Entries in Street Fighter Alpha (5)


Capcom announces Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Tournament Series

In celebration of 30 years of Street Fighter and the company's release of the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, Capcom has partnered with three fighting game community events to put a spotlight back on these classic games.

The Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Tournament Series will have one competition at each of three events in 2018: CEO, SoCal Regionals and Canada Cup. Each event will feature one 30th Anniversary competition—CEO will host Super Street Fighter II: Turbo, SoCal Regionals will run Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Canada Cup will fight for the future with Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike—and the prize pool of each tournament will be $7,000.

Readers can watch the series' announcement trailer after the jump. For more information on the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Tournament Series, including rules, prize breakdowns and event dates, those interested can head to the Street Fighter website.

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Capcom announces Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection

At the beginning of the top eight for Street Fighter V at Capcom Cup 2017, the maker of Street Fighter announced a new compilation game celebrating the series' history.

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection will include 12 titles spanning the history of the SF franchise. Every game from the core series, including Street Fighter, SFII, SFIII and the Alpha series, will be part of the package. The games will all come with "arcade perfect gameplay," and Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting, Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike will have online play with rollback netcode.

This collection is developed by Digital Eclipse, recently known for working on the Mega Man Legacy Collection series. Along with the core features, Digital Eclipse added a variety of extra modes and features such as a gallery of the series, a music player, in-game save states and more.

The Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection will be releasing on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Steam and Nintendo Switch in May 2018. The official announcement post from Capcom Unity can be found here. Readers can check out the trailer below.

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Japanese Street Fighter Alpha 3 Kumite Battles, Dramatic Battles & More by Vegas Cup

If you need more Japanese Street Fighter Alpha in your life, check out this channel!

Vegas Cup is dedicated to all things Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Street Fighter Zero 3 in Japan). They are known for uploading kumite sessions with a player fighting all characters in A3 and related events.

After New Years Day 2015, the channel uploaded additional material including 2vs1 dramatic battle matches and play sessions of both the Alpha and Street Fighter II series of games.

Some of the videos can be found after the jump! Make sure to subscribe to the channel for more Alpha 3 videos and follow on Twitter!

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New Classic Fighting Game Match Videos from Psychochronic

Need a fix of vanilla Tekken 6, Vampire Savior or X-Men vs. Street Fighter? Check out some of the videos after the jump.

Uploaded by old school fighting game community player Psychochronic, the new set contains classic competitive videos from both North America and Japan. Some have only been available on video sites like Niconico while others haven't been on the Internet for a while. There is also footage of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Street Fighter Alpha 3 and more on his YouTube channel.

Go watch them now below!

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Playstation Vita vs PSP Comparison Video of Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max

One of the many great features of the new Playstation Vita is that it can play over 250 games from the PSP's library.  So how does the new PS Vita, with it's powerful hardware and amazing 5-inch OLED screen, handle the emulation of some of the exceptional 2D fighters that are available?  This video by Prelucid gives us a great look by directly comparing Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max on both systems and pointing out the differences.  It's certainly interesting stuff. Check out the video after the break, and if you already have a PS Vita and want to share your own thoughts please hit up the comments!

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