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« Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition Update Now Available On PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 Version Coming Soon »

The next major update to Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition arrives.

The 3SOE patch is now available for download on PlayStation 3. Players can go update the game upon startup. Xbox 360 owners, meanwhile, will have to wait until next week for the update to go into effect. You can read the full details behind what changed and what was added by developer Iron Galaxy Studios below!

In addition, a patch for Marvel vs. Capcom Origins is now available to download on PS3 while Xbox 360 users will again have to wait. The details for MVCO's update are not mentioned but it might fix various sound bugs in Marvel Super Heroes and Marvel vs. Capcom.

We put most of our energy into doing fixes for online modes, as this was the most vocal of the requests we heard via email, message boards, etc:

  • We have successfully migrated all the netcode improvements from MvCO and Darkstalkers to 3SOE, and in our tests the game behaves identical to those in the wild.
  • We replaced ping colors with numbers (in milliseconds).
  • Added filters for region (your current region, or all), opponent skill, and ping.  It’s worth noting that the game will still return you matches that don’t match this criteria if none matching your criteria are found.
  • When creating a lobby you can make it so only people in your region can join.
  • Fixed the problem with the order of the lobby getting jumbled when people ready up.
  • Can “Mute All” on PS3 now.
  • Rank should, in theory, never get reset to 0.  If your rank is currently 0 you will be stuck that way, however.
  • Moved ready/unready to separate buttons.
  • Leaderboards get updated faster/more reliably on PS3.
  • YouTube uploads on 360 will now be at 360p.
  • Defaulted Gill to “banned” in Player Match.

These fixes aren’t online specific, but these are on the list because they were either relatively easy to implement or things we deemed “must fixes” (like the super art meter length).

  • Super Art bars are now the correct length.
  • Can now turn off the Challenge bars on the in-game UI.
  • Added “Disable Stun” to training options.
  • We now remember the super art selected in player select, and default to that selection when you return to player select. It doesn’t auto-pick it, just highlights it.
  • Difficulty now affects Arcade Mode.
  • Fixed visual glitch in Remy’s Stage with scan lines on.
  • Fixed color for Urien’s Reflector (P2).
  • Fixed color for Poison (P2).
  • Made some changes to how Ryu’s bag falls over.
  • Fixed some random locks/hangs.
  • Added color bars by the character portraits on the UI that match the major colors selected by the player.
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