« Macro Micro Gaming and IPW Presents Alpha Clash X This Saturday (3/29) at 8pm PST »
Macro Micro Gaming will be hosting it's 10th event this Saturday night. Alpha Clash is held at The Hacker Dojo which is located at 599, Fairchild Dr. Mountain View, Calif.
Each game will be $10 to enter with the venue fee being $10 as well. Featured games are SSF4 AE 2012, UMVC3, SSBM, Skull Girls, and Killer Instinct. Sign ups are from 6-8 p.m. giving you plenty of time to warm up with casuals.
Players in attendance will be PR Balrog, MMG Julio, Hoodaman, Filipino Champ, MMG Apologyman, MMG Uyuu Pop, LPN, Falcomist, Kimo and many more!
For full event and MMG Player information head over to Macro Micro Gaming's website or Facebook event page.
If you can't show up to the event make sure to check out the stream live starting at 8pm PST on our Twitch.tv Channel. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to get updates on when we go live and to see stream and event updates.