode of The Show That Sucks.

Make sure to follow the rules here!


Win An Xbox 360 Or PlayStation 3 Code In Our Darkstalkers Resurrection Giveaway

Our review of Darkstalkers Resurrection is now available to see but if you are still on the fence or unable to pay for it at the moment, you can win a code of the game!

Thanks to the folks at Capcom, you can win either a PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 redeemable code of Darkstalkers Resurrection. You can enter by providing your favorite moment from one or both podcasts Super Desperation Radio and The Show That Sucks in image form. Each winner will be announced on both SDR and TSTS.

You have two weeks to participate so get going! Also make sure to read the rules after the jump!

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Darkstalkers: Final Round 16 Hosting Darkstalkers Exhibition

The 16th edition of the popular Atlanta tournament Final Round will be providing a special exhibition tournament in line with the recent release of Darkstalkers: Resurrection.

This exhibition tournament will feature eight experienced players battling in a single-elimination bracket to see who is the current best. Ailerus, Alphakami, Floe, Kajoq, Kyle_Wattula, Mighty Mar, ZomB, Vexco are the confirmed players who will be participating!

Make sure to check out Combofiend's full post here!


Review: Darkstalkers Resurrection

Capcom’s Darkstalkers (Vampire, in Japan) series might not have been the company’s flagship fighter, it’s certainly one of the more interesting ones. Instead of a more down to Earth approach, Darkstalkers explores the supernatural and fantasy in its own exaggerated form featuring beings such as a self-gratifying succubus, a martial arts werewolf, and a volatile take of Little Red Riding Hood. Add that with a very characteristic art style, short jabs of humor, and fast and balanced gameplay, you get a pretty cool fighting game series.

The recent interest in Darkstalkers have sparked conceptual material for a fourth entry in the series. It also helped bring about a downloadable package, developed by Iron Galaxy Studios, featuring two of the more popular past entries: Night Warriors: Darkstalkers’ Revenge (Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers’ Revenge) and Darkstalkers 3 (Vampire Savior). Packaged with the best fighting game netcode around and other neat, albeit unrefined, features, Darkstalkers Resurrection is a well needed collection.

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Darkstalkers: Vampire Savior Tournament At Super Arcade This Friday

To celebrate the release of Darkstalkers Resurrection, there will be a special tournament for Darkstalkers 3/Vampire Savior at the popular Super Arcade in Walnut, CA.

This tournament is scheduled this coming Friday, March 15 at 9:30 PM PST. The tournament and casual venue is $5 while tournament registration is $1 only. It will mainly be played on Xbox 360 and streamed by IEBattleGrounds

You can check out the full details including specific rules here!


Darkstalkers: Release Trailer Of Resurrection, Available This Week

Darkstalkers Resurrection is coming out this week on Xbox 360 through the Live Marketplace and the PlayStation 3 through the PlayStation Network Store.

This was developed by Iron Galaxy Studios who optimized the PlayStation 2 ports of Night Warriors/Vampire Hunter and Darkstalkers 3/Vampire Savior with GGPO netplay support, also optimized for consistency. For those on the PS3, it will be available tomorrow while 360 users have to wait one more day as it comes out on Wednesday. The Japanese version will be available on Thursday as a physical format on both versions.

You can check out the launch trailer after the jump!

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Darkstalkers: Sako Vs. Daigo Umehara In Special Match Session

After an interview with Sako and Daigo Umehara, Famitsu and Enterbrain uploaded a video on a special play session using Darkstalkers: Resurrection.

While the interviews talked about both players' past performances, the play session show off if they still remember their abilities from both Vampire Hunter/Night Warriors and Vampire Savior/Darkstalkers 3. While a majority of their matches are not fully presented, the most important ones were including Umehara's Bishamon and Sako's Bulleta/B.B. Hood in Darkstalkers 3.

Make sure to check out the video featuring commentary from Nuki and Capcom's Tomoaki Ayano after the jump!

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Darkstalkers: Interviews With Sako And Daigo Umehara About Their History With The Series

Darkstalkers: Resurrection is closing in and Japanese media company Enterbrain interviewed Sako and Daigo Umehara about their past involvement in the series' competitive scene.

Prior to their prominence in Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Ver. 2012, both Sako and Umehara were known players in playing Vampire Savior/Darkstalkers 3. Both talk with Nuki about various historical points in at the time including Umehara's 286 win streak in one arcade and Sako conditioning himself on a Sega Saturn to create the "Sako Special" with Bulleta/B.B. Hood.

You can check out the video after the jump and the translation notes here! Enterbrain will soon upload a more match-focused video on March 8 so stay tuned!

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Darkstalkers: Japanese Version Of Resurrection Releasing As Physical Build

The upcoming Darkstalkers Resurrection is coming out next week for North America, Europe, and Japan but the latter is receiving it in a different fashion on the PlayStation 3.

While considered as a downloadable title, Vampire Resurrection in Japan will be released on PS3 through retail on a Blu-ray disc. It is unknown at the moment if it also affects the Xbox 360 version to be released on DVD-ROM. While nothing different has been revealed for being retail but it will feature both Japanese and English support.

Darkstalkers Resurrection is available next week on PlayStation 3 (Feb. 12) and Xbox 360 (Feb. 13, also European release) and Feb. 14 in Japan. You can check out a report from Tomoaki Ayano of a recent playable event at Akihabara here! Stay tuned for more Darkstalkers-related coverage!


Darkstalkers: Giant Bomb's Quick Look Of Resurrection 

The guys at Giant Bomb did an advance quick look of the upcoming Darkstalkers Resurrection.

Jeff Gerstmann and Vinny Caravella checked out both Night Warriors and Darkstalkers 3/Vampire Savior and also toyed around with the various aspects including the tutorial and some graphical settings. While they are not the best at the game, they do their best in providing a good presentation of the upcoming downloadable game.

You can check out the full 24 minute quick look after the jump. Stay tuned on IPLAYWINNER for Darkstalkers Resurrection content in the coming future! (Pic source)

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Darkstalkers: How To Play Video By Combofiend

The upcoming Darkstalkers: Resurrection is near and to get help get people started, Combofiend over at Capcom provided a video on various mechanics found in the series.

This video goes into providing information about specific mechanics including pushblocking tech hits, guard cancelling, pursuit attacks, and Vampire Savior's Dark Force mode.

You can find the video after the jump and check out the Darkstalkers channel on Youtube!

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Darkstalkers : Resurrection Announced For Xbox 360 And PlayStation 3

At New York Comic-Con today, Capcom announced a bundle pack of HD remasters of the fighting game classics Darkstalkers 2 (Night Warriors) and 3 (also known as Vampire Savior) for release on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network.

Named "Darkstalkers Resurrection" the bundle will use the GGPO netcode, HD filters, online ping rates, concept art and a plethora of many others similar to that of Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition and Marvel vs. Capcom Origins. The game is scheduled for release early in 2013.