« Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Arcade Stick By Mad Catz Featured At Penny Arcade Expo, Also Announced For Wii-U Console »

Along with Hori, Mad Catz has joined in on having a stick for Tekken Tag Tournament 2's release! Mad Catz is bringing back one of their old favorite model types for the occasion.
Featured at Penny Arcade Expo Prime, or PAX Prime for short, Mad Catz's Tekken Tag Tournament 2 stick will be based on their FightStick TE-S build introduced during Super Street Fighter IV's release and revived for Soulcalibur V. Unlike the SCV version, the TTT2 model will return to a solid black body but with transparent sides and normal TE-style bezel. The playing layout will be based on the Namco Noir arcade cabinets so your wavedashes from any side won't hit your hands used for buttons.
After checking out the selection of press pictures, it seems that they made the art replacement process easier by allowing a plexi go over the existing stock art and will have a bottom panel with material similar to felt or Hori's foamy leather padding.
There isn't an official date of the stick's release as of yet but it's likely to come out near of the game's release. The Wii-U version announced on the press release will probably arrive when the version of the game arrives later this year.