« UMVC3 is 3/5 at Final Round »

A quick update from Shinblanka was posted on sunday and not too many caught it, so here it is after the jump.
I don't know if we announced this to the rest of the public or not, but after doing a lot of research and comparing other popular games vs umvc3 duration of matches in a 3/5 format I have found that UMvC3 is by far the fastest tournament game by far. So much that my concerns of having umvc3 on 3/5 fit within the schedule we are going to prepare for FR16 have vanished. So I just want to make it official anouncement for FR16 that UMvC3 will be 3/5 for the entire tournament. (That means during pool play and after pools) More news to come in the up coming weeks about FR16! There's only 52 days until the hype is UNLEASHED!
Welp there you have it, not a big thing to some, but this should alleivate any concerns for those few who were concerned.
Source: http://www.facebook.com/FinalRoundAtl
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