« Starbase Arcade First to 10s Live This Wednesday at 9PM PST »
If you like long set matches then you are going to love this week at Starbase as it's going to be all about FT10s. We've got some great showmatches lined up for everyone this week featuring some of NorCal's finest.
The featured games this week are Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Super Street fighter 4: AE Ver. 2012 and Street Fighter x Tekken. I've also seen some chatter on Twitter about some SoulCalibur V showmatches as well.
Hit the jump to see which players are attending and the marquee matches. Of course tune in around 9PM PST on our TwitchTV Channel to catch it live!
IGL Honzo Gonzo (Task/Doom/Ammy) vs The Rimrattler (Wesker/Task/Strange)
These two fought each other later week at the Starbase tournament and Honzo took it pretty convincingly. When I asked who wanted in on these FT10s The Rimrattler was the first to respond to me on twitter asking to get faced against IGL Honzo Gonzo showing to me he wants that runback.
Hagure (Doom/Task/Ammy) vs Karmaa (Trish/Nova/Doom)
Hagure Putting Doom on point has great mix-ups with the Ammy cold star assist and impressive hit confirms. Though he might have a hard time getting in against Trish and Doom missiles with Karmaa's super lame rush down style.
SSF4 2012
DemonLos (Balrog) vs Doug (Guy)
Both of these players are Starbase regulars and should make for an exciting match. DemonLos has been playing Balrog since SF4 original release while Doug picked up Guy at the beginning of SSF4 and slowly has dropped Fei Long in favor of Guy which in my opinion have become one of the best Guys America has to offer. Both have been grinding so I'm hoping we will see some new tech from both players.
Hoodaman (Nina/Heihachi) vs Ramin (Ken/Steve)
Everybody's favorite Honda (sorry Mike Ross) and also the guardian of Starbase Hoodaman shows off his skills in SFxT against Ramin who transferred over his Dudley play from SSF4 into Steve in SFxT. Both are offense heavy players and in a rush down heavy game like SFxT it should make for some exciting matches.