« Back from the lab: NKI returns with a new video exploiting Super Turbo »

One of the longtime U.S. combo and glitch video makers has returned from hiatus as NKI has released an eight-minute video detailing some of the weird hitboxes and other system pecularities of the game known in North America as Super Street Fighter II: Turbo.
NKI was one of a handful of players that helped resurrect ST in the early 2000s, compiling data from players all over the world and making videos breaking down theories about the different versions of the game.
NKI Volume XII never breaks the game's system, instead using macros, save states and an emulator to capture oddities that might only be found in a single frame of the game's action. As such, NKI has also compiled a transcipt of every situation in the video, explaining to viewers what exactly is happening and how those states were achieved.
Readers can check out the video below, and find all of NKI's previous videos on Preppy's website.
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