Entries in Alpha Clash (4)


Alpha Clash XIII Results and Replays

Macro Micro Gaming was host to another amazing tournament last night which featured the newly released Ultra Street Figher 4. Players in attendance include, pH Hoodaman, MMG Julio, EG PR Balrog, Filipino Champ, Nima, pH LPN, MMG G Dragon, Dirty Paws, Kurokiba, Brass, Willpower and many more!

You can head over to our Twitch.tv Channel to check out Part 1 and Part 2 of the stream if you missed any of the action! If you want to jump straight to the final matches and the results hit the jump.

Make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook as well as keeping your web browser bookmarked to IPLAYWINNER for news and upcoming events.

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Bay Area Fight Night Results And Replays

Friday we had a great turn out for the first Norcal Ultra Street Fighter 4 tournament! Illiterate showed off a lot of new Rolento tech with EX Moses tearing through the bracket with Dee Jay and myself trying out the new Dudley and Cody changes.

If you missed the stream you can watch every match over on our Twitch.tv Channel now! If Youtube is more of your thing make sure to subscribe to our Youtube Channel to see when they get uploaded.


Ultra Street Fighter 4 | Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

Make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook as well as keeping your web browser bookmarked to IPLAYWINNER for news and upcoming events.


Alpha Clash 12 This Saturday at Hacker Dojo (5/10)

Updated on Monday, May 12, 2014 at 5:33PM by Registered CommenterHarrison Young

Macro Micro Gaming will be hosting it's 12th tourament at Hacker Dojo in Mountain View California! Players include MMG players El Cubano Loco, G. Dragon and Julio, Jeopardy, Brass, Dirty Paws and many more!

Alpha Clash will be hosting Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition 2012, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Super Smash Bros. Melee and Skullgirls. Venue fee is $10 and entry for each game is $10 as well.

Capcom games will be held on XBOX 360 and Smash Bros. will be held on Wii/Gamecube. Venue will be open to casuals at 7pm PST and tournaments will begin at 8pm PST.

If you can't make it out to the tournament we will be live streaming the event starting at 8pm PST on our twitch.tv Channel! If you missed Alpha Clash 11 you can check out the Youtube Playlist after the jump.

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Macro Micro Gaming and IPW Presents Alpha Clash X This Saturday (3/29) at 8pm PST

Macro Micro Gaming will be hosting it's 10th event this Saturday night. Alpha Clash is held at The Hacker Dojo which is located at 599, Fairchild Dr. Mountain View, Calif.  

Each game will be $10 to enter with the venue fee being $10 as well. Featured games are SSF4 AE 2012, UMVC3, SSBM, Skull Girls, and Killer Instinct. Sign ups are from 6-8 p.m. giving you plenty of time to warm up with casuals. 

Players in attendance will be PR Balrog, MMG Julio, Hoodaman, Filipino Champ, MMG Apologyman, MMG Uyuu Pop, LPN, Falcomist, Kimo and many more!

For full event and MMG Player information head over to Macro Micro Gaming's website or Facebook event page.

If you can't show up to the event make sure to check out the stream live starting at 8pm PST on our Twitch.tv Channel. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to get updates on when we go live and to see stream and event updates.