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about 11 years ago

« Here is the Top 16 Payout Breakdown for the Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown EVO2012 Tournament »

As many of you know, SEGA put together one hell of a tournament at EVO this year by pumping $15,000 into the pot. The payout was spread out quite generously though, as the top 16 placers ended up getting a piece of the pie. This pot bonus drew in players from all over the world and had all of us here in North America training like crazy as soon -- and even a bit before -- the game was officially released. 

Senior Producer Frank Hom posted a look back at how Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown made it on the big stage at EVO. Everything from the Southtown Arcade Ranbats to the official Launch Party on Los Angels played a part in pushing the game to new players and long time fans alike.

With that, they posted the "leaderboards" from the EVO2012 tournament and it details what the players came away with when the dust settled.  You'll see that while international players took most of the cheese, there were still a few North American players holding it down as well. Check out the breakdown after the jump and read Frank's blog post by clicking here!

1. Fuudo $3,529.04
2. Shironuko $2,352.69
3. Itazan $1,764.52
4. Kissa $1,411.61
5. Kamaage $1,176.35
6. Gentleman Thief $1,058.71
7. aopai $941.08
8. Prodigal Son $705.81
9. Tokido $588.17
9. Chief Flash $588.17
9. JunoSynth $588.17
9. Gamerbee $588.17
13. masang_lion $588.17
13. GoatCheeseBlues $588.17
13. Jide $588.17
13. R_Panda $588.17

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