« SF x TK: DLC Character Breakdown for Dudley, Lars, Alisa & Elena »
Capcom-Unity posted up a translation of the latest official Street Fighter x Tekken blog entry where the game's Director, Okada, talks about some of the upcoming DLC characters. This is worth checking out as it details many of the characters moves and their various properties and gives those of you looking forward to the characters a sneak peek of sorts at their unique playstyles.
Check out a small excerpt for Lars after the break and read the entire entry here.
Lightning Screw is another rising kick special move that also has the little perk of being completely invincible on startup. The EX version adds an extra attack to an airborne opponent, opening up more combo possibilities.
Dynamic Entry is a forward moving, rushing body attack.
You can add up to 3 additional attacks, with low and mid-hitting variants. The EX version of this causes the opponent to bounce off the ground, making it a good attack to start combos.