« Penultimate JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle CPU League Video, Releases Aug. 29, 2013 »
Cyberconnect2's JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle is nearing its release. Here is the second to last CPU League video!
This video is a continuation of their single-elimination bracket finals with only a handful of characters remaining including DIO, Jotaro Kujo, Caesar Zeppeli and JoJolion's Josuke Higashikata. The tournament will fully conclude before the game's release date with the last two characters going at it on Aug. 28!
The video also has the developers playing each other as well.
You can find the video archive after the jump! The game will be available on the PlayStation 3 in Japan on Aug. 29! Make sure to stay tuned to IPLAYWINNER!