« LOST IN SPACE 003 Results and Replays - Updated With UMVC3 »
This Sunday was the return of LOST IN SPACE at Starbase Arcade. We once again hosted KOFXIII, SSF4 AE 2012, and UMVC3. Laban and Walkman showed up for King of Fighters XIII to break the mold that is the Southtown Arcade regulars. Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition 2012 had a great turnout with some more new faces that had never been to Starbase before and a few norbay guys that haven't been in a while. Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 was short and sweet with MC KBeast, MC Honzo Gonzo and STA Windzero dominating the six man round robin.
You can check out some KOFXIII replays after the jump or on our Youtube Channel while replays of SSF4 and UMVC3 will follow.
If you want to check out the results click on the links below to see the brackets for each game.

SSF4 replays are now up on our Youtube Channel!
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