« Super Desperation Radio Episode 316 Archive Online »
The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on IPLAYWINNER'S YouTube channel.'
With E3 2014 wrapped up, SDR had a lot to talk about because of the many fighting games featured at the expo. Both Giby and Ayaikun had a chance to play Guilty Gear Xrd, and their experiences are discussed at length throughout the show.
The crew also focused on the announcements for Mortal Kombat X and Super Smash Bros. along with general E3 news including Ayaikun's experiences of working the show for the first time. There is also some quick focus on UNIEL's new character, Byakuya, and thoughts on whether the cast is finally complete.
Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PST on Twitch and YouTube.
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