« 20th Anniversary of Street Fighter 2 »
Now I really feel old. Street Fighter 2 was released on this day twenty years ago in arcades, and it changed fighting games forever.
I still remember my local mall arcade having a full dozen SF2 machines with people crushing around each one to get a chance to play. I only ponied up the money to buy my SNES when SF2 was released on that console, and I have poured many hundreds of hours into it. This game is linked to some great memories for me.
Do you have any special SF2 memories? Share them in the comments, and happy birthday Street Fighter 2!!
Tip from Capcom Unity.
Reader Comments (8)
Myself...I got into video games from Street Fighter 2 Turbo on the SNES, i distinctly remember when i was around...4? The whole family was around because the younger brother was just born...at my house they was all celebrating, my Dad & Uncle were playing SF2T, Ryu vs Ken, Ryu Stage, both Turbo colours, they didn't pull off any special moves or so, they just did BnB's (J. RH > C. RH)...the way they'd act up and get loud when they won...i was sold from then...
When i first saw Shoryukens, Hadokens, Ryus ending, Turbo setting, those cold autumn evening Saturdays on Vs Mode, those 11am Sunday dinner cooking mad early mornings on Chun lis stage...the memories just keep flooding in...
It sucks to be the new generation of kids who'll never realise how golden the 90's era was for us all...
Oh! & Friday nights playing Street Fighter II on the Game Boy...Some great times :D :D
God I remember SNES SF2. it was rough learning to play the game using snes pad but man, i remember thinking this was arcade perfect. such good memories haha.
I remember falling for the EGM april fools joke Sheng Long hidden character gag, haha! OMG.
This was my very first fighting game, I played this on the Commodore Amiga... That was a rock age lol
Best memories of sf2 .. ski ressort back in 90's was about 7 years old and played at the ski inn all day.
My mom was soo pissed at me for not skiing and tough i was lost..
truth was.... i was practicing my hadookens all day !! and killing all new commers
SF for life !!
I first laid eyes on this game when I was about 5 or 6 years old. My cousin and I were at a bowling alley and our minds were blown!! The game still amazes and it's legacy has withstood the test of time. Happy Birthday Street Fighter II!!!!
My first memory of it comes indeed from a bowling allay of all places, seems like every bowling allay in America picked it up. I remember standing there just watching the screen fascinated by the game. Who was this dude with the Electric powers? and why did Ken and Ryu have the same moves. Are they brothers? are they bitter rivals?
I remember my first time playing even, were i basically just spinned the control stick around and smashed on buttons. This of course ended up getting hands to come out on Honda and i was sold from there on. same place would end up getting Turbo and i would get turbo for my birthday on my SNES. My friend Alexander would come over on the weekends and we would do nothing but drink soda and my turbo for the entire time.
Street Fighter has meant so much to me and god do i ever feel old that its been 20 freaking years.
I remember my first play, though it wasn't until 1993. They had two arcade machines in a little alcove inside a video rental store, one championship edition and one original. My first match: I picked Blanka, defeated my friend in two rounds and then childishly refused to run it back! (Obviously I didn't know the phrase then but you get the idea. I was only 12.)
I fell for the April Fool's joke about SF2 coming out on original Game Boy... But years later I think it really did.
They replaced the cabinets with Bomberman some time later :0(
i agree with the first comment, there is so many memories on this subject its hard to understand unless you were alive at the time. Long live the early arcade and game console years, The golden years.