Entries in street fighter 2 (23)


Back from the lab: NKI returns with a new video exploiting Super Turbo

One of the longtime U.S. combo and glitch video makers has returned from hiatus as NKI has released an eight-minute video detailing some of the weird hitboxes and other system pecularities of the game known in North America as Super Street Fighter II: Turbo.

NKI was one of a handful of players that helped resurrect ST in the early 2000s, compiling data from players all over the world and making videos breaking down theories about the different versions of the game.

NKI Volume XII never breaks the game's system, instead using macros, save states and an emulator to capture oddities that might only be found in a single frame of the game's action. As such, NKI has also compiled a transcipt of every situation in the video, explaining to viewers what exactly is happening and how those states were achieved.

Readers can check out the video below, and find all of NKI's previous videos on Preppy's website.

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Capcom announces Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Tournament Series

In celebration of 30 years of Street Fighter and the company's release of the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, Capcom has partnered with three fighting game community events to put a spotlight back on these classic games.

The Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Tournament Series will have one competition at each of three events in 2018: CEO, SoCal Regionals and Canada Cup. Each event will feature one 30th Anniversary competition—CEO will host Super Street Fighter II: Turbo, SoCal Regionals will run Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Canada Cup will fight for the future with Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike—and the prize pool of each tournament will be $7,000.

Readers can watch the series' announcement trailer after the jump. For more information on the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Tournament Series, including rules, prize breakdowns and event dates, those interested can head to the Street Fighter website.

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Training, Versus modes coming to Street Fighter 30th Anniversary 

Two modes will be added to the 12-game collection of Street Fighter titles as part of a downloadable update.

According to Capcom Unity, "fan feedback" lead the company to add the modes, which will be available as a day one patch at the game's release. All 12 games in the collection will receive Versus Mode, but only the games with online play—Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting, Super Street Fighter II: Turbo, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike and Street Fighter Alpha 3—will have Training Mode. Training Mode in all four games will offer damage display, input display and dummy controls as well as game-specific options.

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection releases for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Steam on May 29, 2018.


Capcom releases video on the history of Street Fighter, SF2

In anticipation of the upcoming Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, Capcom has released the first in a series of videos that will talk about the history of each game included in the compilation.

The history of Street Fighter and SF2 spans roughly 16 minutes and covers each version of the blockbuster sequel. Narrated by James Chen, the video gives a broad overview of each title along with some noteworthy details about gameplay or lore.

Readers can check out the video after the jump. Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection releases for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Steam on May 30, 2018.

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Tournament of Legends III announced for Canada Cup 2018

Super Turbo Revival has announced its third event aiming to bring the greatest Super Street Fighter II Turbo players from across the world together to see who is the best.

Tournament of Legends III will be held on Oct. 26-28, 2018, during Canada Cup 2018. While the previous TOLs were held during Evolution in 2012 and 2014, respectively, Super Turbo Revival chose Canada Cup because of the event's recent dedication to the game. 

Much like its predecessors, TOL III will see 32 qualified competitors fight it out in a double elimination tournament. Qualification will happen either through direct invite from the STR committee or by winning one of the many qualifying events throughout 2018.

For more information on Tournament of Legends III, its rules and qualifying events, head over to Super Turbo Revival.


Capcom announces Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection

At the beginning of the top eight for Street Fighter V at Capcom Cup 2017, the maker of Street Fighter announced a new compilation game celebrating the series' history.

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection will include 12 titles spanning the history of the SF franchise. Every game from the core series, including Street Fighter, SFII, SFIII and the Alpha series, will be part of the package. The games will all come with "arcade perfect gameplay," and Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting, Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike will have online play with rollback netcode.

This collection is developed by Digital Eclipse, recently known for working on the Mega Man Legacy Collection series. Along with the core features, Digital Eclipse added a variety of extra modes and features such as a gallery of the series, a music player, in-game save states and more.

The Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection will be releasing on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Steam and Nintendo Switch in May 2018. The official announcement post from Capcom Unity can be found here. Readers can check out the trailer below.

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Capcom serves up new information on Ultra Street Fighter II

Capcom has released a new trailer and soundtrack sample for the updated version of the company's classic fighter.

The game's second trailer features more of the game's various modes, from Dynamic Battle and Gallery to the new Color Edit Mode. The preview also shows the various ways people can play the game.

Capcom has also released a five-minute preview of the game's audio tracks that alternates between original and new versions. According to Capcom, players will be able to switch between the original and new renditions of these classic songs.

Players can check out the second trailer and audio sampling after the jump.

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Ultra Street Fighter II coming to Nintendo Switch on May 26

The latest update to the classic Street Fighter II is coming home at the end of May.

Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers will release simultaneously across the world on May 26, 2017. In the U.S., the game will retail for $39.99.

First announced in January 2017, USFII will add new characters Evil Ryu and Violent Ken to the Street Fighter II universe. The game will also feature a two-on-one "Dyamic Battle" mode like that seen in some of the Street Fighter Alpha titles, the first-person "Way of the Hado" scenario and more.  


New vinyl pressing of Street Fighter II soundtrack announced

Brave Wave has announced a new pressing of "Street Fighter II: The Definitive Soundtrack," which will be available for preorder on Oct. 10, 2016.

"The Definitive Soundtrack" contains more than 100 tracks from both CPS-1 and CPS-2 versions of SF2 that have been digitally restored with approval from series composer Yoko Shimomura. The album is currently available in CD and digital formats, but the four LP set has been sold out for months.

Buyers will be able to preorder the new pressing on the company's new merchandise store, which will be revealed on Oct. 10. For more information about the soundtrack, head over to Brave Wave.


"Continue?" Figures Immortalize Street Fighters in Defeat

For arcade gamers, the continue screen was the final insult before returning home, a glaring reminder that the player had run out of quarters.

In many titles, the continue screen was nothing more than a simple countdown, but Capcom games like Final Fight and Street Fighter II took it to the next level, showing the player's character battered and beaten or—in the case of Final Fight—about to be blown up.

Now Embrace Japan is recreating those memories with the "Continue? Portrait" line of PVC figures. Consisting of the first 12 world warriors, the line shows the defeated characters waiting for players to put another quarter in and restart the fight. Each portrait sits on a small black platform with the iconic "Continue?" written on it.

The figures look to be a nice throwback to Street Fighter's roots, but no details about pricing or release are available at this time.



Street Fighter II: Rainbow Edition Ranking Battle From Neo Amusement Space A-CHO Game Center

Kyoto, Japan's most popular arcade uploaded new videos of the well-known Street Fighter II hack.

Street Fighter II: Rainbow Edition returns to Neo Amusement Space A-CHO for 1vs1 matches as part of their ranking battle series. With nearly an hour of footage, you can expect projectile lockdowns, in-match character switching and more unusual strategies.

Both videos can be found after the jump and more fighting game matches on A-CHO's YouTube channels (main, tournament)

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Fighterpedia's Debut Episode Covers Early Street Fighter Design Sketches

TheSw1tcher launched a new video series covering fighting game history called Fighterpedia. If you can bear with the hosts' harshly sarcastic tone, you'll catch a glimpse of some early Street Fighter II design sketches of characters we know and love, as well as some obvious rejects.

Witness the evolution of Vega and learn Zangief's original name after the break!

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Street Fighter 2 Retrospective by G4

G4TV just put up a retrospective celebrating the 20th anniversary of Street Fighter 2.  Morgan Webb gets memories from UltraDavid, Floe, Mike Ross, Gootecks, and James Chen as well as their favorite characters. 

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20th Anniversary of Street Fighter 2

Now I really feel old.  Street Fighter 2 was released on this day twenty years ago in arcades, and it changed fighting games forever. 

I still remember my local mall arcade having a full dozen SF2 machines with people crushing around each one to get a chance to play.  I only ponied up the money to buy my SNES when SF2 was released on that console, and I have poured many hundreds of hours into it.  This game is linked to some great memories for me.

Do you have any special SF2 memories?  Share them in the comments, and happy birthday Street Fighter 2!!

Tip from Capcom Unity.

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Capcom Arcade: Street Fighter 2 and Three Other Arcade Classics Hit iPhone

Return to the heyday of the arcade in all its retro glory with the release of Capcom Arcade for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Free to download and offering three free plays a day, Capcom Arcade is packed with four of Capcom's most popular coin-op titles including Street Fighter II, the original Ghouls 'N Ghosts, 1942 and Commando.

Capcom Arcade features near pixel-perfect translations of these four classics games. Each day players will get three free plays that they can use for any game in the arcade. If they'd like to play more, additional "Tokens" can be purchased in the Capcom Arcade and mega fans can also buy a "Cabinet" outright for unlimited play and maximum value.

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Capcom Arcade Coming to iPhone: Street Fighter 2 Included

Capcom is releasing a new iPhone App called Capcom Arcade.  It allows you to play some of Capcom's arcade classics on the go. 

Expected to release in early November, Capcom Arcade will include four arcade titles for free.  They are Street Fighter 2, Ghouls n Gohsts, 1942 and Commando. The menu aesthetic is that of a virtual Capcom Arcade, with anime-styled greeters, and arcade cabinets to select the various games.

Read more about pricing and DLC, as well as a hands-on video, after the jump!

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Street Fighter 2: Lionheart Edition

Back to work on Monday and not feeling it? Trust me, I've been there. Nothing better than a Van Damme Street Fighter spoof to brighten up the day, but this isn't from Street Fighter II The Movie. Though the idea is pretty simple, the execution is...perfect! Check it out after the break.

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Street Fighter II Glitch Handbook

Error1 over at Combovid.com put together an awesome list of glitches you can perform in the Street Fighter II series. This list has everything from the Guile Handcuff glitch to the Invisible Dhalsim glitch. One thing he mentions, is that you have to wonder if a number of these glitches are intentional or simply an oversight in programming by Capcom. Either way, this is a worthy read so go check it out!

Street Fighter II Glitch Handbook


IGN Originals: Street Fighter Jet Lag

IGN put together a short parody video of Street Fighter II. I wonder if Justin and Daigo feel the same as Ken in this video? 

Things that weren't kept fighting game fan friendly:

- Ken called Ryu "Guy in white gi who does every same move as I do". Ken and Ryu are best friends, he would definitely know who is he fighting against!

- When Scorpion says "I'm in Hell, you sent me to Hell" he's referring to Netherrealm, his "home". Why is he bitching about it?


For Weekend Fun: A look back at some of Capcom's 90s promo videos for Street Fighter 2

Just for fun, over the weekend, let's take a look back in time at some of Capcom's promo vids for versions of Street Fighter 2 for the SNES and Genesis back in the early 90s.

Street Fighter 2 Turbo promo video sent out by Capcom in the 90s to promote the SNES version as well as some other Capcom products. 

Here's a promo vid for Street Fighter 2 Championship Edition for the Sega Genesis. It reuses some of the footage from the above promo for Turbo.

Thanks to NeoGAF for pointing one of these videos out!