
« P4A: European Release Delayed Due to "Development Issues" »

Publisher Zen United is trying to bring Persona 4: Arena to Europe but it sounds like they have hit a few snags along the way and players in that region will have to wait a bit longer to get their hands on the game. In a recent statement they say the delay is due to "development issues" that they aren't directly involved with and any release dates that are floating around online are purely speculation. They mention that when they have a solid release date they will let the community know as soon as possible. 

Hit the jump to read the full statement.



There are currently a number of issues surrounding development and subsequent release of Persona 4 Arena in Europe. As we are not directly involved in the development process for P4A, these are elements which are beyond our control. We are however, doing everything we can to help resolve this, so that we can get the game into stores and, crucially, into your hands as quickly as possible.

We do understand your frustration and a need for a concrete release date, however, until we can ascertain exactly what that release period will be we are hesitant to do so. We would rather have all the facts about release to hand, and all issues be resolved, before making such an announcement.

Please be assured that as soon as WE know what the release date will be, YOU will be the first to know. 

Any dates you see online are purely speculation. The first announcement of a release date will happen on the Persona Europe FB page and thePersona 4 FB page. We will then notify our contacts in the main Fighting Game Communities around Europe. If you have not seen a confirmed release date on this page, then it is best taken as a rumour. 

Please also be aware, any events that are taking place around Europe will not disrupt the process of releasing them game. Given that these issues have arisen, the team here are making a concerted effort to support the community by having payable builds at your events while you await release. I know many of you are eager to play P4A, and we will facilitate that as best we can in the interim.

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