« AFTERSHOCK - NorCal vs SoCal - UMVC3/KOFXIII - 9/15/2012 »

We're teaming up with UltraChen TV next month to bring you guys what we hope to be one of the most entertaining events of the year: Aftershock! This will be a true NorCal vs SoCal invitational tournament to finally determine which scene is the best in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3! We'll also have a very special opening act featuring some of the top King of Fighters XIII players from both regions. Who will take home bragging rights and...more?
The event goes down September 15th at UC Santa Barbara with the live stream being produced by IPLAYWINNER. We'll have more exciting details very, very soon but in the meantime what are your predictions so far? Hit the comments and let us know your thoughts!