« The TE2 Crossbone, A Modding Bridge Board For Mad Catz Tournament Edition 2 Sticks, Announced By Phreak Mods »
Along with the Crossbone, Clayton Knight of Phreak Mods has a solution for those who have Mad Catz Arcade FighStick Tournament Edition 2 models.
Phreak Mods introduces the TE2 Crossbone, a special board made for TE2 sticks to allow easier multi-platform modding. While the TE2 is not common ground, an electrical reference point found in most commercial arcade sticks, the TE2 Crossbone intends to act as a bridge between the original printed circuit board and the secondary PCB. Being the bridge, it allows boards like the Akishop Customs PS360+ to be compatible. Like the regular Crossbone, the TE2 edition will require some soldering during the installation process.
For players who have a TE2 and want to use it for older consoles, this is your opportunity to check this out. Follow Phreak Mods on Twitter for updates on both the original and TE2 Crossbone units. The TE2 stick is available now on Mad Catz!