« UMVC3: Spencer TAC Infinite Demonstrated by Desk »
Desk uploaded a new Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 clip showcasing a TAC infinite with Spencer. It involves using his Wiregrapple and a Forward Zipline over and over to keep it going. Check out the video after the jump along with Desk's notes.
Are you using TAC infinites or do you find them too difficult to pull off in real matches?
[Down TAC] j.S, H-Wiregrapple, j.H [j.H, forward-Zipline x 3, j.S] repeat
[Up TAC] j.M-H-S, H-Wiregrapple, j.H [j.H, forward-Zipline x 3, j.S] repeat
Tip: The higher Spencer is when you get the OTG wiregrapple, the easier it is to get the initial (infinite enabling) j.H.
Also, if they get too high, just delay the j.H. You have bags of time because the hit stun is so huge from the j.S.
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