« First To 10 Ryu Vs. Ryu Set Between Kuroda & Jyobin In Ultra Street Fighter IV »
The best Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike player goes against one of the top ranked Ryu players in a Ultra Street Fighter IV mirror set.
With help from weekly men's magazine series Weekly Playboy (Shupure), you can find a first to 10 Ryu mirror between Kuroda and Koichiro "Jyobin" Matsumoto (#5 ranked in Japanese arcades) after the jump. For Japanese listeners, commentary between both players will also be found after the jump. To Ryu players who want to get more familiar with the mirror matchup in Ultra, then go watch!
Kuroda, a contributor for Shupure, organizes special sets with various players in both Ultra and 3S for the magazine's YouTube channel. He also brings in players to review their sets. Matsumoto, a competitor once part of the Japanese MMA organization Deep, is now one of the trainers for the gym Honey Trap. Matsumoto has been known internationally for his unorthodox Ryu in the Street Fighter IV games.
You can find more sets of Ultra and 3S on Shupure's YouTube channel!
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