« Evil Geniuses Justin Wong/TS Sabin/Spirant in MVC Origins »

I'm back again wtih some MVC1 high level play from the Marvel vs Capcom: Origins re-release port by Iron Galaxy. This time, I take on Evil Genuises very own Justin Wong as well as SpirantGuitar, a solid online player that joined us in the lobby as well! I have 2 separate videos for you guys here, so enjoy the matches! My ping to Justin is around 80-90ms since he's based in California - however, due to both of us having fiber optic internet + Iron Galaxy's implementation of GGPO netcode, the connection between both of us feels lag free (with GGPO delay set to zero.) Props to Iron Galaxy and Ponder for the best implementation of GGPO on a console yet! Enjoy the videos and don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel at FGCSabin.
TS Sabin vs JWong vs SpirantGuitar - Set 1 | Set 2