« Cyberbots, Project Justice, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure & More From A-CHO's Capcom Histrical-vsgame Olympic 2015 »

Neo Amusement Space A-CHO's annual Capcom Histrical-vsgame Olympic returned to celebrate old and new fighting games from Capcom.
Kyoto, Japan's popular game center recorded their multi-game tournament series on Jan. 12 featuring creations such as Street Fighter EX2 Plus, Capcom vs. SNK 2, Project Justice, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure & Cyberbots. While there is high-level footage of most of the aforementioned games, Cyberbots is the least common of the bunch so footage of that will be new to most fighting game players.
Video archives can be found after the jump! Stay tuned to A-CHO's tournament channel to upload more Capcom fighters from their annual event.