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Entries in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (23)


Cyberbots, Project Justice, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure & More From A-CHO's Capcom Histrical-vsgame Olympic 2015

Neo Amusement Space A-CHO's annual Capcom Histrical-vsgame Olympic returned to celebrate old and new fighting games from Capcom.

Kyoto, Japan's popular game center recorded their multi-game tournament series on Jan. 12 featuring creations such as Street Fighter EX2 Plus, Capcom vs. SNK 2, Project Justice, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure & Cyberbots. While there is high-level footage of most of the aforementioned games, Cyberbots is the least common of the bunch so footage of that will be new to most fighting game players.

Video archives can be found after the jump! Stay tuned to A-CHO's tournament channel to upload more Capcom fighters from their annual event.

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure HD Removed From Xbox Live Marketplace, Online Still Playable

The high definition port of Capcom's JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fighting game has been delisted from from the Xbox 360's digital store.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure HD was removed from the Xbox Live Marketplace on Xbox 360. Joystiq reached out to Capcom about the delisting but a representative only stated "that online play is not affected for existing owners."

Xbox 360 owners should still be able to redownload the game through their download history. The PlayStation 3 version is still available on the PlayStation Network at the moment.

JJBAHD was released as part of the 25th Anniversary of the franchise, which also featured the new animated series and Bandai Namco Games/CyberConnect2 fighter All Star Battle. JJBAHD was based on the arcade version's second release, Heritage for the Future.


North American Version Of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle Receiving Limited Physical Edition

The North American localization of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure will only have a limited pressing of physical copies.


All Star Battle will be arriving sometime in 2014 digitally, but those who want the limited physical version will have to buy it on either Amazon or Club Namco.

This version of All Star Battle will also receive a special Arcade Mode where players in certain occasions can gain more gold that can be used for buying extra content. Post-release balance changes will also be available in this localization.

You can find screenshots featuring localization changes above and a trailer after the jump!

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle To Recieve New Update On Nov. 28

CyberConnect2's latest fighting game based on the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga series will be updated for more rebalance changes.

On Nov. 28, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle players can boot up the game to version 1.04. Adjustments will include modifications to the gaining and using of heart heat, and characters with Stands will be changed to provide a balance between using Stand On and Stand Off. Various moves from all of the characters will be reworked as well.

You can find more information behind the patch here.


International Release Of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle Receiving Localization Changes

For those getting the international version of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle, there will be changes in the localization area.

Siliconera reported that Namco Bandai will be changing names of various characters but will be working with JJBA's manga publisher Shueisha "to make sure that the localized names for the characters fit with [creator] Hirohiko Araki’s intentions 'while not offending any party'." The Japanese hit effects found in-game will carry over to at least the US version of the game with no changes.

The series is known for having characters and stands featuring names based on various bands, musicians, songs and albums. The international versions of both CPS-III games JoJo's Venture and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage For The Future received localization changes to many of the character names including Vanilla Ice (pictured above), which was changed to Iced.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle will be arriving in 2014 for North America, Europe and Australasia on the PlayStation 3.

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Vanilla Ice In Next JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle Downloadable Character Set

More content is arriving for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle!

Narciso Anasui from Stone Ocean will be premiering with his Diver Down stand. Vanilla Ice, and his Cream, stand from Stardust Crusaders makes their return since appearing in the CPS-III JJBA game Heritage For The Future.

For current owners of All Star Battle, a patch is issued to further balance the game.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle is now available in Japan with an international release slated for 2011.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Releasing Internationally, Including North America, In 2014

CyberConnect2's fighter based on the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series will now be coming out outside Japan.

This fighting game adaptation of the popular long-running manga series will be localized for international nations including North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. This will feature the same amount of content found on the current Japanese edition including the story mode focusing on major battles found in the manga series. No other details have been revealed at the moment.

Still published by Namco Bandai Games, All Star Battle will be available sometime in 2014.


Lisa Lisa & Old Joseph As Upcoming Downloadable Characters In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle

More content for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle is coming including two popular characters from the earlier series of storylines.

An older version of Joseph featured in Stardust Crusaders will be appearing with a combination of both is ripple powers and his Hermit Purple stand. This version of Joseph was also playable in Capcom's JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future.

Battle Tendency's Elizabeth "Lisa Lisa" Joestar will also be avaialable with her own ripple mode.

Both will be available for download on the Japanese PlayStation Store on Sep. 26.


Three New Downloadable Characters Announced For JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle

With JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle arriving in the next few days and Namco Bandai Games announced three more characters to appear in the game.

After the live grand finals broadcast of the CPU League, they featured a new trailer featuring three characters arriving as downloadable content. Along with the announced Yoshikage Kira from part four Diamond is Unbreakable, Shigechi Yangu, commonly referred to as Shigechi or Fatty, with his Harvest stand will accompany the main antagonist. Pannacotta Fugo from part five Vento Aureo with his stand Purple Haze will also make an appearance. Known for his appearance in part three Stardust Crusaders and the accompaning CPSIII arcade game JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future, the dog companion Iggy returns with his stand The Fool.

While Kira will be included in pre-orders of the game, the other downloadable characters will be priced at 600 Yen (Approx. $6 USD) on the Japanese PlayStation Store. The trailer can be found after the jump!

By Japanese time, the game is available now physically or digitally on the PlayStation Store. For those who might consider buying the additional characters or the game itself through the PSS, please check out this article in regards to import games!

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Penultimate JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle CPU League Video, Releases Aug. 29, 2013

Cyberconnect2's JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle is nearing its release. Here is the second to last CPU League video!

This video is a continuation of their single-elimination bracket finals with only a handful of characters remaining including DIO, Jotaro Kujo, Caesar Zeppeli and JoJolion's Josuke Higashikata. The tournament will fully conclude before the game's release date with the last two characters going at it on Aug. 28!

The video also has the developers playing each other as well.

You can find the video archive after the jump! The game will be available on the PlayStation 3 in Japan on Aug. 29! Make sure to stay tuned to IPLAYWINNER!

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Importing PlayStation 3 Games From Japan Guide Provided By Kurushii & Dustloop

For those who are trying to obtain a fighting game only available in Japan's physical or digital markets on the PlayStation 3, there is a guide that will help you out.

Provided by Kurushii over at Dustloop, he went through a detailed step-by-step guide on what to do when obtaining games for the PS3. He explains on how to utilize a Japanese PlayStation Network account, buying games physically or digitally and info regarding Japanese PlayStation Network codes.

For those who are planning to buy the Japanese version of BlazBlue: Chronophantasma, the upcoming JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle, Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R or any other game sold in Japan, this guide is vital! Make sure to check it out here!


New JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle CPU League & Player Demo Play

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle will be available in Japan next week and CyberConnect2 is closing in on their CPU tournament league.

This phase of the league is a single elimination bracket featuring the characters that won the most from their round robin brackets. As always, you won't see high level gameplay but will feature various moves from each character to get an idea on how they play. At the end, some of the show's hosts and guest play the game with each other.

You can find the video after the jump! JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle will be available for the PlayStation 3 in Japan on Aug. 29, 2013!

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Trailer Six & Fourth CPU League Showcase Of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle is nearing its Aug. 29 release date and here are more videos!

The revealed six trailer presents all the main protagonists and antagonists from the series' storylines as well as showing a small bit of the modes and extra content in the game. The fourth CPU League video shows off G bracket featuring the latest announced characters Dio Brando (Phantom Blood), Funny Valentine, Kosaku Kawajiri and Enrico Pucci. Also included in the CPU league video is a single elimination bracket featuring characters from past round robin brackets who had a high win count.

Make sure to check out both videos, officially from Namco Bandai Games' YouTube channel in actual HD, after the jump!

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Translated System Overview Of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle, Two New Characters Announced

For those who want to understand the mechanics in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle, a translation of the basic system is now available for viewing.


Translated by YouTube users Steel Ball Jack and HystericalGamez, there was able to rephrase Famitsu's site on how the game works into English including the main in-game interface, the five different battle styles, the cinematic command attacks and the Tekken rage-mode like Readiness/Manga state.

Diamond Is Unbreakable's Kosaku Kawajiri, a minor character with a connection to downloadable fighter Yoshikage Kira, and Steel Ball Run's main antagonist Funny Valentine, with his stand Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, have been announced to be part of the game's cast.

You can check out the translated system images on the gallery link above! If you are interested in getting All Star Battle localized for North American and European markets, make sure to check Operation Stardust!


Next JoJo All Star Battle CPU Tournament Showcase To Premiere Dio Brando & Enrico Pucci Gameplay

The CPU tournament showcase for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle has shown almost every character to be featured in the game, and now the public can get ready for two more!

Announced from an issue of Jump, the next bracket from the showcase will premiere Dio Brando (Phantom Blood iteration) and Enrico Pucci in gameplay form. Featured in the bracket as well is a highly voted character featured from the previous brackets.

The next episode of the CPU tournament showcase will air on the game's official Ustream channel at Aug. 7, 2013, with an official YouTube upload on Namco Bandai Games' channel in the days following.


More Videos From JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle CPU Tournament Showcase

Namco Bandai Games uploaded more videos from the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle live streams.

While we were away for EVO, they uploaded blocks C and D from the CPU tournament showcase. These sets featured characters such as Will Zeppeli, Yoshikage Kira and Jolyne Cujo. The recently uploaded video featuring blocks E and F included Joseph Joestar, JoJolion's Josuke Higashikata and Kakyoin. Much like previous CPU tournament videos, the videos at least shows the capabilities for each character, the interactive stages and other in-game mechanics.

You can find both videos after the jump! Blocks A and B can be found here! JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle will be available in Japan on Aug. 29, 2013 for the PlayStation 3!

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JoJo: Block A & B Of All Star Battle CPU Tournament Reveals Gameplay Mechanics

CyberConnect2's computer tournament for the upcoming JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle commenced and features a visual insight to the gameplay of characters and stages.

The video goes through blocks A and B of the CPU tournament played in round robin format. While the level of competition is lacking, the matches show off various moves from the characters, a rage-like mechanic when low on health and stage-specific events that can affect the match.

The video can be found after the jump! Stay tuned for the next set of videos from the rest of the blocks. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle will be available on Aug. 29, 2013 for the PlayStation 3!

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JoJo: Two More Series Antagonists Added In All Star Battle Including Dio Brando

There are still new character reveals for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle including the antagonist that started it all.

In the latest issue of manga magazine Jump, two more characters were introduced into the now overall cast of 31 characters. Stone Ocean antagonist Enrico Pucci and his three stands will join Jolyne and Hermes. Unlike his most common role in Stardust Crusaders as DIO, the Phantom Blood iteration of Dio Brando will be arriving as well!

Make sure to stay tuned for more news on JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle in the future!


Jojo: Stream Archive Of Inaugural Promotional All Star Battle CPU Tournament

Cyberconnect2, the folks behind the upcoming Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle, are doing a special promotional series of streams to show off computer vs computer battles.

Fans of the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure series got to vote for their favorite characters in which the top three were automatically placed in a finals of a CPU tournament. The rest would compete in groups where they fight round-robin style. While a majority of the video is dedicated to placing the characters in the brackets, there are some new in-game footage featuring some of the playable characters! Stay tuned for more videos on this promotional tournament.

You can check out the archive from their Ustream channel and the fifth trailer to All Star Battle released a couple of weeks back after the jump!

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Jojo: Three Characters From Manga's Fifth Series Added To All Star Battle Cast

More and more characters keep getting added in Jojo Bizarre Adventure's upcoming fighter! This case three more from one of the manga's later arcs.

The announcement from Japanese magazine Jump focuses on three characters from part 5 Vento Aureo. Bruno Bucciarati with his stand Sticky Fingers and Narancia Ghirga with his Aerosmith stand serve as allies and Passione gang partners to protagonist Giorno Giovanna. The group would eventually confront Passione boss and antagonist Diavolo and his King Crimson stand. Bruno, Narancia, and Diavolo make up 3/5 of the arc's list of characters.

Stay tuned for more announcements on Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle on PlayStation 3, coming to Japan on August 29, 2013!